Erythroplasty of the oral cavity is called a precancerous disease, in which red spots appear on the mucous membrane, which do not cause any discomfort and are not characterized by any pain.
With erythroplasty, the epithelium becomes thinner, because of which a vascular network radiates through the membrane - this is the reason for the color of the spots. In addition to the oral cavity, the disease can also occur in the cervix.
- The causative factors
- Features of the clinical picture
- Diagnostic methods
- Medical capabilities and prognosis
Aggravating factors
The following causes of the onset of the disease:
- prolonged alcoholism;
- abuse of cigarettes, as well as chewing tobacco;
- transferred infections;
- Irradiation or intoxication;
- frequent exposure to direct sunlight;
- wearing dentures;
- broken or caries-affected teeth;
- poor oral care.
Erythroplasty is most often diagnosed in men and women over 50 years of age, the disease in the oral cavity is localized - in the tongue, in the sky and in the oropharynx, and in the cervix in women.
Sometimes spots bleed or turn into small plaques, but do not cause discomfort, and therefore often the course of the disease starts, and from benign spots become malignant. This is the main danger of the disease - it is very important to diagnose it in time and begin timely treatment.
Features of the clinical picture
Although no painful sensations are experienced by the patient, erythroplasty can be detected by examining the mucosa of the oral cavity. Manifestations of her, in addition to the red areas, are the following:
- roughness on the affected areas;
- discomfort in the mouth and when swallowing;
- small nodules, when pressing on which may cause unpleasant pain;
- bleeding and hard healing ulcers on the neck and face.
In the presence of only red spots it is a homogeneous form of the disease. Sometimes there are cases when the patient, along with erythroplasty, is also diagnosed with leukoplakia. Then we are talking about erythroleukoplakia, which is characterized not only by red, but also by white foci.
Finally, the third variety is a spotted form, at which chaotically located white foci are observed on the red surface of the mucous membranes.
The second and third forms are precancerous conditions, and therefore it is necessary to diagnose the affected area for the presence of malignant cells.
Diagnostic methods
One of the first studies is biopsy - a method that identifies oncology. Also in the diagnosis of the disease, the following series of studies and analyzes are conducted:
- clinical and biochemical blood tests;
- tomography examination of the oral cavity;
- MRI( magnetic resonance imaging) of organs and tissues;
- detailed examination of larynx and trachea mucosa;
- chest X-ray;
- examination of bone tissue for the presence of metastases.
Depending on the results obtained, the nature of the treatment depends.
Opportunities of medicine and prognosis
As a rule, complex treatment of erythroplasty is used, however the main method is surgical. It is with the help of surgical intervention that the affected area is removed - a part of the mouth, oropharynx or affected jaw. This is the first and most important stage of treatment.
In addition to surgery, the following two methods are used, depending on the patient's condition and the nature of the affected area: radiation and chemotherapy.
External radiation exposure is most often combined with a surgical method, as well as with the introduction of radioactive material into the affected areas( internal irradiation).
Chemotherapy, viz., Medicines that eliminate the effects of the disease, is used as an adjunct to treatment, but by no means alone. The method is rather ambiguous due to the negative impact on the human body - chemotherapy causes nausea, severe weakness and fatigue.
As with many other diseases, timely detection of erythroplasty is the first step towards recovery. If you diagnose and begin treatment of the disease at an early stage, then the chances for a favorable prognosis are quite large.
The treatment scheme, compiled by a qualified specialist, is of great importance. Unfortunately, with advanced disease, chances are high that the spots will become malignant, and in this case it will be more difficult to fight the disease.
To prevent the development of cancers in the oral cavity, you must give up alcohol, smoke, eat fully and regularly undergo a full medical examination.