Teeth and the mouth of a person require constant care, and for a pregnant woman, oral hygiene should be the number one task.
The reason for this is the changes in the health of a woman during childbearing:
- deficiency of vitamins and minerals , since most of it goes to the formation of organs and tissues of the child;
- calcium deficiency , which serves as the basis of bone tissue;
- reduced immunity to , due to the high burden on the woman's body.
All these changes in the body of a woman can provoke the development of caries, damage to the dental nerves, the fragility of tooth enamel and dentin, which can lead to chips and cracks. If such problems have arisen, then it is necessary to consult a dentist for advice.
- When the removal of the tooth - the best option
- safety period for the removal of a tooth
- features of the procedure in pregnant
- Medications
- X-rays - can and should be
- Features anesthesia
- Anesthesia, as a last resort
- removal of wisdom tooth
When the removal of the tooth - the best option
There are a number of indications when a dentist can recommend radical measures( tooth extraction) to a pregnant woman:
- If a woman experiences an strong acute oraching toothache , which does not stop. This condition is very dangerous for pregnant women, because of the pain the woman starts to get nervous, worried, stops eating properly, because of what the child suffers.
- If there is infection of the oral tissues of , in close proximity to the aching tooth. This happens when the tooth is affected by cariogenic bacteria.
- If is observed, the inflammation of the dental nerves ( pulpitis), which is not amenable to inpatient treatment.
- If the tooth was injured and was formed on it, chips and cracks in the .In this case, even warm and cool food, drinks and everything that gets into the mouth will cause discomfort and pain to the woman.
- If there are malignant tumors of or cysts. Such indications may require not only tooth extraction, but also a surgical operation.
- If a woman has severe gum disease , which caused a disorder in the bone tissue.
Safe period for tooth extraction
When answering the question whether pregnant teeth can be pulled, it should be remembered that the time of bearing of the child is not the reason for refusing removal of the diseased organ, and the woman should understand that the harm from inaction can be much greater than from the dentalprocedures.
If the dentist has found out the indications for tooth extraction, then before proceeding with the procedure it is worth consulting with a gynecologist and therapist.
If they recognize the situation as critical, and the condition of the woman is satisfactory, then we can get down to business.
The third trimester is dangerous because removal of the tooth can cause premature birth or tonic uterus. The ninth month of pregnancy is considered to be the most dangerous, since the risk of complications after pulling out the tooth during this period is the greatest( high fever, edema of the gums or cheeks, prolonged aching pains).
Therefore, if there is an opportunity to delay with the procedure and wait for a favorable period, then it is not worth the risk.
Safe ways to reduce toothache during pregnancy in this article.
About the treatment of periodontal disease at home, you will learn from the link http: //dentazone.ru/ bolezni-desen /parodontit/ lechenie-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html
Features of the procedure in pregnant women
The patient is obliged to inform the dentist about her situation, since the fact of pregnancy affects the choice of drugs and the method of tooth treatment. There are a number of features of tooth extraction during pregnancy, which are worth knowing about.
Before removing a tooth, it is worthwhile to undergo medical treatment. Such a step will help to save the tooth and not put the woman at risk.
Medication should be prescribed in accordance with the period of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the patient( the presence of allergic reactions).
X-ray - you can and you need
To remove a tooth, you may need an X-ray, and not one. They are not afraid of this if the dentist uses a newest visionographer.
This device does not allow the irradiation of other areas of the woman's body, and the dose of radioactive radiation is minimized. The photographer does not give out pictures, he sends the picture to the computer monitor, where it can be seen in the smallest detail.
The use of such technologies in dentistry allows for more detailed study and analysis of the destruction of bone tissue, which is beyond visual visibility. In addition, the X-ray allows you to evaluate the results of the procedure performed to exclude the possibility of complications.
Features of anesthesia
All manipulations that are made with a pregnant woman at any time should be painless. For this, local anesthesia in the form of injections of medications is used.
It should also not be feared, as modern anesthetics do not have a vasoconstrictor effect and can not lead to inadequate supply of essential substances to the fetus.
Also, substances that are part of modern anesthetics do not penetrate the placenta to the child, so the risk of negative effects on the fetus is excluded.
Among the most popular drugs that dentists use are Primacaine and Ultracaine. The dose of these drugs depends on the timing of the woman's pregnancy, and is selected by the doctor individually.
Anesthetics can cause allergies, like most other drugs, so you need to make an allergic test.
Much attention should be paid not only to the choice of anesthetic, but also to the technique of anesthesia. One should not allow the drop in oxygen saturation of a woman's blood, and also blood pressure, this can provoke a fetal death of a child or a pathology of its development.
Anesthetic as an extreme measure of
In exceptional cases, a pregnant woman is allowed to tear teeth under general anesthesia.
This is a deadly threat to her health, which does not tolerate delay( malignant tumor under the base of the tooth, on the roots or gums).
If you can not tear your teeth with local anesthesia, then consider regional anesthesia as an alternative to general anesthesia.
Therefore, it is better to postpone surgery until the second trimester.
All the features of dental treatment during the carrying of the child from the experts of dental care:
Removing the wisdom tooth
In young women wisdom teeth begin to erupt at the childbearing age( 17-30 years), which is accompanied by a number of problem situations that are caused by the peculiarities of the location of these teeth.
The fact that the "eight" or wisdom teeth are incorrectly located in the jaw( retired) and therefore rarely grow vertically. Often they grow to the side, which can damage the gum, neighboring healthy teeth or cheeks. Indications for the removal of wisdom tooth from a pregnant woman are:
- unbearable pain, which causes discomfort to the woman;
- inflammatory process with bacterial complication at the stage of teething;
- if the wisdom tooth grows on top of other teeth, thereby hurting them.
The removal of the "eight" is considered a surgical operation, and differs somewhat from the removal of the ordinary tooth.
Differences are in the postoperative period, when complications such as fever, bleeding, or inflammation may occur. Therefore, such a complex manipulation is better to postpone until the birth of a child.