Map of acne on face: what do they mean? Location of acne on the face and disease

Acne on the face appears for a reason. The cause of your rash can be both negligent attitude to the purity of the skin, and the presence of health problems.

Contents of

  • What is acne on the face?
  • Acne on the face map for areas
  • Location of acne on the face and illness
  • If acne on the forehead, which organ hurts?
  • Acne on the bridge of the nose, which means
  • Acne on the forehead and on the cheeks, with what are connected? Acne on the chin, what does it mean?
  • The value of acne on the nose and in the nose area
  • What is acne on the cheeks? Acne on the side of the face, what are they talking about?
  • Video: "Map of acne: causes. How to remove acne? »

What are the acne on the face?

Acne can occur for two main reasons:

  • improper hygiene care
  • problems in the body

In the first case, a person does not pursue hygienic goals sufficiently:

  • does not wash the face from dirt
  • does not watch for skin to breathe
  • does not wash off decorativecosmetics from the face
  • instagram viewer
  • uses cheap cosmetics
  • does not moisturize the skin

Negligent attitude towards the purity of its facial skin leads to the fact that it suffers: the pores are clogged with dirt, inflamed and suppurated.

In the second case, even if a person carefully watches the cleanliness of their skin, apply only correct and high-quality cosmetics to it, acne can appear only because the body is going through failures. It can be hormonal failures, diseases of internal organs, incorrect metabolism.

Acne Map - is a way to navigate and distinguish parts of the face on which acne appears. It is believed that the pimple that appeared in a certain place does this for a reason. Each part of the face is closely related to one of the internal organs or systems of the body.

Thus, you can easily determine the cause of acne if you watch your face. Focusing on the acne map is not difficult to know about which system of your body suffers.

acne appearing on the face talking about problems occurring in the human body

Map of acne on the face of the zones

Specialists were able to distribute the face to the zones and, depending on the appearance of pimples on the face, "draw" a map. Pay attention to your acne, follow the nature of their appearance and calculate the area on which they appear most often.

Find your "suffering" area of ​​the face on the map and then you will be able to determine the which system of your body is failing.

All areas of the face on which acne appears can be divided into nine zones. If pimples in a certain zone appear too often, you may have a serious illness and similar rashes with all sorts of images try to warn you about it.

simple schematic map
detailed map

Location of acne on the face and illness

As already mentioned, it is possible to distinguish nine main zones on which "signaling" acne most often appear. They appear:

  • forehead( center and both sides)
  • eyebrows( above the eyebrows, below or on the side)
  • cheeks and eyes( in the eye area and throughout the cheek area)
  • nose( at the tip, side of nose, on the bridge of the nose)
  • nasolabial fold( completely around the mouth)
  • side of the face( this is whiskey on both sides, ears, corners of the eyes)
  • mouth( around the lips)
  • chin( on the side of the face and on the tip of the chin)
  • ears( side of face)

beauty of the face is necessary in the first place, because this is the part to which people around turn theirutmost attention. The way you are perceived is decided by the attitude towards you and, in principle, your future. Eliminate the rash on the face of by healing the body and curing diseases of the internal organs, focusing on the acne map.

acne on the face appear for a reason

If acne on the forehead, which organ hurts?

Many have noticed that from time to time that the forehead suffers from acne. This is one of the most "popular" places for rashes. It is worth noting that any pimples appearing on the forehead and in the lateral area of ​​both brow ridges testify, that a person experiences abnormalities of the digestive tract.

I guess everyone heard about the presence of a so-called T-zone. E This zone is known for the fact that it is the concentration of the maximum amount of the sebaceous gland, as well as the sweat glands. It is because of the active work of these glands that this area of ​​the face is regularly covered with ugly with a fat gloss.

If you often have acne on these areas of the face, you may have problems:

  • is not properly functioning stomach
  • pancreas does not work
  • poorly functioning gallbladder
  • you have dysbiosis
  • you have gallstones

If there is a rash in the zonehair growth - is a signal about the impaired operation of the gallbladder or intestine.

If you are tired of the fact that they are constantly present on your forehead, perhaps you should completely adjust your system and the image of food. Most often, rashes occur because a person eats unhealthy food: fast food, fast food, an abundance of sweets and chocolate, mayonnaise and fatty foods, soda. Focus on completely different and healthy products: fruits and vegetables, cereals and cereals, milk, sour-milk products, whole grain bread.

Frequent rash on the forehead also may indicate that medications, that you are taking, are harmful to you. Perhaps you are over-consuming antibiotics and vitamins, as well as hormones.

rashes on the forehead: causes, factors, bowel problems

Acne on the bridge of the nose, which means

Every pimple on your face that appears due to malfunctioning of the body. This is the release of toxins, which the body is not able to throw away naturally( through the intestines).

