According to statistics, every fifth girl can watch herself monthly during pregnancy in the first weeks after fertilization. Without consulting a doctor, you can not determine the exact cause that caused the allocation. The norm can be considered small in volume( up to 25 ml) secretion of light or red color. The gynecologists themselves answer the question "can the monthly ones go in the first month of pregnancy" most often in the affirmative, without denying the possibility of the development of pathology.
- 0.1 line between normality and pathology
- 1 process Causes of secretions during pregnancy
- 1.1 vascular damage endometrial
- 1.2 Abruptsiya
- 1.3 blastocyst does not manage to gain a foothold in the uterus
- 1.4 Ectopic pregnancy
- 1.5 hormonal disorders
- 1.6 Simultaneously, two ovules are released
- 1.7 Miscarriage
- 1.8 Non-developing pregnancy
- 1.9 Multiple pregnancy
- 1.10 AbnormalMAKING uterus
- 2 What do doctors wash cycle of the fetus?
- 3 The effectiveness of the pregnancy test during menstruation
- 4 Is there any chance of getting pregnant during menstruation?
- 5 Prevention of disorders of the body
The line between the norm and the pathology of the
process. When the menstrual period begins in the first month of pregnancy, one does not have to worry about the pathology, if the discharge is painless, there are no brown marks and the general well-being is normal. Abundant menstruation, aching lower back pain, lower abdomen and continued discharge at late gestation of the baby testifies to abnormalities in the body and can cause miscarriage or abnormalities in fetal development.
Causes of the appearance of discharge during pregnancy
Damage to the vessels of the endometrium
The appearance of a scanty month during pregnancy can be caused by implantation bleeding. The excretions accompanying the attachment of a fertilized egg to the endometrium may resemble menstruation. Their term in the norm should not exceed 2-48 hours. The nature of the flow of secretions is different from the planned menstruation. There is no noticeable increase and decrease in the intensity of hemorrhage, and the color is not so saturated. For a fetus, this phenomenon can not be considered dangerous.
Placental peeling from the endometrium is accompanied by various discharges up to profuse bleeding and drawing pains in the lower abdomen. Since this can occur at different stages of bearing a child to ask the question of whether the menses during pregnancy are more than relevant. Avoid fetal loss will only be medicated with compliance with the regime.
Blastocyst does not have time to gain a foothold in the uterus
The reason for this process may be the fertilization of the egg at the end of the cycle. Blastocyst can descend into the uterus until 2 weeks and gain a foothold after the moment of onset of planned menstruation. The pituitary does not have time to get a signal from the body about the onset of pregnancy, which leads to the emergence of a new egg and increased production of androgens. Critical days in this case can not differ in anything from the planned ones and do not have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Whether
Ectopic pregnancy
Whether there are monthly at an ectopic pregnancy? Yes - it can be minor spotting discharge up to bleeding, which results in miscarriage. To avoid complications and inflammatory processes, the intervention of a gynecologist is necessary.
Breaking the hormonal background
The appearance of menstruation can be a consequence of endocrine disorders. The main cause of their appearance is the inflammatory process, a viral infection, an overstrain or stress of the future mother. The amount of estrogen decreases, triggering a regular monthly until the fourth month. The longer this process continues, the more dangerous it is for the fetus. A low level of progesterone production with an excess of androgens can provoke miscarriage. There are painless excretions, growing when moving in the daytime, and there is a rejection of the fertilized egg. To avoid this, the gynecologist conducts progesterone therapy to restore balance and remove dangerous symptoms.
Simultaneously two
eggs emerge. Failures in the body are not uncommon, so the ovaries can release several eggs at the same time. If only one is impregnated, then the second comes out as planned menstruation without harm to the blastocyst.
One of the most negative causes of bleeding, taken for a month during pregnancy in the first month may be miscarriage. A woman experiences aching pain with periodic contractions, and the discharge is bright red. Most often this process can be confused with painful menstruation. If the girl knows that she is pregnant, the provision of immediate medical assistance is necessary to preserve the fetus.
Non-Developing Pregnancy
Symptomatic of a stunted pregnancy is manifold. The fetus can die at 3-4, 8-11, 16-18 weeks, until the third trimester, after which menstruation appears. The basis for this development may be a genetic abnormality of the fetus, infectious diseases of the mother, hormonal disorders and a wrong lifestyle( smoking, alcohol, drugs, drugs), poor ecology, low immunity and chronic stress.
Multiple pregnancy
Another cause of critical days is the abnormal course of multiple pregnancies. One of the embryos is rejected, ceases to develop and dies, leaving in the form of abundant secretions, reminiscent of normal menstruation.
Abnormal structure of the uterus
Such abnormalities as uterine fibroids, endometriosis can provoke a period of time during pregnancy in the early stages, what they will be, depends on the nature of the pathology. The unicorn, bicornyl uterus and their varieties are able to provide a normal pregnancy only under the constant supervision of a specialist.
What do doctors think about washing the fetus?
Many women answer the question of whether to be pregnant if they are monthly positive and call this process the washing of the fetus. Doctors deny this terminology and urge future mothers not to perceive this state as a natural phenomenon. The so-called monthly ones through the fetus are similar in character to the usual menstruation. However, the reasons for their occurrence are different. The appearance of any secretions during the period of gestation can be a consequence of pathology in development and contribute to miscarriage. Therefore, "color pregnancy" is still perceived by doctors skeptically.
The effectiveness of the pregnancy test during menstruation
To protect yourself and the planned baby, many moms are wondering whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test during menstruation. It is important to know how accurately he will determine fertilization, so as not to write off planned menstruation for body disorders.
Since the level of hCG rises first in the blood, and then in the urine, the pregnancy test may be ineffective in the early stages. It is better for women who are anxious to have a blood test done at once and make sure that they are monthly during pregnancy in the early stages. Conducting the test at home can show a false result even with frequent tests. The reasons for this can be non-compliance with sterility, mother's disease and miscarriage in the early stages. The latter will be accompanied by abundant secretions and pain in the abdomen, regardless of the day of menstrual flow, which may embarrass a woman.
Is there any chance of getting pregnant during menstruation?
Menstruation can not interfere with the fertilization process. It happens that the body of a woman releases eggs at different intervals because of a hormonal surge, with a health hazard or a rare orgasm. A similar phenomenon can be observed in women who have irregular sexual behavior, having cycle disorders and shifting the period of ovulation. Often women neglect the rules of oral contraceptive use and stop the course ahead of schedule. This can also justify the emergence of critical days.
Prevention of disorders of the body
To prevent any violations that could affect the health of a woman or a future child, the danger is:
- is regularly checked for diseases of the genitourinary system;
- not to abuse physical loads;
- start to lead a healthy lifestyle;
- observe the regime of day and nutrition;
- less likely to change climatic conditions if you like to travel;
- to avoid nerve strain.
The organism of a woman with a change in the hormonal background can react negatively even to the things customary before pregnancy and lead to pathogenic hemorrhages. Timely appeal to a gynecologist will reduce the risk of negative consequences caused by unwanted secretions at all stages of bearing a baby.