Seasoning in a child's diet

Most adults like to add spicy seasonings, savory sauces, spices to food. They give the dishes an unforgettable and unique taste, contribute to the liberation of the body from toxins and better digestion of food. But the question arises, but can they be eaten by a child?

Despite the fact that they have a number of positive properties, spices and spices are targeted to the adult population. Nutritionists are opposed to the introduction into the food of the child of all kinds of condiments, especially if it concerns children up to a year. The fact is that the children's gastrointestinal tract is quite vulnerable, and the taste buds are very tender, and the spicy condiments can burn the mucous in the mouth. Of the children's diet, all kinds of sauces, ketchups, spicy spices are definitely excluded. The same applies to mayonnaise.

But how to make sure that children's dishes do not remain unpleasant, how to achieve that the food was both tasty and useful at the same time? It's very simple: add spicy spices and spices to the baby's food. But before using them in the preparation of children's dishes, consult a doctor. Prepare sauces at home and do not forget at the same time about delicious and fragrant herbs.

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This is the most common seasoning. It is necessary for our body, as it supplies it with sodium, on which the work of all organs and cells depends, moreover, all the fluids in the human body contain sodium. He takes part in maintaining the water-salt balance.

However, it is undesirable to salt the food of a child who has not reached the age of one, it is enough for the amount of salt that it consumes in cereals and vegetables. Its daily rate is 0.2 g, for a child over the age of the norm increases to 0.3-0.5 g. If there is an overabundance of salt in the body of the child, this will negatively affect the work of the kidneys and the nervous system. Up to 6 years, children's food should be under-salted.

Fragrant plants

To improve the taste of dishes will help fragrant greens. Since 8 months, you can safely add to the diet of the child dill. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, helps to calm the capricious kids.

Also try to enter parsley in the diet, but, unfortunately, not all babies like its aroma and in most cases they refuse the dish with the addition of this greens. And it's a pity, because only 100gr of parsley contains two daily norms of vitamin C and carotene.

However, add parsley and dill in soups to babies.

Children after a year can prepare food, adding bay leaf, marjoram, basil, cloves, cumin, pepper, but only in limited quantities.

Onion and garlic

To make children's dishes tastier, smoother, and most importantly, add onions and garlic. Garlic is the strongest natural antibiotic that kills bacteria and viruses. Moreover, it contains substances that contribute to the prevention of cancer.

If the family is "captured" by the flu or ARVI, be sure to spread the garlic cloves throughout the apartment in order to breathe phytoncides together.

The onion contains folic acid, a large amount of vitamins, pectin and essential oils. It helps to fight with constipation, increases appetite and has a diuretic effect.

Offer these types of products to children over 10 months of age. Add them in powdered form to soups and second courses.

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  • Mar 23, 2018
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