Compresses from oil - no trampling! Such a simple medical secret

Almost all women dream of being attractive and looking amazing. There are a lot of tricks for this.
The component of the ideal image is high-heeled shoes. It gives the gait majesty, and the silhouette the desired harmony. But after wearing such shoes, there is often a burning pain and unbearable burning sensation. The thumb of the foot sometimes even swells and prevents walking. How to remove the burrs on your legs, we will tell in this article.


Vegetables and fruits

  • Treatment of corns is the use of foot baths, compresses, masks of ointments
    Onion is one of the most effective remedies for corns. The bulb is cut into four parts, poured with vinegar and left for three days in a dark place. Apply a slice of onions to the natypes for the night, wrap up with a bandage, and put a sock on top. During the night, the rough skin softens, it is scraped off in the morning and sprinkled with baby talcum powder or powder. If such a procedure is performed within a month, then there will be no trace left of the trampled ones.
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  • Instead of onions, you can use grated raw potatoes, tomato paste or sunflower oil.
  • Fresh propolis is an indispensable remedy for trampling on the feet. It is crushed and applied for a whole day to a sore spot. In the evening, your feet soar and apply a new propolis. This procedure is repeated for a week. Propolis has a mass of medicinal qualities, you can learn about which in detail from the article: What are the therapeutic properties of propolis?
  • Lemon is used to soften the carobs. In the evening they steam out their feet, put the lemon pulp on the natto-pest, and put on socks. In the morning, softened skin is removed with pumice.
  • Prunes perfectly cope with the horny layer of the skin. A bone is removed from it, boiled in milk and a hot prune is applied to the natypes for thirty minutes.
  • Treatment of corns on the soles of the feet is carried out using a potato compress. Raw potatoes are rubbed on a grater and put on a problem place. On top, the compress is covered with cellophane, fixed with a bandage and left overnight. In the morning, the top layer of the skin is removed and a nourishing cream is applied to the place of the natypes. Garlic compresses are used in a similar way.

From bread and vegetable oil

  • The breadfruit compress is an effective and quite effective folk method for treating leg piles. For eight consecutive nights, the soaked bread in the vinegar is applied to the problem zone.
  • Oil compresses help get rid of burrs. Cotton socks are impregnated with vegetable oil and put on. On top of the socks wrapped in cellophane and put on another socks. Compress left for a few hours, then wash your feet with warm water.

From plants

  • The cleanness softens the keratinized skin on the soles of the feet and disinfects the affected areas. Fresh grass celandine is passed through the meat grinder, and before going to bed, apply the healing mass to the natypes, wrap it with polyethylene and put on socks. In the morning the hearth becomes soft, and the extra skin is easily removed. Compresses from celandine can be put as many as you want, until the expected result comes.
  • Aloe compresses quickly cope with such a problem as the burrs. Cut along the leaf of aloe, put the juicy pulp to the place of keratinization and leave for the whole night. In the morning they treat the foot with a pumice stone or a brush.
  • Dandelion juice is used to get rid of burrs. Every day, rubs the lesion with juice, squeezed from the grass and stems of a dandelion.

Foot baths

Foot baths from corns are no less popular and effective than compresses.

  • Serum from acidic milk is heated on a low heat for about thirty minutes. Her legs are lowered for half an hour. After this, glycerine foot mask is made from the corns. Mix in equal amounts of glycerin and castor oil and apply to the problem areas of the legs for fifteen minutes. Complex for feet from the bath and mask should be repeated daily for seven days.
  • Daily care for the feet should include processing the soles of the soles with pumice after steaming, rubbing the softening and nourishing creams.
  • Soap and soda trays are good at removing the burrs. Twenty grams of baking soda is bred in two liters of water, add twenty grams of grated soap and the same amount of ammonia. In this medium, keep the feet for forty minutes and remove the pumice softened skin. After the tray, lubricate the sore spot with a nutritious cream.
  • Bath with salt - accessible to every remedy, softens and removes footprints on the feet. Twenty grams of salt is dissolved in a liter of warm water. Immerse your feet in a salt bath for half an hour. Salt water not only relieves burning and pain, but also makes the skin soft. After softening, the natropsises are easily removed with a footbrush.
  • There is an effective recipe for cooking the tub from the corns on the legs. Put in a pan one hundred grams of potato peelings, forty grams of flax seeds and pour these ingredients with two glasses of water. Boil the mixture on low heat for thirty minutes, cool and mix until a mushy mass is obtained. She is poured into the pelvis and lowered her legs for twenty minutes.
  • Insist in boiling water of straw oats and do a daily bath in a hot broth.

Other remedies


Ointment for the treatment of foot patches can be done independently at home. To do this, combine a chicken egg, a tablespoon of sunflower oil and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous yellowish mixture, which is then treated on the feet. Ointment is applied to the lesions, from above are put on socks and sleep all night. In the morning, the ointment is washed off and a foot bath made of soda and salt. This folk remedy eliminates not only the burrs, but also the fungal infection on the legs. Ointment and a bath make a skin of heels very gentle and soft.


To begin with, you need to purchase several patches from calluses in the pharmacy. Before going to bed, make a hot bath for feet and steal her legs for about half an hour. Then wipe your feet dry with a towel, and on the sore spot paste the corn plaster and do not remove it for two days. Then, the patch is removed and the thickening of the skin around the corpuscle is cut off with tweezers. The procedures are repeated several times, until the tramps are lost.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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