Numerous studies have allowed scientists to conclude that the duration of cardiac efficiency can reach 150 years, although this figure seems unrealistic. Nevertheless, it is quite possible, if you know what is good for the heart, and maintain it in a healthy state.
- What is needed for the heart
- Products
- Herbs
- Physical training
To keep the heart in working condition, first of all you need: fresh air, sports, rest, stress, positive emotions. In addition, it is important for the proper nutrition and regular use of products that are beneficial to the heart, since it is with food that nutrients necessary for vital activity fall into our body.
What is needed for the heart
For the normal functioning of the heart muscle, a variety of vitamins and trace elements are needed.
Trace elements:
- Potassium - stimulates the work of the heart muscle( potassium ions regulate the body's water balance);
- calcium - involved in the process of blood clotting, regulates intracellular processes, including the reduction of cardiac muscles;
- magnesium - participates in reactions in which ATP is produced( nucleotide, energy supplier in living cells), maintains normal functionality of the nervous system and heart, dilates blood vessels;
- iodine - regulates hemoglobin level in blood, stabilizes blood pressure, improves metabolism;
- selenium - is a part of many biologically important compounds of the body, including myocardial proteins and muscle tissue of the heart.
- Vitamin A - participates in the synthesis of ATP, is necessary for cellular and intercellular membranes, epithelial tissues, involved in the transmission of nerve impulses;
- vitamin E - has a membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effect, participates in the synthesis of proteins necessary for the work of the heart muscle;
- vitamin C - affects blood coagulability, tissue regeneration, immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- vitamins of group B - participate practically in all metabolic processes of an organism, strengthen cellular membranes, nervous system, favorably influence the whole organism.
Medications and vitamins recommended for maintaining heart health:
- Cardioactive.
- Riboxin.
- Vitrum Cardio Omega-3.
- Antioxidant.
- Coenzyme Q10.
- CardioHells.
- Mildronate.
Iodine is found in seafood and marine fish, squid;potassium - in potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, apricots, prunes, black and red currant, hips. Calcium is rich in dairy products, greens, nuts;magnesium - oats, barley, buckwheat porridge, nuts, beets, carrots, sesame, bran.
Red beans, lentils and other legumes are useful for the heart. They contain a lot of potassium, fiber and vegetable protein, iron, flavonoids and folic acid, with a lack of which the walls of blood vessels begin to break down.
Apples are good for the heart. They contain potassium, fiber and many other vitamins, remove slag from the body and lower cholesterol. Bananas and persimmons are real "hearty" foods. Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C, PP, etc. Persimmon contains potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, vitamin C, etc. It is recommended to include anemia in patients with cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive disease. Similar properties have garnet, avocado, grapefruit.
For the heart are very useful nuts, dried fruits, honey, from which you can prepare a useful and tasty "medicine".To make a nutritious mixture is necessary: mix in equal proportions raisins, dried apricots, walnuts( you can almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts or others), twist everything through a meat grinder. Lemon scalded with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder, mixed with honey, nuts and dried fruits. The mixture is taken in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 tablespoon. It raises immunity, strengthens the heart muscle, removes toxins, has antibacterial and antiviral action, cleanses the blood and blood vessels.
The heart does not like salty, greasy, sweet food, meat dishes, refined and canned foods. Alcohol for the heart muscle is harmful, at the same time, some experts argue that a healthy person's glass of good red wine does not hurt, even on the contrary, will prevent atherosclerosis.
Many people are interested in the question whether coffee and chocolate are harmful to the heart. Two cups and a couple of pieces of dark chocolate a day are quite acceptable, but more than four cups and a whole tile of treats will definitely hurt your heart. Caffeine acts excitantly, increases blood pressure, increases the number of heartbeats, creating an extra burden for the heart. It has long been noted that myocardial infarction and angina most often overtake coffee lovers.
Various treatments for the heart have been used by folk healers for a long time. However, it is necessary to correctly choose the composition, so that it really helps and solves the tasks.
Herbs useful for the nutrition of the heart: adonis, chokeberry, astragalus. They provide the heart and myocardium with nutrients, vitamins with oxygen.
Strengthening herbs: peppermint, adonis, hop cones, parsnips, hawthorn fruits, fennel. Have spasmolytic and vasodilating properties.
Herbs that reduce blood pressure: motherwort, chokeberry, hawthorn, sweet clover, marsh swine, rhododendron, dill, grape seed extract. They have spasmolytic and hypotensive qualities, some also soothe.
Soothing collection: chamomile pharmacy, passionflower, valerian, melissa, blue cyanosis, tagolga, lily-of-the-valley, zyuznik, etc. Provide a sedative effect, relieve tension and the effects of stress.
Herbs used for cardiovascular failure: lily of the valley, digitalis.
Folk remedies that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation: ginkgo biloba, nettle.
to contents ^Physical training
The absence of active physical activity negatively affects the cardiac muscle. Experts recommend to engage in dynamic sports that give the main load not to the muscles, but to the heart and blood vessels: swimming, running, fast walking, skiing and skating, hiking, aerobics, step, dancing, cycling, etc.that's about static loads( classes in the gym with weights), the hearts are better to forget.
In addition, it is useful for the heart to stay in the fresh air, the absence of nervous overloads, proper rest, positive emotions( listening to quiet pleasant music, visiting theaters, movies, etc.).Improve the work of the heart will help complexes of respiratory gymnastics or inflation of a conventional balloon. As a result, the flow of oxygen to the lungs and the speed of its movement through the blood will increase, creating a kind of recharging for the heart.
Negative effects on the heart are chronic stress and fatigue, bad habits and excess weight.