Menopause rarely passes without changes in state of health. Even those who have this transition can be called easy, it is necessary to find out what tides are. Why with climax throws in the heat, is especially important in its beginning. After all, the body is just adapting to a new balance of hormones.
- 1 What does it mean "throws hot"
- 2 Causes of heat in menopause
- 3 How to deal with heat attacks
- 3.1 Medications with hormones
- 3.2 Natural remedies
- 3.3 Lifestyle
What does it mean "throws hot"
In menopause, the sensation of heataffects the upper body: the head, neck, chest. To them from inside pours a hot wave, which causes the heart to beat more often, to darken in the eyes. The skin flushes during an attack, and if you measure the body temperature in these moments, it will be higher than the usual 36.6 degrees.
This happens several times a day, does not last long, but afterwards leaves a feeling of weakness, a headache. The woman discovers that she was sweating profusely.
In some people, a heat attack can take up to an hour of time or be chased up to 50 times a day. This is considered a pathology, requires mandatory intervention of specialists. But rare tides cause a correction of well-being, as they can significantly worsen the quality of life.
Causes of heat in menopause
Many functions of the body depend on sex hormones, not only the work of the reproductive system. They are involved in the development of the necessary substances, with the participation of most of the processes. Normal state of health is also largely determined by the balance of estrogens, progestins and androgens. When it is disturbed, it is felt immediately, manifesting itself as a disease.
To 45-55 years, hormonal failure has a natural explanation: the ovaries will no longer function in the previous active mode. Then why in the climacterium periodically throws into the heat, if the fluctuation and decrease in the volume of substances are laid by nature? There are a lot of explanations for this:
- Thermoregulation violation. In all people, the normal body temperature has certain values that are achieved by the work of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, endocrine and other glands. It rises when an inflammatory process occurs in the tissues. So the body is protected from it, giving signals to the brain. With the fluctuations of hormones, the work of the central nervous system worsens, the connection between it and other parts of the body is broken. The information on overheating entering the brain is false. But the process is started, so the body gives a reaction, as if he needs to escape from infection, which will cause a brief feeling of heat;
- Pressure boost. Reducing the volume of sex hormones provokes an increase in cholesterol, weakening of blood vessels and disruption of the heart muscle. All this together causes blood circulation to fail: instead of evenly spreading it through the veins and capillaries, it periodically rushes into the head and upper body. It is important that the volume of the liquid increases, and it thickens, which increases the tension of the vessels;
- Emotions. Menopause is characterized by psychological changes, which, however, depend on the violated chemical reactions due to the same endangered sex hormones. A woman reacts more sharply to events, even their absence through the fault of quantitatively increased adrenaline and acetylcholine. Why does the climax regularly throw in the heat, do not need to ask those who are constantly experiencing negative emotions: irritability, despondency. They can affect both the vessels and heat exchange;
- Thyroid problems. It also produces hormones, which makes it dependent on the level of estrogens and progestins. Sometimes their fall is caused by an abnormal amount of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, produced by the thyroid gland, that is, pathology. In some cases, the climacterium plays the role of only a trigger mechanism, and attacks of heat are excruciated because of an unhealthy gland.
How to deal with heat attacks
A natural question, when the climax throws into the heat, what to do. He is not as simple as many think. Because most women tend to just wait for the body to get used to the new hormonal background. This is mistake.
All its manifestations are interrelated, the state of health changes pathologically. Therefore, together with the doctor it is necessary to find ways to neutralize periodically arising sensations of a heat. Treatment depends on the level of hormones that need to be checked, the attendant ailments, the intensity and frequency of the symptoms.
Drugs with hormones
Hormonal drugs are prescribed for strong and frequent attacks of heat. They affect at once several causes that cause them, that is, stabilize blood pressure, level out psycho-emotional manifestations. But most importantly, hormonal drugs make it possible to soften the body's adaptation to a new balance of substances. There are agents containing only estrogens:
- Premarin:
- Derremiril;
- Estrofem;
- Proginova.
In most cases, it is advisable to use combination drugs:
- Cleiogest;
- Femoston;
- Angelica;
- Klimodien.
Natural remedies
In most cases, the recurring sensation of heat does not require the intake of hormones, yet they are intended more for the relief of a complex of severe symptoms. A softer effect on the violation of thermoregulation will have preparations with plant hormones:
- Remens;
- Climact-Hel;
- Climadinone;
- Estroel;
- Climaxan.
They eliminate the attacks of heat due to the normalization of metabolism, reducing depressive manifestations, restoring immunity. The most important of their influence extends to the leveling of the balance of hormones. Thanks to this, the blood circulation, the work of the central nervous system, is restored.
To reduce the intensity and frequency of heat attacks, medicinal herbs will help:
- Sage;
- Hawthorn;
- Clover;
- Valerian;
- Melissa.
Decoctions on their basis not only regulate heat exchange, but also eliminate anything that prevents the correctness of this process. Nervousness goes away with them, insomnia, increased sweating comes back to normal.
We recommend reading an article on the use of sage from hot flushes with menopause. You will learn about the effect of plants on the body of a woman during the menopause, recipes for his preparation, precautions.
If throws in the heat with menopause, a woman can help herself and herself. She follows:
- Choose spacious clothes from well-ventilated fabric. For the body, air access is important, the ability to quickly remove excess;
- There is light food, mostly vegetable. It is also an opportunity to fill the blood with natural substances, similar to sex hormones, vitamins. They are found in legumes, nuts, sprouted cereals, vegetables;
- Move a lot, alternating activity with rest. This will help restore blood circulation and sweat gland function;
- It is often to be in the air, to strive to be everywhere cool. This is especially important at night, when the heat worries more often. A full-fledged rest will pause the possibility of seizures, because it is necessary for the normal operation of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system.
But the choice of preparations for heat attacks should occur in the specialist. Perhaps, you will need more antihypertensives, antidepressants and sedatives.