Orange ice cream: cooking at home

In the heat it's so nice to eat cold sweet delicious ice cream, and it's even nicer when it's cooked at home. After all, store ice cream is very caloric, and if you care about a figure, then it is contraindicated to you. But you can create for yourself such a low-calorie delicacy that you can eat it all the time. If you make orange ice cream, your figure will not suffer, and your body will get plenty of vitamins.

In different countries ice cream is characterized by the most unpredictable taste, for example. Italian ice cream can taste like mushrooms, parmesan, shrimp, celery, Greek - the taste of pasta with chocolate, Japanese - the taste of eggplants and snakes. Of course, in our country nothing is so exotic in ice cream, ice cream is very popular, creamy and fruity.

Which ice cream to choose?

There is a lot of milk fat in the filling, it is the most caloric, but the most delicious. Plombir is not worth eating for those who want to lose weight. Not so high-calorie ice cream, it also has milk fat, but in less quantity. Nutritionists recommend milk ice cream as the safest for the figure. But calories can be added to ice-cream all kinds of fillers and additives, for example, cookies, wafers, nuts, chocolate, etc. Thus, for slimming, only briquettes of milk ice cream and fruit ice are offered, in which a lot of chemical impurities.

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Therefore, the only solution is to prepare ice cream in your kitchen.

Orange ice cream - an excellent dessert with your own hands

Orange ice cream will become a wonderful dessert that can be absorbed completely calmly. Orange is the most favorite fruit, thanks to its bright color, juicy sweet pulp and aroma, as well as the high content of vitamin C. It can be prepared with dietary fruit ice cream, saturated only with useful substances.

If you combine an orange with yogurt, you will get a great yoghurt ice cream, fragrant and not very luscious. You can get a lot of new ice cream recipes by bold culinary experiments, combining the most unexpected products. Orange combines well with cinnamon and vanilla, saffron and ginger, cloves and badges. To it you can add cognac, mint, liqueurs, fruit juices and anything else.

Orange sorbet with ginger

For a couple of servings of this absolutely non-caloric ice cream you need to take two juicy large oranges, half a liter of fresh orange juice, lemon juice, ginger root, a couple of spoons of orange liqueur, a little sugar, a pinch of saffron and water. First make syrup of sugar and water and cook in it a root of ginger, thinly sliced. The syrup cool and strain, then mix it with lemon and orange juice, put saffron and liquor there. All this should brew for several hours, then freeze the mixture in the freezer.

For two hours every quarter of an hour, you must always remove the container and mix the contents to eliminate the ice crystals. After three hours you can eat sorbet. To nicely serve it to the table, it is important to prepare the vats for sorbet. Cut the oranges into two pieces and remove the pulp with a spoon. Fill the half of the fruit with sorbet and serve to the table. On top of the ice cream can be poured with cream. Such an original way of serving ice cream will please everyone.

Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 23, 2018
  • 47
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