Menstruation after antibiotics

Antibacterial drugs have become firmly established in our lives, thanks to the wide possibilities in the treatment of infectious diseases. In each case, they should appoint a specialist, but many take these medications on their own. Meanwhile, drugs have a more noticeable effect on the body than we would like. Here and monthly after antibiotics can lose many usual parameters.

Contents of

  • 1 What is the antibiotic
  • 2 What is the antibiotic
  • 2 Antibiotic treatment and timing of menstruation
  • 3 The length of the cycle after using
  • 4 Is it worth taking antibacterial drugs on critical days
  • 5 How to reduce the negative effect of
  • 6 The nature of menstruation when taking

drugs What are antibiotics

These are substances that inhibit microorganisms. Actually, their purpose is hidden in the name, antibiotics kill all living things. That is why many believe that the harm from these medicines to the body more than good. But we must admit that antibacterial drugs saved more lives than they did. Although their use is fraught with the manifestation of adverse reactions:

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  • Allergy;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Changes in the microflora of various organs.

No matter what disease they are assigned to, external reactions can always occur. But if the range of exposure is so wide, there is a legitimate interest in how antibiotics affect the monthly. After all, the reproductive system responsible for this process is very susceptible to any interference. And the cycle depends not only on it, but also a lot of other organs that can not remain outside the impact of taking medications.

About how antibiotics can affect the menstruation, most worried about women who are forced to take a long time very strong drugs from this category. But experts argue that this criterion does not matter in assessing the impact on the cycle and the reproductive system.

Antibiotic treatment and timing of menstruation

The delay in taking antibiotics monthly may be caused by several reasons:

  • The most common infection. Drugs are prescribed for diseases that are provoked by extraneous microorganisms. They cause an inflammatory, sometimes purulent process in the tissues. If it affects the reproductive system, it is likely that doubts, whether the monthly can get off because of antibiotics, is superfluous. Because the disorder is caused by the inflammation itself, which provoked hormonal failure;
  • Operation. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed after surgery as a prophylactic measure, since in this case the probability of catching an infection is very high and undesirable. The delay can be caused by the stressful situation associated with the operation and the hormonal disorders that provoked it;
  • Pregnancy. Malfunction of menstruation due to antibiotics can be caused by a decrease in the effectiveness of hormonal birth control pills. With developed diarrhea, contraceptives do not have time to assimilate the body and to give proper effect. A woman is sure that ovulation, thanks to them, has not come, which means that she is reliably protected from pregnancy. Although in fact, this may not be so because the components of some antibacterial agents have an overwhelming effect on the properties of contraceptives;
  • Stress. Antibiotics and monthly many women are forced to combine in preparation for hysteroscopy or another type of examination. The doctor appoints them with a prophylactic goal, to prevent the occurrence of infection after them. The medical manipulations themselves and the causes that caused them can cause legitimate excitement, which will result in hormonal problems and cycle failure.

Cycle length after use of


If a specialist prescribes a woman for treatment of an infectious disease, usually warns that it is likely to delay the monthly after antibiotics. The drugs are designed to cope with pathogens that can settle in different body systems. But a useful microflora also suffers from their effects. As you know, bacteria are present in the vagina, which is part of the reproductive system. And although this body does not directly affect the cycle, a blow to its microflora can not but respond to neighboring organs - the uterus and the ovaries. Influence on the latter can cause a deceleration of maturation of the germ cell.

Delay of menstrual after taking antibiotics as the culprit of its inhibited development has a violation of the processes occurring in the central nervous system. Strong drugs can slow them down. And the central nervous system affects the work of the pituitary gland, that is, the production of hormones. This chain includes other organs that develop them. Hence the slowdown in the production of FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone, without which the normal development of the ovum and endometrium is impossible. Menstruation can be delayed for some time.

It happens that against the background of taking antibiotics, critical days come earlier than usual. But do not blame the medicine. Most likely, the cause was inflammation, in which they are recommended.

Whether it is worth taking antibacterial drugs on critical days

In connection with all of the above, many can doubt whether it is possible to drink antibiotics at monthly intervals, because of them a cycle failure may occur. But if this is necessary, menstruation is no hindrance to treatment. In this case, the infection is more dangerous for the hormonal background than antibacterial agents.

When inflammation affects the reproductive organs, taking an antibiotic with menstruation may prove more timely than if you wait for critical days. The organism undergoes an update, which facilitates the purification of the mucous membranes, the subsequent recovery.

The question of whether antibiotics can be used for menstruation may occur if necessary with local treatment with suppositories or solutions. Here in some cases it makes sense to wait for the end of critical days. Allocations may interfere with the absorption of the mucous active substance in its entirety. And small doses that are absorbed, will help bacteria adapt to drugs, which will cause a chronic course of infection.

If we talk about the benefits that antibiotics can give during menstruation, it is also an anesthetic effect. Many of these medicines have this property, and in critical days it is quite superfluous. Of course, pain with menstruation can not be the only indication for their use. Need more serious need and appointment of a doctor.

How to reduce the negative effect of

Monthly after using antibiotics will recover faster if:

  • Take vitamin and mineral remedies. They will help restore the body as a whole, and therefore, minimize the bad influence of drugs, contribute to the normalization of the hormonal balance;
  • Adhere to the treatment regimen. Do not arbitrarily cancel the drug if a woman thought that she had already recovered. Therapy should be carried to the end, so that the infection does not have a chance of relapse, which is primarily able to disrupt the cycle. But also to drink the medicine longer than the term appointed by the doctor also does not follow;
  • Take prebiotics and probiotics to return to normal vaginal microflora and maintain the body's immune forces;
  • Consult a doctor with prolonged delay, especially if it is accompanied by discomfort in the genital area. Antibiotics can cause a very intensive month. In this case, medical care is needed immediately;
  • Do a pregnancy test immediately after the end of taking medication.

The nature of menstruation when taking medications

Finding that menstruation passes differently than before, many would like to know whether antibiotics affect monthly, or it needs to look for another explanation. Their effect on the nature of the secretions is similar to the effect on the duration of the cycle. That is, it is very mediated. The changes are mostly related:

  • With stress, which causes an infection requiring antibiotic treatment;
  • With the effect of the disease on the reproductive system.

Therefore, the regularities in what after antibiotics came monthly, does not exist. They can be plentiful, with clots, lasting less than 3 days or longer than a week. If the drugs were prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the reproductive sphere, menstruation after antibiotic therapy is likely to take place in a more normal regime than before.

Brown monthly after antibiotics are noted due to the increase in blood clotting. Drugs can have such an impact on it. But if they are to blame, the consistency of the secretions should be more dense than usual. Blood is no longer excreted from the genital tract, has time to oxidize, so menstruation acquires such a color. But if nothing has changed in the next cycle, antibiotics can not be considered the cause of brown menstruation. It is necessary to be examined to find out the real culprit.

Lean monthly after antibiotics mean insufficient development of the endometrium at the end of the follicular stage of the cycle. Most likely this was not medications, but the reasons why the doctor appointed them, that is, the infection. This is also possible because of the stress caused by the disease.

Monthly, started after antibiotics, are unlikely to be exemplary. But any problems with them and the cycle should not be attributed only to the influence of drugs. It is best not to guess about this, but to go to the doctor and the tests to find out the true cause of the ailment. Especially when there are other doubtful signs. Because the most serious hormonal and gynecological diseases can mask the effects of antibiotics.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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