The pathological changes occurring inside the body are not suspected for the moment of deterioration of well-being.
But here the changes occurring on the outer shells of the eye or around it become noticeable as soon as you approach the mirror. To pay attention it is possible and on such phenomenon as the vessel burst on a sclera.
Hyperemic streaks or bruises immediately visible against a light conjunctiva, this condition not only leads to aesthetic discomfort, but can also be the cause of some diseases.
- 1. Causes of bleeding of the vessels of the eye
- 2. Symptoms of
- 3. How to quickly return the eyes to transparency
- 4. Treatment of
- 5. Drops of
It is natural that a person seeks ways to eliminate such trouble, but beforeto start treatment, it is necessary to know a certain cause, leading to hemorrhage of the conjunctiva.
Causes of bleeding of the vessels of the eye
Small blood vessels in the sclera of the eye are distinguished by thin walls, so any unfavorable provoking factor very quickly leads to a disruption in their structure, whereby the wall becomes thinner or straining and the blood pours out under the conjunctiva.
There are a lot of reasons for this condition, the most basic ones are:
- A sharp increase in blood pressure. People who suffer from hypertension for a number of years, often notice hemorrhages on the sclera, it happens because the increase in pressure leads to excess blood filling and small arteries, unable to withstand the pressure, burst. Sometimes bursted blood vessels may be the first sign of hypertension, because some people do not feel any signs of the disease.
- Physical overstrain - weight lifting, enhanced training of athletes. At the woman numerous capillaries on a sclera burst at the time of birth - with attempts.
- Endocrine disorders, especially diabetes mellitus. With this disease all the vessels are thinned, that does not bypass the side and eyes.
- Ophthalmic diseases - conjunctivitis and keratitis of the eye. In such diseases, hemorrhage on the sclera is accompanied by other symptoms - lacrimation, itching, discomfort.
- Injuries - this can be both strokes in the eye and bruises of the head.
- Prolonged overexertion - the redness of the eyes can be noticed after a long work with documents, with a computer, reading.
- High meteosensitivity - in some meteodependent people reddened sclera is noticeable after pressure or temperature changes.
- Note the bursting of blood vessels after a hot bath, taking large doses of alcohol.
- Avitaminosis - a deficiency in the body of ascorbic acid and routine.
- Influenza.
- Intraocular formations - benign or malignant tumors lead to overstrain and stretching of all parts of the eye, together with small arteries and capillaries.
- In some cases, hemorrhage occurs with prolonged use of blood thinning medications.
In infants up to a year often, blood vessels burst after crying or with constipation, when the baby can not go to the toilet and push hard.
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A single occurrence of stress-induced hemorrhage should not bother parents, but with repeated phenomena of the pathological process, one should not only look at the eye clinic, but also the pediatrician. Promotes frequent hemorrhage and nearsightedness.
Symptoms of
The main symptom - hemorrhage, is immediately apparent. Bruising can be at the bottom or top of the eye, with the simultaneous destruction of several arteries, the sclera can blush completely. Some people notice only visual signs, others note discomfort in the lower or upper eyelid, a feeling of dryness, a slight burning sensation.
If the cause of the violation of the structure of the vessel was a jump in blood pressure, the sick person can complain of a headache, deterioration of well-being, black dots in front of the eyes.
Hemorrhage often occurs only on one eye, both eyes are affected much less often, several forms are identified by localization:
- Hemorrhage in the retina of the eye - there is blurred vision, vision falls, flies can flash before your eyes. Frequent occurrence of such symptoms leads to the appearance of spots on the retina and to severe deterioration of vision. With insignificant signs, the condition of the eye normalizes after rest and reception of hemostatic drugs.
- Hemorrhage in the orbit occurs with eye and skull injuries, less often with blood diseases. Noticeably the appearance of pancupation - a sharp shift of the eyeball forward, the sick person complains about the decrease in the mobility of the eye. Dividing objects, pain, falling vision. Hemorrhagic spots can be seen on apple eyelids and on conjunctiva.
- Hypertension in the vitreous is considered a serious pathology and requires the provision of emergency care. In addition to the dark hillock on the sclera, flashes of light occur before the eyes, mobile spots are detected, and vision deteriorates sharply. Absence of treatment leads to detachment of the retina.
- Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye is indicated by the medical term - hyphema. Education on the eye is red, uniform, with the vertical position of the body falls into the lower parts of the eye, with the horizontal can take a large part of the sclera. Hyphemes usually go away in a few days. If their resorption is not observed for more than 10 days, then it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist - a similar condition of the eye happens at intraocular pressure.
How quickly to return the eyes transparency
The main thing that worries a person with an eye hemorrhage is an aesthetic side, so everyone is looking for ways to quickly get rid of the disease.
Eye care needs to be discarded, depending on the effect of the provoking factor.
Independently, before visiting an ophthalmologist, you can take the following steps:
- To rest your eyes - it's best if it's a long sleep. Compliance with this condition is necessary for overwork, stressful situations, long work at the computer.
- With hypertension, it is necessary to take a hypotensive drug prescribed by a doctor.
- Contrast bath for eyes will help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In one container it is necessary to pour cold water, to another one warm. It is necessary to immerse the inflamed eye for a few minutes in one and the other cup with water.
If a bleeding in the eyes appears frequently, then you need to get a doctor's advice in the shortest possible time. Perhaps, such a pathology is caused by ophthalmic diseases, somatic diseases or a lack of vitamins.
Treatment of
Regular appearance of red spots on the eyes requires the most careful treatment of their health. After the examination, the therapist or ophthalmologist will prescribe a course of therapy aimed at treating the identified cause.
In addition, a person suffering from hemorrhages on the sclera, and he himself can take some steps to prevent the re-occurrence of the problem.
- It is necessary to enrich the usual diet with food containing the maximum amount of vitamin C and rutin. They are contained in citrus, Bulgarian pepper, vegetables and fruits of rich dark green color - spinach, broccoli, salad.
- It is necessary to reduce physical work and lifting weights.
- When reading books and when working with office equipment, you need to rest your eyes for several minutes in one hour.
- Heat and moisture may cause the hemorrhage, so visiting steam rooms must be minimized.
- For colds and flu, you need to take antiviral drugs and vitamin C, this will prevent the destruction of small capillaries.
- On windy days and with increased dryness of air you need to wear glasses and wash your eyes after the street.
- Endocrine diseases and hypertension require regular intake of medication prescribed by a doctor. Compliance with this condition will not allow the development of secondary symptoms of diseases, including preventing hemorrhage.
- When using the air conditioner house, it is necessary to install air humidifiers, as excessive dryness worsens the condition of the eyes.
- You should always fully sleep.
In case of eye injuries, it is necessary to immediately get medical advice, some conditions require assistance during the first hours, observance of this condition will allow to preserve the eyesight completely.
Hemorrhages arising from bacterial conjunctivitis require the administration of a specific treatment - anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops. Emergency care requires and hemorrhage, flowing with swelling and discharge of pus.
If you are sure that a scleral hemorrhage occurred after overwork, during a flu or with a sharp increase in blood pressure, eye drops may be used to narrow the vessels.
- Vizin is designed to reduce discomfort in the eyes and relieve dryness. Burying drops and partially removes redness with minor hemorrhages. The effect lasts for 12 hours with instillation of 1-2 drops.
- Defisle - will remove dryness, irritation, can be used for micro-injuries. Has a positive effect on the sclera in keratitis and conjunctivitis.
- Taufon increases the recovery processes in the eye. The composition of the drug allows it to be used in case of overwork of the eyes.
- Emoxipine is intended for the treatment of intraocular hemorrhages. Bury up to three times a day for 1 - 2 drops, the course of treatment can last up to a month.
In ophthalmic diseases or neoplasms, eye drops should be prescribed by a physician. A correctly formulated treatment plan prevents the appearance of serious problems with the organ of vision in the future.
A bursting vessel on the sclera of the eye can be the result of a fast overtaxing or a symptom of dangerous pathologies, so do not postpone visiting a doctor.
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Finding the reddened sclera, it is recommended to take the following actions:
- If possible, find out the reason - to measure blood pressure, temperature. If the pressure is high, you need to take medication. With herbs, you should always see a doctor.
- Overstraining of the eyes requires a long rest for two to three days. If this is impossible to perform, then you need to fully rest at night.
- Regularly repeated hemorrhages require a comprehensive examination of the body.
Without a normally functioning eye organ - eyes, a person's life does not change for the better. To prevent serious visual impairment in many cases is possible with a regular visit to the doctor, especially for people after 40 years.