How to attract good luck and money?

People in the majority dream of three things: money, luck and health, some to this list add also love.

Health can not be attracted, it needs to be taken care of, and in cooperation with doctors, with love, too, everything is not so simple, so luck and money remain.

Ways, how to attract the luck and money of , do exist.

This, however, is not conspiracy and shamanic manipulations that many people want to see, and charlatans-magicians compose them, meeting the wishes of their clients, although we will talk a little about them, so that the picture is as complete as possible.

Experts, attention - the question: "Is it possible to attract good luck and money at all?"

If you are an active Internet user, then for sure you remember the photoshoot, which periodically pops up.

It depicts laughing Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who answer the question about how they managed to get rich about the following: "I never took out the garbage after six", "And I never whistled in the house."

instagram viewer

I will not vouch for the accuracy of the text, but you understand the meaning.

Many categories of people( for example, skeptics or bores 🙂) think such texts are nonsense, they say, money can not be attracted, they can only be earned, and the existence of luck is not proved by science.

While idlers and dreamers absorb articles on "How to attract money and luck" in batches, without raising, at the same time, the ass from the couch.

Both are wrong!

It's really possible to attract luck and money, but only if you listen to the advice of psychologists, esotericists, bioenergetics, folk wisdom collectors and people of other interesting professions, and with a lot of mind and mind working.

Only combining pleasure with usefulness will allow you to become a rich and successful person.

With the help of what you can attract good luck and money?

When I wrote this text, I relied not only on the knowledge received at the university, on training or personal experience, but also on useful information that is in books and magazines.

But when I tried to find something else on the Internet, I was amazed: there are a million ways to attract luck and money.

It's difficult to classify them, but I'll still try.

How to manage money correctly?

As for me, all the recommendations for attracting luck and money can be divided into 5 conditional categories:

  1. Domestic folk signs and conspiracies.
  2. Feng Shui is the leader in the number of recipes.
  3. Tips of famous rich people.
  4. Psychological exercises on the management of cash flows.
  5. "Sam-invented-but-I-give-it-works".

    Here I refer most of the articles in the style of "psychics advise".

I decided to focus on psychology and Chinese teaching.

What rich and successful people think about attracting luck and money, you regularly have the opportunity to read under the heading "Tips of Millionaires".

Invented by psychics recipes I find very strange, and people's signs have decided to add only to cheer you up.

How to attract money and luck by feng shui?

One can not but admit that the ancient Chinese teaching today has become even more popuven than the winged Tsyati Faina Ranevskaya in social networks.

The very word "feng shui" is used to the place and out of place.

According to this teaching, people are trying to do even toilets, believing that it will help them to attract luck and money.


Let us condescendingly smile at the seller's words: "Take this mat into the bathroom. It depicts fish - this is Feng Shui, "one can not but agree that this ancient Chinese teaching contains many useful tips that relate to attracting luck and money.

Here are the most simple and effective:

  1. Do not load your house with trash and broken things, and your wallet with unnecessary checks and travel tickets.

    Keep track of the pockets: luck and money flow through the holes.

  2. Correctly choose a purse for storing money.

    It should be beautiful, roomy, expensive, made of leather and pleasing to you personally.

  3. Do not carry an empty wallet.

    Start a coin or bill that will act as a mascot and, even if you touch the handle, luck and money from you will not run away.

  4. Keep your money in your wallet correctly: sort bills at face value, and store coins in a separate pocket.
  5. Use the energy of the water: monitor the condition of the cranes( no leaks!), And you can use a decorative fountain to attract a new portion of luck and money in return for running away with dirty water into the sewer.
  6. Start a money tree at home.

    Take care of it carefully so that it does not die young.

  7. Keep small savings in the kitchen, and large ones in a reliable bank.
  8. Buy a couple of symbols of money and luck for feng shui: a three-lipped toad with a coin in his mouth, a turtle, an elephant, gold coins, threaded with a red thread, a fish( ideally an aquarium with goldfish).
  9. Keep the windows clean and do not obstruct the windowsill with objects, preventing sunlight from entering the room.
  10. No matter how difficult it is, but 10% of the profit must necessarily be postponed "for the future".

How to attract money and luck to your life by managing money energy?

Money, like everything in this world, has its own energy.

If you do not understand how to work with it, then it's useless to be interested in how to attract money and luck to your life.

What you need:

  • to think and talk about money in a positive way;
  • to thank for cash receipts, successful deals, good news The universe;
  • spend less than you earn;
  • constantly look for new sources of income without chasing crazy money( casino, lottery), which easily come and go;
  • visualize their desires, including - and money profit;
  • believe that you will necessarily become rich, successful and happy.

Where it is better to invest money?

What can not be done:

  • whining and complaining about the lack of money and problems in life;
  • use stupid phrases, such as "Money as water," "There is no happiness in life," "I'm never lucky," and so on;
  • lend money to anyone horrible or most permanently live in debt;
  • does not appreciate what you have.

I understand that the iron rationalists all this seems delusional, but why not believe that there is a place of magic in our life, and someone up there can recognize our signals and satisfy our requests?

Interesting tips for attracting money,

you will also hear from the video:

Room of laughter, or what are the popular signs signaling the approach of luck and money?

To be honest, at first I did not think of singling out this section in the article, but then I decided: what are our signs of worse than their feng shui?

And the mood for your readers and subscribers( remember how to subscribe to the newsletter?) You need to raise!

According to popular beliefs, there are many signs that signal that soon you will be overtaken by luck and money.

I chose 5:

  1. The left hand is scratched - today they will give a salary.
  2. Stumbled on the left leg - luck will be on your side.
  3. Bird accidentally kaknula on you - rejoice, and do not cry, because ahead of you waiting for a sea of ​​money and good luck.

    ( As I understand it: the more the mass of the product of the life of a bird, the more luck).

  4. If you helped someone to load something somewhere( for example, products to a frail grandmother in a basket in a supermarket) - money and luck you can not escape.
  5. Start a new business on the day when it rains - to wealth and luck.

Among all the suggested tips, how to attract the luck and money , you can choose those that you think are useful.

But remember: without profitable work or successful business - all this is inefficient.

How with the help of herbal decoctions do not treat serious illnesses, and with the help of feng shui, folk examples and conspiracies do not become rich and successful.

  • Mar 23, 2018
  • 22
  • 155