But then, when you see the tasty food in you, it seems like something has switched. Brains become clouded and you begin to eat everything you reach. You started small, and then you could not stand it and ate. And the mind gnaw at the thought: "But why did this happen?"What are the causes of overeating? »
Often we overeat and not at a breakdown during a diet, but in ordinary, everyday life. In fact, there are many reasons for overeating, but there are basic reasons. There are seven of them.
- Stress. In our life, many troubles and troubles happen, and every person has his own problems that prevent him from living normally. Constant dissatisfaction with life leads to stress. And how do many girls act in such cases? That's right - they jam it! But this is bad. It is difficult to get rid of calories in this way. Well, what about the diet? With stress you will not last long.
- The lack of love. Unfortunately, a very common cause. As they say, single people are looking for consolation in food. And this is a fact. Especially acute this "lack of heat" rises in the evening, and this is the time when most often break, and therefore overeat.
- Too strict diet. Pulling yourself into the frame, you put your body in a difficult situation. On the one hand, such a diet will help you achieve the desired result many times faster. But on the other, there is a keen desire to break. The body begins to defend its, so to speak, "belongings", and therefore will have to go through all the "7 circles of hell", but overcome the unbearable desire to break and the aggravated constant feeling of hunger.
- The habit of eating. One of the bad habits. Remember: do not regret food, regret your figure! And excuses in the style of "it will deteriorate", "baby did not eat, do not disappear the same good?", Etc. Are not significant, and will not calm your conscience in case you fail.
- Speed of food intake. Everyone knows that we live in a frenzied urban rhythm. And the value of time is great for us. Therefore, such a thing as a meal, takes a little time. But in vain. Scientists say that when people eat slowly and calmly, thoroughly chewing, they eat much less. The feeling of hunger disappears more quickly. It is also better to refrain from eating when watching TV or reading a book. This is due to the fact that our attention is not concentrated on food, but on the fact that it distracts us from it.
- Dependence on sweet. You are lucky if you do not depend on the sweet. Well, if it is, then you still have to reconcile with the fact that the sweet must be excluded from the diet. Not many people know, it increases the appetite for sweet foods. But this is understandable. Getting into our body, chocolate stimulates the release of serotonin into the blood, it is also a hormone of joy. And after he burns and splits, there comes a feeling of fatigue and hunger. Well and how after such again to not be broken? It's a vicious circle!
- Thirst. Scientists say that the feeling of hunger is very much like thirst. And few are able to distinguish between them. And this is fraught with overeating and recruited calories. To distinguish between hunger and thirst, you just need to drink a glass of water. If you are satisfied with water, then this is a thirst, and if after 10-15 minutes the feeling of hunger is left, then you need to think about a small snack.
If you still break, this is an excuse to think: "Have you chosen a suitable diet for yourself".After a breakdown and overeating very often arise because of an incorrectly selected diet, too strict restrictions in nutrition. In this case, you need to charge the motivation and start all over again. And then you will succeed!