Why on the gums formed a cone and how to get rid of build-up

A cone on the gum may appear for various reasons. Depending on them, the right treatment will be prescribed. Ignore the appearance of such education on the gums is not worth - such a manifestation can sometimes indicate a serious illness.

The growth can be small and do not cause discomfort and pain. There are cones with a white dot in the center, which hurt and from them emits an unpleasant smell. In form they can resemble peas or even bean grains.

The beads can be elastic or soft. If a lump with pus appeared on the gum, then such outgrowths called an abscess.


  • Why do cones grow where they are not typical?
  • Features of the clinical picture
  • Treatment approach
    • Injury as a provocation agent
    • Presence of a fistula
    • Treatment of a cyst
    • Therapy of a chronic and acute periodontitis
    • Flux is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon
  • First aid at home
  • Prevention and complication of the disease

Why cones grow there,where it is unusual for them?

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The appearance of the cone on the gum may be associated with insufficient oral hygiene or with any disease:

  1. The most common cause of this symptom is plaque, which usually not only causes caries on the teeth but also spreads the infection in the gums. The process of infection leads to inflammation of the gums.
  2. Incorrect treatment of caries can give complications, resulting in an inflammatory process on the gum.
  3. Chronic periodontitis leads to a periodic exacerbation, which causes the appearance of growths on the gums.
  4. Insert teeth or prosthesis after a short time after installation can give such a symptom. The inflammatory process in the gums arises from the poor antiseptic processing of instruments or the oral cavity during the healing process.
  5. The beginning flux is manifested by the appearance of a small bump on the gum near the tooth, which grows very quickly and becomes inflamed.
  6. The cyst on the gum manifests itself as such a symptom.
  7. Fistula is a common cause of growths. Purulent formation in the gums searches for an outlet outward and a lump is formed. In it a fistula is formed in the center, through which pus comes out.
  8. Consequence of injury .Such a symptom passes by itself on time.
  9. Oncological diseases of lead to metastases in the jaw and the appearance of convex formations.
  10. Fibroopapilloma ( benign tumor).
During an inaccurate brushing of teeth, there may be a minor injury, which subsequently leads to infection there and, as a consequence, the appearance of pimples on the gums.

Features of the clinical picture

The appearance of the balls on the gum may be accompanied by a certain symptomatology or at all do not bring discomfort. Even if the growth on the gum does not bother, then it must be treated.

More often a hard lump on the gum makes itself felt and causes pain of varying degrees of intensity. It can give an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Also, this formation on the gum may interfere with food intake. In the case of severe suppuration, the cone gives rise to a high temperature and a general disturbance in the human condition.

If a fistula appears on the gum, its main symptom is the excretion of pus, which is simply impossible not to notice. The cyst gives a tingling in the place of its formation and not even a very strong headache.

The first manifestations and precursors of formations on the gums may be reddening of the gums and their bleeding. Loosening of the teeth can also begin at the point of appearance of the build-up.

All these symptoms signal that it is necessary to contact the dentist in a short time to avoid complications.

Approach to treatment

Treatment of cones on the gums will depend on the cause of their appearance.

Injury as a provocation agent

In traumatic hematomas, no special treatment is required if the tooth itself is not damaged. Most often, such education passes gradually on its own.

The presence of the fistula

In the photo, the external fistula is the lump on the gums.

Diagnosis of the fistula is possible with an X-ray.

The doctor will be able to assess the situation and make a decision about the preservation or removal of the tooth.

Along with the treatment of caries it is necessary to apply measures to reduce the fistula, treatment consists of several mandatory measures:

  • frequent rinsing with warm enough saline solution - the main means to reduce inflammation in the gum and actively removes pus from the outside;
  • the dentist must necessarily very thoroughly clean the channels and treat the cavity with a special tool , which destroys the bacteria and does not allow the inflammation to develop;
  • is sometimes prescribed by with antibiotic therapy to avoid further infection;
  • , after complete processing and cleaning of the channels, they are sealed with , and a permanent seal is put in a few days.

After all treatment procedures, the fistula is healing fast enough. If such a symptom occurs near a sealed tooth, the dentist must open it and perform all the necessary measures. After that, a new seal is being set up.

