Frequent uninvited guests of our home, especially in the summer, are midges. They appear suddenly and irritate with their presence, but apart from the banal inconvenience, insects can cause tangible harm to a person. Moss actively spoil food, and some of the existing species can even bite. They are planted in sweets, fruits, indoor flowers, which serve as an excellent bait for insects. I am glad that it is not so difficult to bring out Simuliidae at home.
Where do the midges in the apartment come from: the sources of the
appearance Many people are interested in the question: why do the midges appear? After all, they can start in the apartment, even if the windows and doors were tightly closed. To combat such insects, it is important to establish the source of their occurrence, and only after this it is worth fighting with the annoying midwife. The most common reason for the appearance of small gnats in the house is the biologists called decayed or simply contaminated fruits and vegetables brought from the store or collected in the garden.
Even before the fruits get to our table, many of them laid eggs, which are in a state of remission waiting for the fruit or vegetable to rot. Spoiled vegetables and fruits are the main food of Simuliidae, so the rotting process signals to insects that the time has come for the appearance of larvae from eggs. After a very short period of time they grow into adult midges.
The life span of the midges is very short - only about a day. However, if in the apartment for them there is an abundance of nutrient medium, for example, rotten fruits or vegetables, the gnats multiply very quickly. The result is a lot of flying insects. What can I do to prevent this outcome? An effective solution will be to quickly eliminate the source of their occurrence.
Another frequent reason for the appearance of brown house gnats is the inadequate hygiene of the bucket for debris, as well as its irregular takeaway. The scraps in the mud can contain eggs of small insects that wake up during the beginning of the rotting of products. If food garbage got to the surface of the urn itself, it can cause a heap of flying parasites.
Many varieties of domestic midges like to live in living corners such as an aquarium, rodent cells, birds or other animals. Often, the invasion of red biting insects occurs due to the lack of care of the dining place of the dog or cat. Remains of food or an unwashed dish can be an excellent tool for breeding midges. Therefore, it is often necessary to clean up animals and change the water in the aquarium, so that insects do not have the opportunity to lay eggs in different places of the apartment.
Abundant reproduction of the midges can occur due to the presence of indoor plants in the apartment. Often the process of reproduction of insects is stimulated by watering flowers with tea leaves - bugs love it very much. In addition, small gray flies can appear near the pots or directly in the soil if the humidity is excessive. Therefore, do not overflow the plants with water.
Where else can the midges come from if there are no rotten fruits, animals and strong damp at home? The answer is simple - from the sewer. Particles of food can get stuck on the bends or siphons, while continuing to decompose. This constantly provokes the emergence of all new midges, which fill the apartment again after each subsequent extermination. To get into a dwelling insects can only with the help of the person who brought them from the market, but the further life of the midges depends on the cleanliness of the premises and the timely cleaning of the sewage system. Below are the types of midges in the apartment with a photo.
What to do if there are fruit or gnat flies
If your house has bugs, the first necessary measure will be determining the place of their reproduction and what the insects eat. The primary search should be directed to vegetables, fruits. Next is to check the bathroom and kitchen drain. Perhaps the cause of the appearance of the gnats was unnoticed during the harvesting of a drop of honey or a piece of spoiled food that rolled under the furniture. However, if all these hypotheses were not confirmed, probably, the habitat of midges was pots with room colors.
Moss from flowers are a common problem for lovers of home flora. Larvae of parasites feed on plant roots with pleasure, so the death of flowers is a frequent outcome of such cohabitation. To destroy insects, it is worthwhile to use the proven method - to stick matches into the soil with heads down and reduce the amount of water for irrigation. In order to prevent the appearance of midges, it is recommended to pour decorative stones over the ground or sprinkle the soil with ground black pepper.
How to get rid of fruit gnats?
- Complete a full-scale inspection of all vegetables and fruits at home. If during the audit will be found spoiled products - immediately discard them, and put fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.
- Check the cereals by pouring them into sealed dry jars. Bulk products should not have traces of favors, but if there are any - "contaminated" groceries should be taken to the trash.
