The use of a hormonal patch with menopause

Manifestations of menopause do not leave other way out, as elimination by means of hormones. It is the fall in the level of these substances that causes severe symptoms. Usually hormones are taken in tablet form. But the plaster with menopause has its advantages.

Than plasters are better

Hormonal tablets are taken orally by washing with water. Usually they are designed for daily intake. But women in the menopause period are often reduced memory and concentration, because it happens that the medicine remains forgotten. And in the hormone replacement therapy it is important to regularly receive substances into the blood, this determines the success of the treatment. Adhesive, used in menopause, is free from this drawback. Moreover, there is still a whole list of advantages, which gives the use of such tools:

  • Gradual introduction of hormones into the body. The plate introduces a certain volume of a substance daily, the assimilation of which does not depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. The effect on the body of the hormone is more sparing than with oral intake;
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  • No negative effects on the veins. Unlike tablets, patches do not cause thrombosis;
  • The intake of hormones directly into the blood. This plaster from menopause provides a faster result in the relief of symptoms. It is important that the liver does not participate in the processing of substances, which is unrealistic when taking tablets;
  • No possibility of negative interaction with other drugs. Women in menopause are often forced to take more than one medicine. The patch will not affect its digestion in any way;
  • The ability to quickly stop the use of an anti- menic remedy in the event of sudden intolerance. The plate is simply removed from the skin, while with the tablet, additional measures will be needed to neutralize its effect;
  • The plaster used for menopause is convenient and simple throughout the application, it is easy to wash in the shower, it relieves anxiety about one's own forgetfulness, as is the case with tablets.

The names of this kind of remedy against climacteric syndrome

Therapeutic patches with menopause, which are known for a long time, are widely used, presented in several forms:

  • Klimara. There are two sizes - 12.5 cm and 25. This determines the amount of active substance released. In this case it is estradiol. At a smaller size, the agent emits it in a volume of 0.05 mg, in the other - 0.1 mg. Adhesive for climacteric climax paste for 7 days with mild manifestations of the decline in sex hormones. This is a one-item expiration date, which is replaced with a new one. In severe climacteric, plates are worn monthly for 10-14 days;
  • Extraderm. This type of adhesive is intended for 4-day use. One plate is worn for 84 hours. If the climacterium does not disturb intensive manifestations, it is enough to paste them twice in 7 days. With severe symptoms - the course should be continuous until the end;
  • Chinese plant-based plasters. They do not contain synthetic hormones, but they help reduce the strength of menopause symptoms.

We recommend reading the article about nonhormonal therapy with menopause. You will learn about the effects and benefits of drugs without hormones in menopause, taking phytoestrogens and homeopathic drugs.

Features of application

The hormonal patch for menopause for efficacy and safety should be used in a certain way. You can not attach it at close range from the mammary glands and pelvic organs, it can cause unpredictable reactions and bad consequences. The optimum place for gluing is the buttocks or the spine.

There are several other rules that should be observed when using an antiplasmic plaster:

  • The skin to which the product is attached should be clean and dry. From the plate, remove the protective strip and sticky side, spreading, paste on the right place;
  • The length of the period in which the patch will be used will be determined by the physician. It can be short with mild signs of menopause. For elimination of notable symptoms, a complete course of treatment is performed;
  • It starts with a transdermal product containing the smallest dose of hormones and requiring a minimum period of application. It is necessary to control the body's reaction. For successful treatment, it is important to have no negative effects( redness of the skin, itching on different parts of the body, edema, headache, nausea, seizures).
A patch with estrogen in menopause is able to cope with all the negative manifestations of this condition.

Leave hot flashes, do not disturb increased sweating, emotional instability and dryness of mucous membranes. But, like other agents with hormones, the band-aid has oncological diseases, thromboses, severe liver pathologies in the list of contraindications. Therefore, you can use it after consulting a doctor and a survey.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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