Smooth skin has always been a matter of men's admiration. Therefore, women from time immemorial used various( sometimes not entirely safe) means to remove unwanted hair from the body. Forget about unnecessary hair will forever help the method of laser hair removal. About its main features will be told in this publication.
Now there are many different ways to get rid of excess vegetation. But the effect of most of them remains only a short time. Epilation is most effective.
Advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal
Weighing the pros and cons of techniques for removing unwanted vegetation on the body, women tend to evaluate the following characteristics:
- the duration of the effect;
- number of necessary procedures;
- periodicity of skin treatment;
- possible occurrence of painful sensations;
- duration of the session;
- security level;
- side effects;
- application area;
- possibility of carrying out at home;
- availability of contraindications;
- cost.
Let us dwell in detail on the merits and demerits of laser hair removal, based on these factors.
- This method of skin removal from unwanted vegetation is one of the longest, invented to date. The effect of the procedure is maintained for several years or for life. In this sense, only photo- and ELOS-epilation can compete with laser epilation. The effectiveness of procedures can be reduced with hormonal disorders. Therefore, people with problems with the endocrine system should be pre-treated or approximately twice a year undergoing support sessions.
- The procedure almost never causes pain, unlike wax depilation or electrolysis. Exceptions are cases when it is conducted in particularly sensitive areas. In this case, you may have to resort to anesthesia.
- For a single session does not require significant time. Its duration depends on which part of the body the hair is removed from. So, for the treatment of the face need about 10-15 minutes, for the hips - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. When observing all precautions, laser hair removal is not harmful to health.
- This technique is suitable for the removal of the hair from any part of the body, including: face( upper lip, eyebrow, eyebrows, cheeks, chin, ears);hands and feet;zones of deep bikini and buttocks;stomach, chest and back.
- Laser epilation can be carried out not only in the salon or clinic, but also at home with the proper equipment.
- Unfortunately, for one procedure to clean the skin completely does not work. The number of sessions depends on both the type of laser beam and the individual characteristics of the person. To completely remove hair, it may take from 3 to 10 visits to the wizard. The fact is that the hair on the human body does not grow all at the same time. Some( an average of 10-15%) are in the active stage. They are affected by a laser beam. The rest of them remain at rest and can not absorb radiation. For each part of the body requires a different number of treatments. For example, for armpits and a bikini zone - from 3 to 5;for the face - from 4 to 8;for feet and hands - from 5 to 10.
- Laser hair removal sessions can not be performed daily. Before you carry out the next procedure, you need to wait until the hair of the industry. The gap between visits to the clinic is usually 1-1.5 months.
- After the procedure, undesirable side effects may occur. But this is possible only if the requirements for epilation of this type are not met.
- Like other types of hair removal, laser hair removal has a number of contraindications. More about them will be described below.
- To get rid of hair permanently, you will have to spend a considerable amount. The cost of one session varies from 1000 to 15000 rubles.
Varieties of laser instruments
There are several types of apparatus for carrying out the hair removal procedure. They are divided into short-wave and long-wave. Let's consider each of these types in more detail.
Shortwave devices have a beam, the length of which is calculated only to reach the follicle. In cosmetic salons, the following versions of this type of apparatus for laser hair removal are used:
- Ruby laser has the shortest( 694 nm) wavelength. It was this ray that first appeared in beauty salons. He recognizes only dark hair on light skin. He does not fit both natural blondes, and women with swarthy or tanned skin. In addition to hair, a ruby laser can remove pigment spots and colored tattoos. The result appears only after a large number of sessions.
- Alexandrite ray is currently most commonly used by cosmetologists. Its wavelength is 755 nm. Usually it is used to remove hair of small and medium stiffness from light skin, but its work can be adjusted and on the epidermis with a dark( up to black) color. In the second case, the likelihood of complications increases. In addition, the device "does not see" the gun coat. In 2003, the US Alexandrite laser was recognized as the best for epilation.
- About 9 years ago, devices with a diode beam of 810 nm length began to appear in cosmetic cabinets. Unlike older devices, this device is suitable for skin and hair of any type. In addition, under the influence of a diode beam, hard hairs become much softer and more imperceptible. It can also be used to eliminate hypertrichosis, that is, increased hair growth. With all its advantages, this equipment has a significant drawback. When using it, the risk of scarring or pigmentation spots is higher than when using a device with an alexandrite rod.
