- 1 For dry skin of face
- 1.1 Moisturizing with fruits( banana, avocado, apple, lemon, strawberry, kiwi)
- 1.2 Milk masks using sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt. Nourishing with the addition of aloe
- 1.4 The mostthe best recipes for honey masks with olive oil
- 2 The ideal hand mask at home for dry skin
- 2.1 Mask for dry scalp at home
Dry skin requires increased attention and careful care. The causes may be as follows:
1) High sensitivity,
2) Weak sebaceous gland activity,
3) Rapid loss of moisture from the face surface,
4) Deficiency of certain vitamins,
5) Problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( gastritis),
6) chronic colds and antibiotic treatment,
7) weather factors: heat and cold, winter and summer, wind and ultraviolet,
8) chlorinated tap water,
9) persistent stress and sleep disturbance.
To solve the problem of dry skin and regain a blossoming complexion, it is necessary to solve the problem in a complex way. First of all, adjust the power mode. In the daily diet should be introduced more green onions, kelp, egg yolk, liver, vegetable oils. It will be useful, at least once a day, to eat salads with fresh herbs, dressed with olive or linseed oil. And also start taking vitamins C and A regularly( in large quantities, in calyx, cottage cheese, seaweed), vitamins B( it is recommended to eat rice, bran and almonds), hyaluronic acid( which regulates the water balance, and compensates for its lackcan be grape juice) and potassium( found in potatoes, peas and mustard).A successful combination would be, for example, a salad with grated carrots, herbs and any vegetable oil.
For dry facial skin, the mask
There are many different anti-peeling and moisturizing products, but the store elixirs contain a lot of synthetic substances and cause fast addiction. Although at the initial stage of application can show an excellent result. Therefore, experienced cosmetologists advise to constantly alternate various means and use as many natural ingredients as possible.
The healing effect, whitening and toning of the skin - can give the most simple facial mask for dry skin, prepared from homemade mayonnaise. Recipe for a miracle potion: egg yolk and a little vegetable oil( olive, corn and even sunflower oil is suitable).Ingredients should be mixed and applied to a cleansed face. You can hold the mask for 10-12 minutes and then remove it. The result can be assessed both visually and tactile: a fresh look, rested and tender skin.
Moisturizing with fruits( banana, avocado, apple, lemon, strawberry, kiwi)
Important rules for preparing masks: good mood and non-metallic dishes for mixing components. Compliance with the second rule is especially important for moisturizing fruit masks - as in a metallic container the tender fruit mixture can be oxidized.
Masks from apples, avocados, kiwis, grapefruits, bananas have a restoring effect. In summer, you can pamper your face with a mask of fresh strawberries, melons, pumpkins, raspberries. All the fruits are well combined with honey and sour cream. Fruit pulp can be mixed with peach, flax or almond oil. You can also experiment by combining fruits with carrot or lemon juice, wheat germ oil or green tea.
Preparation: perertere fruit on a small grater or in a blender( should get a gruel), add oil and apply to the face for 20-30 minutes. After rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. If desired, you can apply fruit pulp from different fruits.
Milk masochki with the use of sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir and yoghurt
Maschinaya "cooking", of course, opens the widest field for experiments, but you should not neglect safety techniques. Before actively applying any mask, it is necessary to check it for allergic - put a little on the wrist's skin and observe the reaction. If nothing happens, you can safely apply to sensitive skin.
If itching, stiffness or redness occurs, then immediately wash off with cold water, and do not use this recipe anymore. Even if he helped cope with the scaling skin of several friends and has the most positive feedback. It should be remembered that cosmetology is a strictly individual matter, and only what is appropriate for your face, your skin should be used. So not all people's councils are useful.
As general recommendations, it can be noted that milk masks are best suited for products with high fat content. Recipes can also vary: cottage cheese can be mixed with natural honey or milk, combine sour cream with egg yolk or mandarin zest. And you can combine cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, olive oil, and carrot juice. The main thing is to choose exactly those compounds that fit your skin, and give an obvious lifting or rejuvenating effect.
Nutritious with the addition of aloe
Aloe - in cosmetology is an excellent moisturizer. Also promotes the synthesis of collagen, relieves inflammation, softens, prevents the formation of pigment spots and wrinkles. Fine masks with a long effect of effect are obtained if you mix aloe with egg yolk, cream, cedar or olive oil.
The best recipes for honey masks with olive oil
The real treasure trove of vitamins, trace elements and macronutrients, as well as complex organic compounds, is natural bee honey. In combination with olive oil, it is able to create true miracles - to rejuvenate, tone, nourish the skin, return it a healthy color, velvety and resilience. The duet of honey and olive oil can be supplemented with ground aspirin, lemon juice or jojoba oil. The mixture is best applied slightly warmed on a steam bath so that the temperature is comfortable.
Ideal handmade mask at home for dry skin
You can grease the handles with cream, but they can also be pampered with "cosmetic cooking".To soften and moisten the dry skin of the hands, you can use a cucumber-cream mixture, or strong brewed black tea in combination with home-made mayonnaise. Both for the face and for the skin of the hands, a mask( for the hands - a bath) from warmed milk with oat flakes and honey will be useful. And among the ideal recipes is a mask of cream and olive oil and the addition of lemon juice. It will be good to make masks from cosmetic clay, glycerin, gelatin, potatoes.
Mask for dry scalp at home
To get rid of the sensation of dry skin on the head, compresses and masks from kefir, beer, and water-mixed yeast will help. The therapeutic effect will also have masochki based on burdock oil with the addition of honey, lemon or egg protein. You can also try a mask of fresh cream with wheat flour. To wash off masks follows warm, and it is better boiled water or grassy infusions: a camomile or an oak bark.
It is important to remember that any woman is a beauty, she just needs to maintain beauty, and cherish herself and cherish herself.