Treatment of a cyst

If a doctor can not contact immediately after the appearance of a cyst on the gum, surgical intervention can be avoided and medicinal treatment or surface surgery can be used.

For this, under local anesthesia, the cyst is cut and all pus is removed from there. If there is a need, then the seam is adjusted.

With the advanced form of the disease, more serious treatment is required - operations:

  1. Cystectomy is performed to remove the cyst completely and at the same time the part of the apex of the root of the diseased tooth is excised.
  2. The hemisection implies the removal not only of the cyst and the tip of the tooth, but also some part of the most damaged tooth. After such an intervention, it is necessary to restore the tooth using a crown.

A doctor can decide whether to cure the cyst after the X-ray and additional tests. To ease the condition of at the first signs of the appearance of a cyst, several folk methods of its treatment can be used:

  • to hold a small amount of sesame oil in the mouth for 5-10 minutes;
  • applying a tampon made of gauze soaked in a few drops of sesame oil;
  • rinsing with propolis.

Therapy for chronic and acute periodontitis

Any form of periodontitis should be treated only at the dentist. At home, you can only relieve acute pain, or during the treatment with the doctor in parallel at home, rinse the mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

First of all, you need to clean the channels. And this process occurs in stages. Each time you need to expand the channels, clean them and lay the antiseptic.

Sometimes after such treatment it is required to leave a tooth without a permanent seal for 3-6 months. This is done to see if the affected tooth will again become inflamed.

For the qualitative treatment of periodontitis, drugs based on antibiotics are placed in open channels. It is necessary to change this medicine in the channel once every few days.

Flux - extremely unpleasant phenomenon

When a flux appears, an appeal to the dentist should be the first action.

If you need to wait for the morning or work day, then with severe pain you can take an anesthetic and as often as possible rinse the mouth with saline.

First aid at home

If the cones appear on the gums on a day off or in the evening, several methods can be used to remove pain and relieve inflammation:

  1. Take pain medication .During its use, it is necessary to strictly observe the time intervals according to the instructions between the doses in order to avoid an overdose.
  2. Rinse with soda solution with the addition of iodine will noticeably soothe pain and inflammation on the gum. Also, such a solution of will help to extract pus from the fistula.
  3. Rinse with propolis tincture is useful for all types of cones on the gum and markedly improves the condition of the dentition.
  4. Cranberry juice can help temporarily ease the situation - reduce pain and relieve severe inflammation.
  5. The use of tooth drops is permissible in extreme cases of .Very often they can not be used, otherwise you can burn the oral mucosa.

You can try to apply a compress of ice cubes if the cold does not cause severe pain and tooth ripples.

It is forbidden to open and clean cones independently, otherwise it is possible to put the infection in the blood and get it infected.

Prevention and complication of the disease

If you do not go to the dentist in time, you can get serious complications. Very dangerous are purulent cones.

If they are not treated in time, then pus can begin to destroy the jawbone. Also, if pus comes into the blood, infection may occur.

If you do not treat periodontitis, then it will develop into a chronic form. All the outgrowths that appear with their wrong treatment or lack thereof, lead to tooth loss.

For the prevention of these complications and the development of serious diseases, several rules should be strictly observed:

  1. The main thing is to observe the hygiene of the oral cavity : brushing your teeth 2 times a day, using threads for teeth and rinse liquids.
  2. The toothbrush must be changed at least once every six months and it is advisable to use an electric brush. Its use reduces the risk of developing lesions on the gums.
  3. Periodic rinsing of the mouth with decoctions of herbs can restore normal bacterial balance. The use of propolis for preventive purposes can help prevent the onset of inflammatory processes on the gums.
  4. A visit to the dentist should be regular, at least every six months. You should take the rule of going to the doctor, even if nothing bothers you. Such a preventive measure will help to identify various problems in the oral cavity in the early stages. Then treatment will occur less painfully and with the least financial and nervous expenses.

Any formations on the gums require close attention and timely treatment. At home, you can only take some measures that will make it possible to ease the condition before visiting the dentist.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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