The beam of long-wavelength devices is able to penetrate deeper under the skin. It not only destroys the follicle, but also acts on the cells of the blood vessels, from which the substances necessary for growth enter the hair. As a result, lack of nutrition leads to the death of hair.
At the moment in cosmetology only one type of long-wave laser is used - neodymium. Thanks to its ability to act in the subcutaneous layer with the help of a long beam( 1064 nm), it effectively fights not only with unwanted hair of all types, but also with acne and couperose( purple "stars").In addition, it is used to correct scars of different origin. The drawback of this device is that its beam can cause strong painful sensations.
Preparing for the
procedure To successfully remove the hair with a laser, you need to prepare for it. Let us list the actions that must be taken without fail.
- The day before the session, remove hair from the area of skin that will be treated. In this case, you can use only the shaving machine. If you use wax, sugar or other means to clean the skin of vegetation, bulbs can be damaged, which will affect the quality of the beam treatment. In some cases, for example, in preparation for laser hair removal, the bikini zone, on the contrary, requires the presence of hairs from 3 to 5 mm in length.
- Before epilation, you should stop using alcohol-based cosmetics and bathing in water containing chlorine.
- Since laser hair removal is not performed on the skin with fresh tan, you should either opt out of sunbathing for a while, or visit the beach in advance, no later than two weeks before going to the clinic.
Hair removal process
The laser hair removal procedure usually involves several basic steps. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.
- Before the procedure, a specialist should examine the client and make sure that he has no inflammation and damage to the skin at the site of future epilation.
- The phototype of a person is determined, which includes skin color and hair color. Depending on the result, the appearance of the epilator is selected and the necessary parameters are displayed on it.
- In order to gain confidence that the procedure will not have any negative consequences, first a trial irradiation is carried out on a small area of the skin. If after 12 hours there was no redness, rashes or blisters, then you can start removing hair from the entire intended area.
- If the patient does not tolerate pain, an hour before the session, the skin is treated with a composition containing anesthetic substances( usually lidocaine).In this case, the clinic will have to come in advance, so that the procedure begins at the appointed time.
- Before the beginning of hair removal, the client is asked to wear safety glasses. To refuse them it is impossible in any case, especially if laser treatment of the face is carried out. Iris of the eye also contains melanin, and accidental exposure to the beam can lead to irreparable consequences.
- A protective gel is applied to the site of the procedure.
- The specialist heats the area of hair removal. Then it is immediately cooled by the system built into the device. This allows you to minimize possible pain.
- At the end of epilation, the doctor smears the treated area with a soothing gel or cream.
The next time the client comes to the cosmetic cabinet only after the hair has grown, which were at the time of epilation in the inactive state.
Features of epilation of armpits and bikini zone
Axillary hollows and an intimate area are the most sensitive and hard-to-reach places on the body of a woman. In this case, the thickest hairline is formed on them. Therefore, hair removal on these areas of the body is most popular. Let us dwell in more detail on the peculiarities of its conduct in the specified places.
Before carrying out the procedure, you should not use alcohol-based detergents in the intimate area and remove hair using any methods. By the time of the session, the hair should have a length of about 5 mm.
In addition, it is advisable to visit the beauty cabinet in the first days after the end of menstruation. This is the time when the skin is the least sensitive to pain. Since the procedure is rather painful, it is performed with the mandatory use of an anesthetic. Therefore, a woman should come to the office no later than one hour before the beginning of epilation.
During the procedure, the hair is removed from the pubis, as well as from the line between the laundry and the labia. The session usually lasts no more than half an hour.
Preparation for the procedure for hair removal in the armpits is somewhat different. For several hours before the session, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of the deodorant and remove the overgrown hair with a razor.
The procedure is carried out. The client lays down on the couch and puts his hands behind his head so that the armpits are maximally available for processing.
After application of the protective gel, the cosmetologist proceeds to epilation. It takes about a quarter of an hour. You will have to spend more time in the office only for patients with increased sensitivity. An hour before the procedure, an anesthetic composition will be applied to the area of the armpits.
Because the armpits, like the intimate area, are usually not exposed to sunlight, the main rule that should be followed after the procedure is - do not use a deodorant containing alcohol for two weeks.
