Cervical erosion is one of the most frequent diseases of the female genital area. This is a mucosal damage that can occur after childbirth, abortion, trauma, as a result of hormonal problems. Treatment of the disease is associated with the destruction of the affected layer of cells. Therefore, the monthly after erosion may have a different character and features.
- 1 Menstruation for erosion: differences
- 1.1 When menstruation is long waiting for
- 2 When to treat erosion
- 2.1 Best time to treat erosion
- 3 Character and time of menstruation after getting rid of erosion
- 3.1 When they start
- 3.2 If menstruation is delayed
- 3.3 Abundant menstruation after cauterization
- 3.4 Scanty monthly
- 3.5 How to protect yourself from problems with menstruation after cauterization
- 4 Complications caused by cauterization of erosion
Mentruatsiya with erosion: differences
Pathological changes in the epithelial layer of the cervix until some time did not appear. Erosion is noticeable during gynecological examination, but not all women are exposed to it with regular regularity. And still, there are features that can be noticed on their own. A few others become monthly with erosion. In most cases, they are preceded by brownish smears 2-3 days before the critical ones. This may also indicate that inflammation has affected other internal genital organs. Allocations before critical days are also due to the fact that the erosion before the monthly swells and also begins to separate the cells.
Almost always premenstrual smear occurs in women who have an active sexual life. Blood goes out between monthly. After sexual intercourse, or a short time later, reddish or brownish discharge is seen in small amounts.
Otherwise, during erosion, the menstrual period is as usual. But if the disease is not one year old, the hormonal disorder peculiar to it can affect the abundance of menstruation. The discharge may become noticeably larger or, conversely, less than with complete health.
When menstruation is long awaited by
It is not uncommon and delayed monthly due to erosion. This happens if it is large and is present long enough. The appearance of the disease is often caused by hormonal disorders. Erosion, which has arisen for other reasons, may itself provoke a failure in this area. And the first manifestation of hormonal disorders is problems with the length of the cycle. The delay in menstrual cervical erosion can be repeated in each of them and alternated with excretions between menstruations. The disease can add soreness to sensations in critical days.
When to treat erosion
Do not tighten with erosion treatment. The disease is dangerous consequences, which can reach the appearance of malignant cells in the cervical region. A small damage can be eliminated with sparing methods: with suppositories, ointments, solutions. And the monthly after the treatment of erosion conservative ways will return to the usual state for women.
As the disease affects part of the main female organ, the question is natural: when the erosion is cauterized before or after the menstrual period.
Despite the painlessness of manipulation, after it on the cervix remains a scab, that is, a sore that takes time to heal. Cauterization of erosion before the monthly will lead to the fact that the discharge will contact the injured part of the body for several days, causing mechanical irritation. After all, in the place where the manipulation was done, there is an open wound. Since menstrual discharge is a breeding ground for bacteria, all this creates a high probability of inflammation of the cervix and uterine cavity.
Whether it is possible to cure erosion before menstruation, it interests those who do not know that the scab heals, secreting a clear liquid. Adding to the menstrual, it provokes an even greater danger of getting an infection. For these reasons, before critical days, cauterization is not done, even if the doctor has the most up-to-date equipment.
Best time to treat erosion
Erosion is cauterized during menstruation, when organ tissues are softened, the cervix is ajar. A gynecologist can see the field of activity, and remove all altered epithelial cells. In addition, there is less chance of injuring healthy tissue during manipulation.
On what day of the month the erosion is cauterized, depends on their extent and abundance. It is necessary that the cervix remains sufficiently open, but the discharge was in a small amount, do not interfere with seeing the affected tissue. Usually cauterization of erosion during menstruation occurs on day 2-3.If they are long and plentiful, then at 5-6.
Manipulation is carried out and some time after critical days.
When after months can be cured by erosion, determined by the length of the healing process and the state of the cervix. The scab should be able to get off, leaving a healthy tissue, until the next critical days. This will take about 3-4 weeks. The cervix for cauterization should be in such a phase that erosion can be seen completely. That is, manipulation is carried out no later than 2 days after the end of the critical.
Character and time of menstruation after getting rid of erosion
Monthly after erosion of cervix can be observed at different times. As a rule, they come on a calendar, but they can also linger. In both cases, what is happening corresponds to the norm. The nature of the monthly after erosion may also change. More precisely, they return to the parameters that were before the disease. Whether it affects monthly erosion, a woman can understand if every cycle follows this process. Menstruation, as already mentioned, when the tissues of the cervix change, become more often scanty, painful, with a large number of clots. After elimination of erosion and healing of the scab, the nature of the excreta is normalized if the process goes without problems.
