Cleaning the face at home

  • 1 Facial cleansing at home recipes
    • 1.1 How to clean your face at home for cleaning
    • 1.2 Cleaning folk remedies at home( the best and most effective recipes)
  • 2 Modern technology in the struggle for beauty

The problem of black dots bothers both men and women of anyage. Not everyone knows how to get rid of them. Let's find out.

Deep cleansing of the face from acne and black dots at home has its own characteristics. In general, this procedure is carried out by professional cosmetologists. You can clean the skin using a pharmacy, soap, steam or a newfangled scrub. This all applies even to skinning a teenager.

Cleaning a face at home recipes

Cleaning a face correctly at home is not that difficult. If you are not worried about the problem of acne and acne, but you are fed up with black dots, this indicates that your pores need to be cleaned. In addition, much depends on the ability of the skin to contract. For this you can use a mask-film.

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To perform the procedure, grind half the activated carbon tablets and mix with water. Add there half a teaspoon of gelatin. Stir thoroughly and whisk. Put it in the microwave for 15 seconds. If you do not have it, the steam bath will help you. A ready mask put on problem sites a rigid brush. Wait until the film has dried. After that, you can delete it. By its action, the remedy looks like ready-made strips against dots, but it not only cleans the skin, but also helps to narrow the pores. This mask is perfect for men, women and even pregnant women.

In addition, you can make masks with hydrogen peroxide, calcium chloride, honey, bodega, salt, thread, coffee grounds, chamomile, castor oil, lemon, egg and so on.

Also actively used by women is hardware cosmetology, which contributes to deep cleansing of the face. With the help of electrical and magnetic instruments, which any cosmetician has in his office. A full dry cleaning of the face is performed, acne is removed, and so on. One such means is the device d'Arsonval. It helps to accelerate blood microcirculation, eliminate rashes and inflammatory processes, prevents the appearance of acne and rash, to make the tone smooth. Most importantly, this device tightens the pores and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. After the procedure, a soothing gel mask is perfect.

How to rinse out your face for cleaning

at home. Before you do face cleansing, skin should be steamed. There are several ways to do this.
Method 1
Make a decoction of dried herbs, add some essential oil to the hot water and bend over the container, covered with a towel. To open the pores it is necessary that 10-15 minutes pass. When the skin softens and moistens, you can proceed to further cosmetic procedures.

Method 2
For this method, you need a natural cotton napkin. It should be kept in a hot broth of herbs for a couple of seconds, squeezed well and put on your face. Do not clean the cloth until it cools. The procedure must be repeated several times.

Method 3
For this procedure, you need masks that have a steaming effect. In any cosmetic store you can find such. They will be your indispensable helpers during a vacation or business trip, because for the health and tonus of the face it is enough to spend a few minutes.
Steam is important for skin health, but we must remember about contraindications. Therefore, if you have an allergy or inflammation on your face, it is better to refuse the procedure.

Cleaning folk remedies at home( the best and most effective recipes)

After steaming a face, you can start applying masks or other procedures. The most effective are several ways to clean the skin.

1. Scrub with Aspirin .Scrubs clean the skin of dirt, but they can only be used once a week. For self-preparation scrub, rub three tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and add a little water. Tablets grind carefully so that there are no large pieces. You can add a little honey to the mixture. Get a soft, honey mask for every day.

Actively mix the ingredients with a small stick. Wear the mask on your face and keep it for 10 minutes, then use it as a scrub. For a couple of minutes, massage your face with massage movements. Then wash off the mask and wipe the face with a tonic or apply a cream. Use scrub for dry or oily skin.

2. Roll of the .Everyone knows that the facial skin is constantly being updated and those particles that were not removed in time can damage the skin. To get rid of them, you can make a roll or pilling. There are even special tools, kits and cosmetics for this procedure. But, if you need to save, conduct skin whitening, get rid of pigmentation, then this inexpensive daily and atraumatic procedure will suit you.

For its carrying out you need sodium chloride( ampoule), soap and distilled water. Open the ampoule and pour the contents into a saucer. Moisten the face with a sponge so that it is wet. After that, apply soap. Try to make it lie like a mask, without foam. Finger tips moisten in chloride and treat the skin.

Begin the roll better from the chin with a smooth transition to the cheeks and so on. If the skin is cleaned badly, and there is no soap on the face, then repeat the procedure again, but do not rinse the old substance.

3. Clay and oil. Mask helps to get rid of acne. Dilute 2 tablespoons of clay with water until a consistency similar to sour cream is obtained. Add some tea tree aether. Apply on face and hold for 25 minutes. Rinse the mask thoroughly with water.

4. Mask of oatmeal .Oatmeal flakes not only look after the face, but also cleanse it. For the mask, grind the flakes in a coffee grinder. Add egg white, warm milk and butter. Stir all the ingredients and leave on the face for 20 minutes.
If you use the recipes rationally, your skin will always be clean and beautiful. You will look like a Hollywood star!

Modern technology in the struggle for beauty

There are several effective ways to clean the face in the cabin, even for teenagers in Yekaterinburg. Each lady can afford such a procedure( even during pregnancy).

Each method has certain stages of implementation. Additionally, before the procedure, you can make a skin ultrasound to understand which particular super-procedure is right for you.

Mechanical ( manual cleaning).The method eliminates black points. First, the skin is treated with a lotion that opens the pores. After this, the pores are cleansed with a spoon or hands, and then a mask is applied to soothe the skin. The method is effective, but lasting and unpleasant. Moreover, the skin can be in places red and swollen for a couple of days. It is a safe, fast, complex procedure that gives skin rejuvenation. It also helps against pigmented spots, blackheads, dead cells, fat cells, redness and other skin troubles.

Ultrasonic ( chemical cleaning) SPB.In this case, problematic areas are processed by a machine with high-frequency sound waves. Ultrasound perfectly knocks dirt out of pores, and with the help of a micro massage, metabolism is established. Also, it helps to close the pores without penetrating dirt into them. Unlike the first method, this painless and not so traumatic. After the procedure, as a rule, there are no traces left. The only drawback - ultrasonic cleaning is not so effective.

Vacuum .For this method, equipment with a small tube is used, which works like a vacuum cleaner. The cosmetician with his help removes sebaceous plugs in all places. The method is not highly traumatic and there is no risk of getting an infection. Due to the strong drainage effect after the procedure, it is contraindicated for women with dry and sensitive skin, and also for those who have vessels too close to the surface. Do not also do the procedure for exacerbation of acne.

Every way to get rid of acne, peeling, and also how to choose skin care, you can read reviews on the Internet free of charge, watch videos from YouTube, where they show the master class or give advice in stages. Also you can help the photo, where step by step procedures of peeling, laser therapy and others are shown.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is up to you to decide how you will cleanse the skin - at home or go to the salon. For example, if you have a spring allergy or manifestations of food, then any procedure you are contraindicated. Regarding men, we can say that with any skin damage with a shaving brush or microtrauma skin from a razor, salt, acid, manual, sugar, galvanic and any other procedure is also contraindicated.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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