Skin care after epilation
- To avoid pigmentation, it is necessary to cover the treated area from direct sunlight for two weeks.
- In the active sun season, a cream with a sunscreen factor of 35 to 50 should be applied to the skin.
- "Panthenol" should be applied several times per day to the part of the body exposed to the laser beam. Thanks to pantothenic acid, it moisturizes the skin well, saturates it with nutrients, and heals possible damage.
- Within a few days after the procedure, it is not recommended to take a hot bath and visit the steam room. If this requirement is not met, folliculitis, or an inflammation of the hair bulb, may develop.
- Do not use cosmetics that contain alcohol. They will cause dryness and redness of the epidermis.
- It is also not advisable to visit the pool for several days, as the chlorine contained in the water can be irritating to the skin.
- In the period between sessions, you can not use any depilation means, except for the shaving machine.
- Do not delay the trip to a specialist and skip the designated sessions. The follicle can recover, and then the process of getting rid of unnecessary vegetation will have to start anew.
Self-made epilation
To perform laser hair removal, it is not necessary to write down for admission to a clinic specialist. Currently, this procedure is quite available at home. To carry it out, you first need to purchase a laser epilator. It can be of two kinds:
- An epilator acting on single hairs. Its dignity is a lower price. Disadvantage - the procedure takes considerable time. In addition, sometimes it is difficult to accurately direct the beam to the right place, namely a specific hair bulb.
- A device that is capable of scanning the epidermis and removing hair through a self-guided laser rod. It is most convenient in work.
Carrying out epilation using a laser device on your own, first of all you must observe all safety precautions:
- The room where the procedure will take place should be well ventilated.
- The windows should be curtained with thick curtains.
- You should wear protective goggles on your eyes.
Possible consequences of
The removal of the hair from the epidermis by a laser beam, unfortunately, does not always go smoothly. Sometimes the body can react negatively to the effects of irradiation. As a rule, undesirable consequences arise after hair removal with the help of a long-wave laser. Devices with a short rod are safer. Let us note which problems may arise as a result of the procedure.
- Hyperemia, that is reddening and inflammation of the skin. This is a common phenomenon that takes place over several days. Significantly reduces its use of "Bepanten" or "Panthenol".
- Burns and blisters. Such manifestations are observed if the hair in the place of treatment was not sufficiently shaved. Under the influence of the laser rod, they burn, injuring the epidermis. In addition, they can appear because of a poor-quality cooling system.
- Pigmentation and white spots. They are usually the result of a procedure on a swarthy or tanned skin. They can also appear after a long stay in the sun in the first weeks after the session. From such defects it can be difficult, and sometimes it's just impossible to get rid of.
- Dermatitis can be caused by individual intolerance to the components of anesthetic drug or cooling gas.
- Scars - a consequence of incorrectly set instrument parameters by an inexperienced master.
- Hormonal disorders. They arise due to the effect of irradiation on the body.
- Eye diseases and loss of vision are possible when the laser beam hits the eye mucosa in the absence of protective glasses or their not very tight fit.
- Sunburn is the main contraindication for laser hair removal. The fact is that the tanned skin contains melanin, but this substance is affected by the device. If you perform the procedure on tanned skin, then on the site of the beam will appear white spots.
- Age to 13-14 years. Only to this age the hormonal background is finally stabilized. And this is one of the main conditions for a successful procedure.
- Sensitive skin. This type of dermis reacts poorly to any aggressive manifestations of the external environment.
- Propensity to allergies to sunlight, as well as taking medications that contain a ban on staying in the open sun.
- Skin diseases at the time of exacerbation of inflammatory processes.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Dark birthmarks on the body site where the procedure is planned. Some medicines, including antibiotics, are not allowed. The course of treatment should be completed no later than 14 days before epilation.
- Varicose veins.
- Cardiological diseases.
- Infectious diseases.
- Malignant tumors.
- Pregnancy. During this period, any effect on the body, especially associated with irradiation, is undesirable.
As you can see, the method of laser hair removal, although it is one of the most advanced in the cosmetic services market, is far from ideal. Therefore, before you finally decide to visit a cosmetic cabinet or purchase a portable device, you should think carefully about the pros and cons of the possible disadvantages.
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