How to calm nerves: 5 folk remedies

All people( except for the unemotional half-dead types) are nervous.

Someone is less, because it has strong nerves, just like ropes, someone is constantly, because nerves are fooled by him and are not very strong.

There are too many situations in our life that can be out of balance, so it's useful for everyone to know how calms the nerves of .

This is really the right knowledge, because, exhausting yourself in vain, you earn a bunch of illnesses without noticing it.

Do you need this?

I very much doubt it!

In addition, very nervous, a person can commit some kind of stupidity, which will be a long time to regret when he comes to himself.

So today we will learn to control ourselves and quickly calm down in stressful situations.

If you do not want to think about what to calm your nerves - fully sleep out

Take a closer look at your friends who sleep little and work hard.

How do they look?

How do they feel?

I remember working with a girl who combined her studies at the university, work and part-time work( she copied at night).

instagram viewer

Slept for 5 hours a day, worked with 1 weekend a month and was terribly proud of myself.

At first Julia did quite well for herself, but gradually the changes in her appearance and behavior were visible to the naked eye: she lost weight, almost ceased to look after herself, bruises appeared under her eyes.

But worst of all, that she became jerky and psychotic.

Once during the meeting, the girl burst into tears in response to the tactful observation of the chef and started yelling that she was tired of everything.

Our understanding chef quickly realized what was wrong, gave her 2 weeks of paid leave, severely ordered me to quit the work on the Internet and these 2 weeks to rest and sleep to calm my nerves.

Has threatened that if Julia returns from vacation in the same terrible, tired state as he left, then he will fire.

Two weeks later the same cheerful, nice, calm girl came to the office, which was arranged a year ago.

Think, maybe you can not calm your nerves, because you sleep and rest a little, because you work too much and put on your shoulders an unbearable burden?

If so, then it's time to correct.

How to quickly calm your nerves: 5 ways to

If someone has angered you very much, then not to do stupid things, you need to force yourself to quickly calm your nerves.

How to do this?

First, stop being twisted and annoyed even more, coming back again and again in thoughts to an unpleasant situation or conversation.

Second, choose one of five effective ways.

5 ways how to calm nerves:

  1. Respiratory gymnastics.

    Want, you can search for special exercises on the Internet or enroll in courses( in the same yoga classes learn to breathe properly), but you can act in the old fashion: a deep breath, a smooth deep exhale and so on until it gets better.

  2. Spa treatments.

    Did you get angry?

    Throw it all and go to the relaxation procedure in the nearest salon.

  3. Hot shower or herbal bath.

    In fact, any water treatment helps to calm nerves, but the most useful in this matter - a hot shower or a fragrant bath with soothing herbs.

  4. Account.

    Instead of being nervous, scandalous, proving your rightness with foam at the mouth, start thinking about yourself: first from 0 - to 100, then - on the contrary.

  5. Communication with a cat.

    Cats are wonderful animals and a cure for any adversity.

    Take the fluff on your hands, scratch it behind your ear and let it pacify your loosened nerves with your purr.

How to treat stress without the help of doctors?

If this does not work, then there are enough other methods, than to calm the nerves of .

For example, there are folk ways that our ancestors knew about.

How to calm nerves with folk remedies: 5 useful recommendations

I'm not against folk medicine and grandmother's advice.

Sometimes they are an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical chemistry.

You can, of course, try to calm the nerves with some kind of pill( if you decide to do this, then visit a psychotherapist - let him prescribe what is right for you), but it's better to ask for help to folk remedies.

So, to calm the nerves of folk remedies can be as follows:

  1. Walking barefoot.

    There is an abundance of points on our feet that are responsible for the health of various organs.

    Walking barefoot on the ground, sand, grass, pebbles allows you to massage these energy centers.

    You, in turn, can quickly calm down.

  2. Water procedures.

    To calm your nerves and heart, our ancestors advised you to go knee-deep into the water and stand so until you feel better.

    This method, of course, is relevant only for the warmth of the year.

  3. Pewter.

    In general, douche - the procedure is useful not only for those who want to calm nerves, but also for those who want to improve their health and strengthen their immunity.

    Begin by dousing with lukewarm water, gradually reducing its temperature.

  4. Running or brisk walking.

    What does an annoyed child do when it's not his way?

    He runs away.

    Follow his example: go for a run and you can quickly calm down your nerves.

    If now you can not for some reason run, then fast walking will have the same effect.

  5. Herbal preparations.

    Peppermint, melissa, chamomile, valerian, motherwort - all these and many other herbs help to calm nerves.

    You can not philosophize craftily, and buy at the nearest pharmacy a ready-made herb collection.

5 tips on how to calm the nerves

There are a lot of ways to calm nerves - everyone chooses the one that is closer to him: meditation, sports, drops of valerian, smashing dishes, etc.

If you have not figured out what exactly helps you to calm down quickly, then I suggest several more options to make a choice.

Here's how else you can calm your nerves:

  1. Turn on music - just not heavy rock, which is so cool to do sports or do cleaning, but classic, slow musical compositions, birdsong singing, oriental tunes, etc.
  2. Look at an easy life-affirming comedy - it does not matter that you spend two hours on it, because the health of your nervous system is more expensive.
  3. Do some favorite thing: embroidery, knitting, cooking, reading - no matter what, the main thing is to help you calm down.
  4. Revise photos - this method helps me.
  5. Go for a walk in the park or to the river, as an alternative - shopping.

To calm your nerves, listen also to the tips in the video:

Regular exercise is something that can quickly calm the nerves of

. I'm not justifying you in vain as it is about the benefits of training.

They not only help to find a beautiful figure, but also very effective in strengthening the nervous system.

Have you seen a lot of crazy professional athletes or even ordinary pitching in the hall?

I'm a little bit.

Do not want to visit the simulator - your right.

Choose an activity for yourself:

  • dances;
  • yoga;
  • gymnastics;
  • step aerobics;
  • strip-plastic;
  • boxing;
  • martial arts;
  • mountaineering, etc.

It's not even so important what to do.

It is important to do this regularly( at least twice a week).

If you do not try to find reasons for yourself, why do not you want to go to training today, you will rarely think how to calm the nerves of , because your habit will start to evaporate and become irritated by trifles.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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