Choose corn and green peas

No holiday, whether it's New Year, birthday or just the arrival of friends to visit, does not do without salads. What a feast without them! The main ingredients for salads are vegetables. And if each woman prepares her own beets, carrots and potatoes, such products as peas and corn, are most often bought in ready-made form. And are you sure in the maintenance of jars of canned vegetables bought in the store?

What to look for:

  1. Packaging
  2. Date of manufacture
  3. Composition

The main parameters for selecting canned peas and corn are containers, date and composition. These indicators will help you choose the most high-quality product among the existing variety.


Peas and corn are sold in metal and glass containers. Of course, metal tanks are good in that they do not pass sunlight, and the product is reliably protected from fading. But the contents are not visible in the opaque container. But what if there is not enough peas, and most of the capacity is filled with liquid? To check this, you need to shake the jar and listen to the sound. If you notice distinctly squelching, then brine it more than grains.

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And metal packaging does not belong to environmentally friendly materials. When we open the jar, we see a white coating on the inner walls. This is a special substance that protects the metal from oxidation and the appearance of rust. Unfortunately, some manufacturers cover the metal with a toxic layer that can penetrate the product, and this will be dangerous for health.

Those who do not want to buy a "cat in a sack" choose a product in a glass container. So you can determine the quality of corn or peas by the external characteristics: the size of the grains, their integrity, the structure of raw materials and its color. In addition, the jar must be turned to see if there are any impurities at the bottom. If the liquid has become turbid, most likely, the product was prepared in violation of technology or poor quality raw materials were used. But even when the liquid in the bank is crystal clear, this is also not an indicator of quality. Perhaps the raw material was used frozen or dry. Therefore, the presence of a small amount of sediment does not count.


It is necessary to look at the date of packing peas and corn. It must necessarily correspond to the time of ripening and harvesting. That is, for peas harvest period is the beginning of June, and for corn - August.

Fresh product, brought from the fields, recycled and decomposed into tare - the best raw materials. It is desirable to find such peas, on which the date is not earlier than May and not later than July, and maize, packaged not earlier than August and not later than September. In all other cases canned food was made from frozen and dried raw materials.

Composition of

It is important to read the information on the label. And in canned corn, and in peas there should not be any extra components. The ideal composition: water, salt, sugar. That's all. Any other( additional) components are simply useless. As a rule, they are aimed at extending the term of the product realization or for improving the taste qualities of the spoiled raw materials.

The criteria for choosing canned peas and corn are quite simple. But they always help to choose a quality product, thanks to which your salads will be not only tasty, but also useful.

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