- Vacuum the walls, ceiling, floors and all surfaces where small black gnats were seen. To kill insects, you need to turn on the device and send to the site of the congestion of the midges, they will quickly draw inwards. Shake the bag away from home.
- How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment more easily? Hang in the kitchen usual sticky traps for insects. In 2-3 days their number will be significantly reduced.
- Proven means against fruit gnats are simple baits - containers with unfinished alcohol. Leave an open bottle of beer or wine on the bottom, in the morning inside there will be a huge number of insects that have fallen into a trap.
How to immerse the midges - how to remove
- Treat the wash basin, sink with modern means to eliminate blockages in pipes and siphons. An alternative method is to treat the neck of the shell with soda vinegar. After intensive foam formation, the sink and drain should be rinsed with plenty of running water.
- Fighting gnats on the balcony involves treating its internal surface with special aerosols or solutions against parasites( moths, flies, mosquitoes, midges).Insects will cease to fly into the treated apartment of the apartment. However, such remedies can only be used inside well-ventilated rooms, otherwise you risk getting intoxication.
- A quick way to etch mosquitoes is to purchase and use a conventional fumigator from mosquitoes. Turn on the device during the day or at night and midges will disappear, but the raptor will not protect against still unhatched eggs and insect larvae. In addition, you can use mosquito repellents in a different way - fasten the remedy to the window glass in the summer, from sunlight it will heat up and release toxic toxins to mosquitoes, gradually killing it.
Recipes of folk remedies against insects
How to get rid of midges in an apartment with the help of folk remedies:
- Fill a glass beaker or jar with water, add a little apple cider vinegar and dishwashing detergent. Put the vessel where the insects collect, and after a couple of hours Sims will not be nearly there. The trap with apple cider vinegar is very attractive to the house gnats, and the crockery does not allow them to get out. For the tool to be effective, update it every week.
- Derive the jumping midges, which hurt biting, possibly with the help of horseradish roots. Put in a simple transparent package slices of horseradish or its cleaning, leave the bag open - flies do not tolerate this smell, so quickly leave the apartment.
- Moss and insects similar to them are very fond of rotten bananas. Leave in the kitchen a bag with banana peel or slices of another spoiled fruit or vegetable - so you will collect the parasites in one place. Gently and quickly close the bag and put it in the trash.
- No less effective trap for small insects will be a plastic cup with sweet contents. Put on the bottom of the pieces of fruit or pour the juice, compote, from above pull the food film and make in it tiny holes with a thick needle. Put a glass closer to the habitat of the midges - they will start to fly inside, and they will not be able to get out any more.
- If you do not want to build a special trap for midges, use improvised tools. In the lid of the cake, pour a little wine or beer( the drink should only cover the bottom of the container a little).As a rule, insects quickly gather on alcohol and drown in it.
- Leave in the jar a little compote, juice or sweet tea, during the night it will attract a large number of insects. Close the jar with a lid and put it in the microwave for 40-60 seconds. In addition, you can put the jar in the refrigerator for a couple of hours - such a midwife will not survive.
Video: 2 reliable ways to destroy mosquitoes
The presence of hordes of flying little Simuliidae is very annoying, bringing discomfort and a feeling of lack of apartment. Some mistresses, in their desire to destroy annoying insects, literally drive themselves to hysterics. From midges, as well as other parasites that have taken place in an apartment, one should get rid of them. There are several thousand such kinds of midges, and some of them even bite hard. However, to combat insects, it is not necessary to understand their varieties, since there are universal ways to destroy Simuliidae, which you will learn about by watching the video.
Prevention of occurrence of midges
- Maintenance of cleanliness of apartments, timely removal of garbage.
- Cleaning of sewer pipes, siphons using special tools.
- Frequent washing of a trash can.
- Timely disposal of spoiling vegetables or fruits.
- Breeding geraniums home( gnats do not like sharp smells).
- Establishment of mosquito nets from midges to windows.