Medicinal Avran

Avran medicinal

Toxic! It is guarded. Folk names: gastric grass, fish grass. Used parts: the aerial part of the plant. Pharmacy name: herb avran - Gratiolae herba( formerly: Herba Gratiolae).

Botanical Description

At a depth of several centimeters from the earth's surface there is an almost horizontally long thin rhizome. From it grows a vertical tetrahedral stem, which reaches 30-40 cm in height and carries opposite sedentary lanceolate leaves, having a finely-sawed margin. Large flowers sit singly on a long pedicel in the leaf axils, have a tubular shape and a yellowish color( inside a white one) with longitudinal strips. Fruit - a small two-cavity box. Blooms from June to August. Occurs not so often, but throughout Central and Eastern Europe. It falls in ditches, along the banks of water bodies and on wet meadows.

Active ingredients

Essential oil, bitterness, tannins, saponins and, above all, glycosides( one of them - cardiac glycoside, gratio-toxin - has an action similar to digitalis).The toxicity of avran is caused not only by the way it was believed until now that it contains cardiac glycosides, but also because it contains the curac-bitacin glycoside, the elatericide.

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Healing action and application of

Previously highly valued, nowadays avran is almost unknown to neither folk nor scientific medicine, since from constipation, dropsy, liver and bile duct diseases, from ulcers to the shin there are now more effective means;for the impact on the heart we have a digitalis purple and other kinds of Digitalis. Nevertheless, there is one area for which this medicinal plant is very suitable: RF, Weiss recommends this plant for stimulation of menstruation, since their irregularity is not always worth correcting with hormones. Of course, this is possible only under the supervision of a doctor, since self-treatment with poisonous plants is prohibited: it is dangerous! Use in homeopathy. Homeopathic remedy Gratiola is used for disorders of the stomach, intestines and liver. Other applications( with headache, irritability, shortened menstrual cycle, skin rashes and rheumatism) are not significant. Use dilutions from D1 to D12, give 3-5( up to 10) times a day for 3-8 drops.

Side effects of

Avran is toxic, and therefore it can not be used alone. Signs of poisoning: increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, kidney damage, convulsions, impaired cardiac activity, collapse, stopping breathing. First aid measures. Call a doctor or hospital. Urgently cause vomiting, take activated charcoal.

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