Using tincture of water pepper for health and beauty

Water pepper is a fairly common plant that can be found near lakes, rivers and other water bodies. Its name is due to the burning taste that its fresh leaves possess. But this plant is called only among the people, the specialists gave it another name - peppercorn.

This plant is capable of having a curative effect, for which it was recognized as traditional medicine. Tincture of water pepper is often prescribed by doctors for various kinds of diseases and with a complex approach has a rather favorable effect.

Healing properties

Tincture of water pepper is used as an anesthetic and hemostatic agent, which makes it indispensable for hemorrhoidal, gastric and uterine bleeding, as well as for profuse and painful menstruation.

Important! The effectiveness of this plant was proved by special clinical studies, the result of which showed that the tincture really stops the blood and relieves the pain syndrome.

Extract of this plant is rich in vitamin K, which is due to its hemostatic effect
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Actually, the scope of the extract is quite extensive - tincture of water pepper helps not only with bleeding. Traditional medicine recommends its use in such cases:

  • stomach diseases;
  • to eliminate pain of a different nature and origin;
  • as a sedative;
  • as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug;
  • for skin diseases;
  • for the treatment of malaria;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • in the postpartum period;
  • of bladder disease;
  • as a cosmetic preparation for health improvement of hair.

After delivery of

The tincture of water pepper can be prescribed by a specialist after delivery to stimulate uterine contractions. In addition, it effectively removes pain and has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.

You can use both pharmacy and self-prepared infusion. In the latter case, 2 tablespoons of the crushed leaves of the plant should be filled with a glass of 40% alcohol and insisted for several days. The finished product is taken twice a day for 35 drops half an hour before meals.

This drug can be safely taken during lactation.

Attention! The postpartum period is quite complicated and the specialist must follow the process of the recovery of the female body, so do not take the tincture yourself, but consult your physician.

With monthly

The tincture of water pepper was used in abundant and painful months by our far ancestors. Several centuries ago, folk healers found out that the extract of this plant is able to alleviate the condition of a woman in the menstrual period. And he not only eliminated pain and stopped bleeding, but also calmed the nervous system.

Highlander pepper can be used and as a preventive agent. If you take it tincture for several months, you can prevent the onset of pain and severe bleeding on critical days.

Important! Remember that with abundant periods, you should always consult your doctor. Only he can determine the cause of bleeding and, if necessary, prescribe a tincture of water pepper. And if the effect after its application is positive, then a month later the course is repeated.

For hair

This drug can be used not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also as a cosmetic. Tincture of water pepper is used to restore the structure of hair and is an excellent remedy for dandruff.

To strengthen the follicles it is necessary to do the following:

  • to connect the tincture of the mountain pepper and oil vitamin E in the same ratio;
  • should be mixed and applied to the scalp;
  • with gentle massaging movements gently rub the composition into the roots of the hair;
  • put a rubber or polyethylene hat on your head, wrap it with a towel;
  • after 20 minutes wash off the mask with shampoo.

A positive result will be visible after the first use - the hair will become soft, shiny and obedient.

Masks based on water pepper reduce inflammation on the scalp and relieve dandruff

To get rid of dandruff, you should use another recipe:

  • in the tank to connect the tincture and alcohol in an equal proportion;
  • add 10 drops of vitamin E;
  • rub the product into the roots and distribute it along the entire length of the hair;
  • rinse with warm water after 20-25 minutes and wash the head with shampoo.

Rules for taking

You can buy this medicine in any pharmacy or make it yourself, but you should tell your doctor how to take the water pepper tincture. Rules for taking and dosage should be prescribed by a specialist, as this will depend on the nature of the disease and its course.

As a rule, the average daily norm ranges from 115 to 180 drops. This dose is divided into three or four doses. Drink a drop in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner. The length of the course and the need to repeat it is also determined only by the doctor.

Warning! Never exceed the rate prescribed by a specialist, since, being a strong poisonous substance, tincture can bring irreparable harm to health. It is undesirable to take this remedy without first consulting a doctor.

If the taste of the drug is unbearable for you, and you can not swallow even a small dose of it, you can drink or dilute the product in a small amount of water. It is not allowed to use juice, tea, carbonated water and other similar drinks for these purposes.

  • Mar 23, 2018
  • 43
  • 198