The area between the eyebrows is also prone to frequent rashes. Explain this rash can be very simple - does not work well liver. What factors affect this? Firstly, it can be associated with excessive consumption of alcohol, also affects the appearance of acne excessive consumption of fatty foods, and in some cases because of the consumption of dairy products ( in this case they must be completely excluded from the diet, as well as protein foods).

The work of the liver is helped by sport and healthy eating. You should also follow your sleep and rest modes. Try to sleep at least eight hours a day.

appearance of pimples on the bridge of the nose, is associated with impaired liver function

Acne on the forehead and on the cheeks, with what are connected?

If acne often appears not only on the forehead, but also on the cheeks - it can tell you that you have problems with the operation of the respiratory system. It is for this reason that frequent rashes on the cheeks appear in heavy smokers and in some cases have strong allergies.

To get rid of pimples appearing on the cheeks, you can try to abandon the cigarettes and to start taking antiallergic drugs.

If you do not have the habit of smoking or you have never suffered from allergies, your rash may appear because the organism often overheats. In this case, you will need to drink plenty of water and chilled food. So should reduce the consumption of sweet ( to exclude the possibility of banal diathesis) and increase your stay in the fresh air: walk, jog and exercise on the street every day.

In this case, should also adjust its diet: reduce the amount of consumed dairy products( they create an acidic environment), as well as protein, sweets, alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Eat more healthy food:

  • increase the number of vegetables in the diet
  • eat a variety of fruits
  • drink more water
  • increase the amount of cereals and cereals
pimples on the cheeks - their appearance is associated with the problems of the respiratory system

Acne on the chin, what does it mean?

Unfortunately, very often acne appears on the chin. If you observe that they arise in this area constantly, most likely you suffer from disrupted endocrine and digestive system.

You can adjust the functioning of these systems by adjusting your diet:

  • You should eat large amounts of fiber
  • Ensure that your body does not receive a huge dose of toxins
  • Drink plenty of herbal teas( they remove toxins and digest the digestive system)

If you do not observe these problems yourself, it may very well be that such rashes appear in the aftermath of disrupting the work of the female reproductive gland. This happens if the amount of male sex hormone predominates in a woman's body.

Get rid of the permanent pimples on the chin, which almost never disappear, you can by complete examination with a gynecologist. It is necessary to pass a lot of blood tests, according to which the expert will determine your problem.

Another cause of pimples on the chin - frequent hypothermia of the body. You may have a weak defensive immune response, as well as a variety of infections. To get rid of boring pimples will help a dermatologist and a cosmetologist after the treatment.

pimples "signal" about failures of the endocrine system

The value of acne on the nose and in the nose area

The nose is the only part of the face that can not give a definite answer about the cause of the appearance of acne.

In most cases, pimples on the nose of appear because this zone is characterized by a large amount of excessively dilated pores. This area also has an increased fat content. In addition, this part of the body is constantly open. This factor negatively affects the healthy skin condition. The skin is constantly subjected to frequent contamination from the environment, nose can touch the with dirty hands.

Pores on the nose very often clogged with mud, as a result and appears as black dots, inflammation in the pores and the purulent pimples themselves.

Another cause of rash on the nose - is a hormonal disorder in the body. Such dissonances and jumps of hormones most often occur with a person during maturation, that is, in adolescence.

The last cause of rashes on the nose is of heart disease. Often, such rashes indicate the presence of human pressure problems and imbalance in the body of vitamin B. To get rid of pimples, you should also normalize your cholesterol level in the body, adjust the nutrition( fill it with useful products).

The simplest reason for the occurrence of rashes on the nose can be careless attitude towards its purity of the skin. You should regularly remove dirt and cosmetics from your face, do not sleep with make-up and wash your face with cleansing gels, foams, scrubs and use only quality cosmetics.

pimples on the nose - a symbol of the disruption of many body systems

What are the acne on the cheeks?

If you have no problems with respiratory and allergic reactions, acne on the cheeks can occur for the following reasons:

  • bronchial diseases( inflammation, colds)
  • colds in the body( viruses and infections)
  • reaction to sugar and chocolate( give up the sweet)

Observations of people who have frequent rashes on their cheeks, also indicate that they are prone to depressive people. Acne on the side of the face, what are they talking about?

Note the acne that appears in your on the side of the face :

  • Acne from the side of the eye can "scream" to you that a person is going through dehydration
  • Acne in the ears indicates that there are health problems associated withwith kidneys ( should adjust the diet)
  • If acne pours up your whiskey, then this tells you about the problems of the operation of the gallbladder

Video: "Card of acne: causes. How to remove acne? »

  • Mar 23, 2018
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