Features of cooking in pottery

Preparing dishes in earthenware for many of us is not quite an ordinary thing and, at first glance, scary. Suddenly, in the process of cooking food, such a pot, pot or cup from high temperatures will give a crack? But if you cook, observing all the rules, nothing will happen to it.

In addition, the dishes in such dishes are very delicious. It is suitable for cooking vegetables, fish, meat, which turns out to be tender, juicy, and the porridge in it comes out fragrant. You can make a selection of recipes and create culinary masterpieces, spoiling them with relatives and friends.

Preparing to use

So, you bought a pottery. Do not rush to cook it right away. To begin with, it must be thoroughly washed with warm water, a hard sponge. Only after such procedure it is possible to use utensils from clay and safely to put in it all ingredients of the recipe chosen by you.

How to cook in a clay pot

Before you put a filled pot, pot or cup of clay in a gas or electric oven, it is recommended to warm it up slightly. The dishes themselves should not be cold too, a sudden change in temperature can lead to the formation of cracks. In this case, it will become unsuitable for use and it will only be discarded.

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Place the dishes in the oven with the lid closed and so that it does not come in contact with the walls. Now you can turn on the oven for 200-300 degrees C, it will gradually warm up, and then the pottery will withstand high temperatures. Prepared usually dishes in such dishes 35-55 minutes, depending on the recommendation in the recipe.

Care for pottery

After use, the pottery is washed with warm water and detergent for dishes. But it is added a little, because the clay is a material that absorbs odors well.

If the smell has remained to get rid of it, the dishes are baked in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Ignore it just as if you were cooking in it. The dishes are put in a slightly heated oven, then the heat is brought to a higher temperature. Since clay easily absorbs odors, it is worthwhile to prepare different dishes( fish, meat, vegetables) to buy a separate dish.

Some samples of such dishes are suitable for a microwave oven, the manufacturer usually indicates this in the instructions. And on electric and gas cookers they can not be cooked, they crack, and can harm your health. The only exceptions are clay frying pans: Georgian "ketsi" and Russian "latka".But they should be cooked carefully, warming the burner to a low temperature.

Rules and Tricks of Cooking
  • Mar 23, 2018
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