Massage during pregnancy in the first trimester

Among many women, it is widely believed that a massage in early pregnancy can be harmful, since in the first trimester it can lead to a miscarriage. In a sense, this is a true assumption, but not quite. There are many factors that can interrupt pregnancy. For example, anomalies of the development of the uterus, hormonal imbalance - the causes of fetal loss in the first trimester, and massage in this situation acts as a provoking factor, without the presence of the first harm it will not bring. But provided that it will be conducted by an expert and subject to certain rules.


  • 1 Massage and Pregnancy
    • 1.1 Massage for the Future Mother
    • 1.2 Massage Techniques Applied During Pregnancy
  • 2 Why Massage Is Denied in the First Trimester
  • 3 When to Withdraw Massage During Pregnancy

Massage and Pregnancy

This term refers toa set of methods of mechanical influence on tissues and organs of the pregnant woman in the form of grinding. The duration of the procedure is usually from 30 minutes to an hour. For comfortable holding it specially designed tables and pillows are used. The lying position on the side is the most convenient and safe position during a massage for a pregnant woman.

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The use of massage for a future mother

At the moment there are no large studies that would clearly confirm the benefits of massage during pregnancy. Nevertheless, there is evidence of a positive effect of the body's grindings of a pregnant woman, namely:

  • anxiety reduction;
  • relief of pain in the back and legs, especially when back massage is performed in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • sleep normalization;
  • decrease in the level of the stress hormone( norepinephrine);
  • increased levels of serotonin and dopamine( "well-being" hormones);
  • decreased cortisol level( stress indicator);
  • overall mood improvement.
Thanks to the factors listed above, the effectiveness of massage therapy in the treatment of depression during the period of gestation was proved.

Massage Techniques Applied During Pregnancy

At present, there are many types of massage that can meet the different needs of people. Which one to apply depends largely on each specific situation, but most often the following types are used:

  • medical,
  • hygienic,
  • cosmetic,
  • sports,
  • reflex,
  • for children,
  • self-massage.

As a rule, specialists engaged in massage of pregnant women adapt a set of methods and actions( stroking, rubbing, kneading, shock and vibration movements) to changes that are observed in the body of a future mother.

For example, the period of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in blood volume, and the venous outflow in the legs slows down. In this regard, reduces the content of anticoagulants, which reduces the amount of blood loss during childbirth. Therefore, experts exclude from their methods the use of deep grinding, shock and vibration movement in the massage of the legs, which can cause the separation of a clot( blood clot).To prevent this from happening, they try to apply a very light, slow stroking.

With the massage of pregnant women, the direction of movement is chosen only to the heart. Anti-cellulite massage during pregnancy in the early stages is no exception. Easy stroking of the feet, as the masseurs consider, is sufficient to improve the circulation of blood and lymph, to reduce the risk of cellulite.

Why massage is prohibited in the first trimester

Many doctors "reluctantly" recommend massage during pregnancy, quite often dissuaded from going through this procedure. The fact is that in many countries there are no certification standards - the legislative base for training masseurs, there are huge differences in their preparation.

In addition, early pregnancy massage has not been thoroughly studied with high-quality clinical studies. That is, following the principles of evidence-based medicine, its effectiveness and safety at the moment is not proven.

Referring to the statistics confirming that the major part of the termination of pregnancy falls on the first trimester, many doctors and masseurs are against the appointment procedure in this period. However, none of the studies showed a clear correlation between the massage and miscarriage.

We recommend reading the article about massage during menstruation. From it you will learn about the benefits of a massage for a woman in critical days, his options, the types of massage that help to relive the months easier.

When to refrain from passing a massage during pregnancy

As mentioned above, the research base, confirming the safety and effectiveness of massage during pregnancy, is scant. At the moment, there are no clear, consistent principles for the appointment of this procedure during pregnancy. In any case, if a woman decides to go through it, she must get permission from her doctor. It is better to abandon it if:

  • there is nausea, vomiting or morning sickness;
  • has a high risk of miscarriage;
  • doctors suspect complications of pregnancy, for example, placental abruption( when the "baby seat" is a little detached from the uterus wall) or premature birth.

The masseuse has the right to request the doctor's written recommendations for the procedure, as well as the woman's refusal to present claims to him in the event of a complication.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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