Any malaise can complicate the course of pregnancy. Especially if they affect the reproductive system. The most frequent of such pathologies is myoma. Neoplasm is located in different departments of the organ, it has other features. Therefore, the answer to the question "whether it is possible to give birth with a uterine myoma" is not the same in each case.
- 1 Conception with myoma
- 2 Myoma and pregnancy: what can happen
- 3 When pregnancy with myomas is more likely
- 4 Childbirth with myomium
Conception with myoma
Benign tumor always appears on the background of a hormonal disorder - an increased concentration of estrogens. In addition, it develops directly on the organ itself, sometimes germinating inside. Therefore, whether it is possible to give birth with a myoma of the uterus, is determined first by the possibility of conception.
The nodes are located differently, the safest in this respect is the localization - outside the organ or in its thickness. And undesirable for conception is the existence of a submucous neoplasm. With him, the following difficulties can arise:
- Located in the corner of the uterus and germinating inside, such a tumor presses on the fallopian tubes, preventing the advance of the fetal egg;
- If submucous fibroids have formed on the posterior wall or in the region of the uterine fundus, this can be an obstacle to embryo implantation;
- Another cause of the lack of conception is the hormonal imbalance that accompanies myoma. If the yield of the egg is difficult, the very possibility of pregnancy is in question.
With the formation of nodes in the corners and at the bottom of the uterus, the fixation of a fertilized egg sometimes occurs too close to the neck. Even if the pregnancy has occurred, it can be interrupted much earlier, cause severe bleeding due to placental abruption, which leads to abortion. Sometimes this happens on the first weeks, even before the formation of the membranes of the fetus.
But if all listed reasons are absent, despite the fact that a woman has a uterine myoma, you can give birth. It is important only to assess the existing risks, because they are significantly more than in healthy pregnant women.
Myoma and pregnancy: what can happen
The fetus develops in the uterus for 9 months. Therefore, his condition inevitably depends on what is happening in the organ. The pregnancy itself is accompanied by a change in the balance of hormones in favor of progesterone. And in some cases it helps to reduce the volume of the tumor, because it is largely due to the overestimated estrogen concentration.
On the other hand, the influence of uterine fibroids on pregnancy is inevitable. Neoplasm is not only a physical obstacle, but also hormonal. And imbalance in this area means a lot to preserve the state and normal development.
In general, the complexities created by myoma in the pregnancy are combined into several groups:
- Development of bleeding. They are provoked as an imbalance of substances with progesterone deficiency, as well as improper fixation of the fetal egg. If it was implanted in the area of the myomatous node, the risk of bleeding is constantly present. But with a deficiency of pregnancy-preserving hormone, a woman can receive it using appropriate drugs, and endure it to the end;
- Anemia. Standing before the problem, whether it is possible to give birth with the existing uterine myoma, do not lose sight of and the health of the mother. Bleeding, provoked by a tumor, can lead to a deficiency in her body hemoglobin. Therefore, the indicator should be monitored all the time, strive to maintain it in norm with the help of medicines. This applies not only to the submucous myoma that is dangerous for pregnancy, but also to other types of myoma;
- Defective placenta formation. The culprit of this is the peculiarity of localization of the fetal egg in the organ near the node. With close proximity to the tumor, the blood vessels of the placenta are formed incorrectly, which creates an immediate threat to the development of the embryo. He lacks the necessary substances, oxygen, as most of them receive fibroids;
- Incorrect development of the fetus. If the tumor is submucous, that is, develops in the uterine cavity, it occupies space, nature intended for the future baby. In the best case, the fetus will take the wrong position. At worst, it will lead to defects in physical development. The skeleton and skull of the future baby are particularly dangerous in this case.
As uterine fibroids affect pregnancy, it is mainly determined not by its presence, but by other circumstances:
- The location of the neoplasm in the uterus;
- The size of the tumor;
- The dynamics of its development. Sometimes it is the reverse;
- By the age of the future mother;
- Presence of other gynecological and endocrine pathologies.
When pregnancy with myome is more likely
Because the disease occurs in most cases in young women, pregnancy and the birth of children in the presence of fibroid in the mother is not that rare. Naturally, control over the condition should be more thorough.
Pregnant women are prescribed Doppler ultrasound to determine the tendency of the tumor to grow, and hysteroscopy to detect uterine deformity or its absence.
It is possible to give birth with fibroid without special problems if
- It is sub-serous or intramural;
- Its size is less than 5 cm;
- The uterus has the right shape;
- The size of the organ does not significantly differ from what should be normal for a specific period of pregnancy;
- Single node;
- The tumor has no leg.
The latter is important because the tumor can be twisted on a thin base. This is manifested by sharp pain, occurs with the necrosis of tissues due to a violation of their nutrition. The condition is dangerous for the mother, so it will require an abortion.
Difficulties with it, which were said before, are expected with
- Tumors over 7 cm;
- Multiple nodes;
- Location of education near the cervix;
- Attaching the placenta next to myoma.
But they are not an absolute verdict regarding pregnancy.
Childbirth with myoma
Do I have my own uterine fibroids? This is also determined not by the presence of a diagnosis, but by many other factors. If pregnancy passed without complications, there is no reason to fear pathologies in the fetus, the placenta is located in its place, it is more likely that everything will go natural without risk for the woman and the baby.
But in general, births with uterine myoma require more attention from specialists than when they help a healthy woman. The disease causes the greatest danger of bleeding. Therefore, it is important to trust an experienced and good doctor for a correct assessment of the situation.
In other cases, physicians prepare in advance for cesarean section. Indications for him are:
- Placenta previa;
- Incorrect fetal position in uterus;
- Multiple myomas;
- Localization of neoplasm in the cervical region.
All of these signs are provocateurs of bleeding in the process of natural delivery. Cesarean section sometimes forces to the removal of the node, if it prevents suturing of the uterus. But usually the operation is limited only to the extraction of the child and the subsequent actions necessary to complete the operation.
The disease in question is not a sentence for childlessness. But nevertheless, whether it is possible to give birth to a particular woman with uterine myoma, you should know at the stage of pregnancy planning. And healthy does not hurt to be thoroughly screened before conception, since the neoplasm can manifest itself for a long time only by changes in the cycle and monthly, which are often not appreciated.