When they start
The first months after cauterization of erosion do not come earlier than a month. Before that, a woman watches herself first bloody, then a clear discharge with a specific smell. This is evidence of healing of the scab, because the tissues were exposed to high temperatures, after which they formed a crust.
When the monthly starts after cauterization of erosion, it may depend on its size. A large epithelial lesion leaves the same size as a scab that heals longer. By itself, it should not have an effect on the period of menstruation. But as the area of intervention is expanded, this is a greater stress for the body. Therefore, menstruation can also come 2 months after the manipulation. This is also considered normal.
Monthly after cauterization of erosion earlier than the specified period, too, are possible. And this is seen as the result of the stress borne by the body, if nothing else bothers the woman. But this may also be bleeding due to damage to the scab. In any case, the assessment should be made by a specialist.
How many are monthly after cauterization of erosion, depends on the characteristics of the woman's body. It is important that it is not less than 3 days and not more than 7. In most women, the first menstruation is long.
If menstruation is delayed
Delay in menstruation after cauterization of erosion is also possible. It is caused by several reasons:
- The reaction of the uterus receptors to the effect of the apparatus;
- Psychological stress associated with treatment;
- Reaction of mucosal tissues to injury.
The above circumstances make a delay of up to 10 days. Moreover, this can be observed normally during 3-4 cycles and accompanied by painful sensations. To lead to a delay is capable of any of the methods of eliminating the disease. And pulling pains are not uncommon and before monthly after erosion. Over time, they must pass, or at least become less tangible.
Abundant menstruation after moxibustion
Women notice that after burning cautious erosions, they are plentiful, sometimes with large clots. Usually they are the first time that they should not scare. The organ underwent stress from the radical method of treatment, so it produces a similar reaction.
Other causes are:
- Damage to the scab caused by a woman lifting heavy loads or other violation of the regime;
- The careless movement of instruments during a gynecological examination, which the patient needs after some time after manipulation, is also capable of damaging the scab. He is held in a chair using a mirror. And in this case, the monthly after erosion removal can be more abundant. But in the next cycle everything should be normalized.
Sometimes the intensity of menstruation seems excessive, although in reality it is not. This is the case, if the long-existing erosion had an effect on the character of the monthly decreasing emissions. Accustomed to their poverty women perceive normal menstruation as abundant. But in any case, her doubts should be dispelled by the doctor.
It happens that after the cauterization of erosion, menstruation takes longer. This is quite normal if the process is within 7 days. Longer bleeding is no longer menstruation, but a dangerous condition requiring medical advice and assistance.
Lean monthly
Lean monthly after cauterization of erosion is also quite likely. But it is caused by a complication resulting from manipulation. The reason for this - too long exposure of the equipment to any part of the cervix. Long-term coagulation can lead to a narrowing of its channel. If the meager months are combined with a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, there is reason to suspect this particular reason.
Worse, when a woman discovers that she has lost her period after cauterization of erosion. Then the secretions accumulate in the uterine cavity, which threatens with severe inflammation. Such stenosis of the neck of the organ will require surgical intervention.
How to protect yourself from problems with menstruation after cauterization
To protect underwear from clear secretions that go after moxibustion use only gaskets. The tampon injures the scab, which will increase the time it takes to tighten and can cause infection. During this period the woman is contraindicated:
- Bath, bath, swimming in the pond;
- Sexual life;
- Heavy physical activity.
A minimum of one month of care should be taken. The resumption of sexual life should begin only after examination by the doctor and his permission to do so.
Complications caused by cauterization of erosion
One of them has already been said, this is stenosis of the cervix. With a slight narrowing, when the menstruation is restored, the woman is not going to give birth any more, with such a feature one can live another hundred years without worrying about anything. But young people should bear in mind that this complication is the cause of infertility because of the difficulty of sperm penetration into the uterine cavity. Other likely adverse effects of moxibustion:
- Development of endometriosis. This is clear on the painfulness of menstruation. And the monthly ones after cauterization of erosion of the cervix become more abundant, as the area of the endometrium is increased. Its cells are implanted in the wound surface formed as a result of therapy;
- Inflammation of the scab. Failure of a woman to follow the recommendations of a gynecologist after manipulation leads to infection of the wound. This is manifested, among other things, by significant bloody discharge. It looks like it's after the cauterization of erosion, it's monthly, painful and thick.
In spite of everything, women should not be afraid to get rid of the disease in this way. Menstruation after surgery is quickly restored. Modern equipment conducts it so sparing that it is shown and nulliparous, which was previously avoided. Do not treat erosion, fearing infertility, is much more dangerous than getting rid of it. The triggered disease can degenerate into a malignant tumor.