The crisis of middle age in men after 30 and 40 years: symptoms and overcoming

Unclear anguish, dissatisfaction with yourself and others, actions that do not lend themselves to logical explanation - this is how a middle-aged men's crisis manifests itself. The transition from one life period to another is sometimes not easy, accompanied by psychological problems.

What is a middle-aged crisis

The crisis of middle-aged is a long-term emotionally depressed state of a person, associated with the reassessment of the passed life stage. Many dreams of childhood and adolescence have not been realized, seem irretrievably lost. In addition, the offensive of one's own old age is estimated as a real and close phenomenon, and not a distant one. The crisis of middle age does not have a genetic predisposition, it does not depend on the financial solvency of a person.

Why age-related crises occur

Adulthood is not only a physiological transformation of the body. A person during his life goes through different stages of psychological development. During the crisis period, important changes occur at the soul level. In the event that a person successfully overcomes psychological difficulties, he ascends to the next stage of becoming a person, before him the prospects of spiritual growth open.

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Middle-aged men and their problems

The crisis of middle age in men happens after 30 years, when there is a review of their attitudes and motivations, analysis and comparison of their achievements and successes with strangers. The resulting dissatisfaction with social life pushes people to unexpected acts. A man tries to catch up, to do something that in his youth did not have enough time and energy. This explains the new interests, the sudden change of highly paid work and the sphere of activity in general.

Fear of approaching old age is another reason for the emotionally unstable state. The crisis of middle age in men is associated with physiological changes that appear over the years( excess weight, alopecia, muscle flabbiness).Many in this period acquire chronic diseases, feel a breakdown, which also recalls aging. A man begins to think that a few more years, and he will become an old man of no use to anyone.

The third cause of the middle-aged crisis in men is the first signs of erectile dysfunction, the extinction of sexual attraction. In addition to natural factors, this contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal changes in the body, an unfavorable ecological situation. The fear of weakening the erection, the decrease in potency causes the man to suffer, to seek new sexual impressions. This explains the adultery that happens during the period of the fracture.

As the midlife crisis emerges

During the crisis, the human essence expresses protest, demands change. Due to psychological dissatisfaction, a man becomes capable of acting, seemingly unpredictable, strange. The desire to realize the dreams of youth about the bright, emotion-filled life pushes to accomplishments and exploits. A middle-aged crisis in a man manifests itself in different ways. One finds another woman and leaves the family, the second starts to get involved in extreme sports, the third becomes unnecessary stable, highly paid work.

Crisis of 30 years

In 30 years to the man there comes an awareness of the perfection, independence. The feeling of unlimited freedom often turns into irresponsibility, permissiveness. Moral customs are shaken, and not everyone experiences this period without loss, loneliness. Selfish emotions cause a man to perceive his family as an irritating factor, a hindrance to his freedom. From it begins to emanate cold towards the wife and children, there is a desire for solitude, peace.

Crisis of 40 years

Paradoxically, the more a man achieved in his life by the age of 40, the more he is disappointed. Housing is available, a career is made, children are growing up. What's next? And then, it would seem, from scratch there is sentimentality, irritability at the slightest pretext, isolation, discontent with yourself and others. The crisis in men in 40 years is manifested in the fact that a mature person can suddenly get carried away with youth music or fashion, reminiscent of his speech and manners of a typical teenager. Emotional state, being under the influence of male menopause, loses stability.

Are the age-related crises in men related to

The man's exposure to age crises depends on his attitude to himself, self-esteem, ability to accept the situation in which he is. Warm confidential relations in the family between the spouses contribute to the resolution of any contradictions. Psychological crisis - a turning point in the mind, in which you need to learn something new, to bring diversity into your life. The length of this difficult period depends on how successfully this will be done.

How to overcome the crisis 40 years for men

Approaching middle age should not be frightening. This is the next stage of growing up, the period of the formation of the personality, where the juvenile desires are correlated with what has been realized. Do not focus on your mistakes. Thoughts about failures are getting depressed. In this period it is important to accept with the world what happened, as a positive life experience, contributing to the construction of a further happy life, full of love, mutual support.

It is better for a man to concentrate on things that are really important for him, try not to react painfully to dreams that have not come true. Life goes on, another period begins, new frontiers are waiting ahead. It is important at this difficult time not to become isolated on one's inner feelings, to be open, to be sociable. Readiness for a constructive dialogue with close people, a positive perception of the world around them leads to mental equilibrium.

Video: critical age for men

  • Mar 23, 2018
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