How to store onions

Autumn time is the time of harvesting and preservation of the harvest. Most suitable for laying onions for storage October. You can store stocks both at home and in the basement. The main thing is to observe the necessary conditions so that the losses in winter are minimal and the vitamins remain intact.

Cooking onions for winter storage

When preparing onions for storage, it is important to disassemble it in grades. Bitter varieties are stored much better. Sweet ones are the most susceptible to diseases, so they require more attention.

For longer preservation of the bulbs you need to carefully sort out. The scales should be whole, not damaged, and the onion must be fully dosed. You need to choose bulbs that are the same in size and shape. Even different grades must be divided. To increase the shelf life, you can sprinkle chopped onions a little. It will take 200 grams of chalk for about 10 kg of onions. It will not allow excess moisture, thereby preventing rotting and germination.

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Before storing onion, carefully dry it.

How to store onions in the cellar

Stack the onions so that there is enough air. This can be boxes - lattices, wicker baskets or canvas bags. The onion layer in the storage tank should not be more than 40 cm. In the same way it can be shifted to specially prepared shelves.

The room where the onions will be stored should be well ventilated. Optimal temperature conditions for storing onions are about 0 degrees. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity. With the onset of frosts, you can transfer the onions to the cellar. The increased humidity in the room where the onion is stored leads to the fact that it begins to germinate, the risk of disease and decay increases.

How to store the onion in the apartment in the apartment

In the absence of a basement or other suitable room, you can keep the onion and at room temperature. It is important that the temperature is not higher than 24 degrees. We keep the onions at home with all the famous ancient ways. We put dried bulbs in a stocking, we tie a knot from below or attach a clamp. Clamp can serve as an ordinary clothesline clothespin. So you can easily get it. Stocking with onions is best to hang. Do not allow onions to come in contact with heating devices, so it will dry up.

The entire period of storage of onions, whether you store it at home or in the basement, you need to periodically sort out. We remove from the general mass rotted, sprouted bulbs, as well as bulbs with obvious signs of the disease. To avoid sprouting onions, especially to spring, liming of onion is used. This is done as follows. The grown roots of the onion are cut off, and the cut is processed with calcareous paste. But this method will not allow growing bulbs in the spring for greens.

How to store green onions in the refrigerator

Superbly preserves its freshness with green onions. It is in its frozen or dried form retains its full benefit. Can be stored and fresh green onions, which is especially pleasant in the winter. Breaking it from the garden or from the box on the windowsill, we put the feathers in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Thus, it can be stored for about ten days.

To keep the greens longer, proceed as follows. Green onions and plastic bags, along the length of fully covering the feathers, we cool to 0 degrees separately from each other. Then put the onions of the onions in a bag and put them in the fridge. So it will be stored for up to one month. Constantly replenishing the reserves of greenery, you will be with the vitamins all year round.

Storage of
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