What is charisma and does it need a person?

Before I start feeding your brain with another piece of useful information, I would like to remind you that it is desirable to stock up in advance with spoons.

The use of any food, including for the mind, is only if you use it regularly.

The minute of advertising was left behind, so we turn to the topic of today's article.

And it sounds like this: " What is the charisma of ?".

I do not know about you, but for a long time I did not understand what was hidden behind such a formidable phrase as "charismatic person".

One day I began to feel that it is used when people can not say anything good about a person.

Well, yes, he's ugly and silly, but he's such a charismatic person.

It was this misunderstanding that prompted me to sort out thoroughly what charisma is and whether can become a charismatic person of to make life easier for itself.

For some reason it always seemed to me that people with charisma could do anything.

I figured out and hasten to share this information with you.

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What is charisma and what is the origin of the term?

The dictionary of foreign words defines the meaning of the term "charisma" as follows: exceptional appearance, high endowment, exceptional character traits, personal magnetism, which is inherent in this or that person.

There is a term from the Greek word χάρισμα, which translates into Russian as anointing.

To me, the dictionary definition of charisma seemed somehow twofold.

No, I realized that a charismatic personality is one that stands out from the crowd, but you can become famous or attract attention to yourself without having this notorious charisma.

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For example, is it possible to regard a girl in a mini-skirt with endless legs, a punk with green hair, an artist who organized a performance in the center of the city, or a genius scientist as charismatic personalities? They, of course, will draw attention to themselves and be remembered for a long time, but do they deserve to be called charismatics?

It seems to me, no.

The charismatic personality must possess a whole complex of unique character traits, attractive( not to be confused with beautiful) appearance and to be able to lead a lot of people, even to Hell, even to Paradise.

Alas, charisma, can be not only with a plus sign, but also get some sort of heifer of hell.

For example, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and Stalin, Lenin, Genghis Khan, and Hitler are considered charismatic personalities.

What is charisma in the understanding of ancient people and modern?

The term charisma is far from new( as its Greek origin indicates).

He met in ancient Greek myths, for example, applied to the goddess of beauty, because she attracted the eyes of not only men, but also women.

Christians abandoned the word "charisma" and began to replace it with the term "grace."

When in the church books the phrase "grace descended upon him" occurs, it can be safely interpreted as: "God bestowed upon a man a multitude of exceptional qualities so that he could serve for his and the church's good."

There is a place in the New Testament that explains that God's grace can condescend upon a person in three ways:

  1. Revelation ( the person who received this gift becomes incredibly wise, gets the ability to comprehend knowledge that is inaccessible to other people and communicate with spirits).
  2. The power of ( this grace was condescending to healers who could save the lives of others).
  3. Speech ( this is the most common charismatic group, because it includes people who know many foreign languages, can foresee the future, can have an audience, etc.)

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The introduction of the word "charisma" into modern science belongs to Ernest Trelch.

This feature of some people literally fall in love with the crowd and be remembered, only once appearing to someone's eyes, exploring a lot of modern scientists.

The well-known German sociologist Max Weber generally regarded charismatics as superhumans.

Features of the charismatic person

It is very difficult to identify the character traits, external signs, knowledge or skills that a charismatic person must have.

Sometimes it seems that one person got everything at once, and the other - nothing at all.

And yet I will try to highlight the most characteristic, in my opinion, features of a charismatic personality:

  1. Strength.

    Not necessarily physical( although this quality will be very useful), namely internal.

    When you look at a charismatic personality, you believe that everything is subject to it, and there is not one with which it can not cope.

  2. Confidence.

    If you do not believe that what you say and do is an immutable truth, then how will your followers believe it?

  3. Endurance.

    According to biographers, most historical charismatics( Napoleon, Hitler, Caesar) slept only for several hours a day and did not get tired.

  4. An uncommon mind.

    Here without comment: what kind of fool is a charismatic person?

  5. Magnetism.

    People on whom grace has descended, need not necessarily be handsome, history shows that most charismatics are ugly dwarfs, sometimes with physical defects, but millions adored them.

I want to give you an interesting example of the charismatic personality of

in a funny video below.

Here it is, the same charisma 😀

Watching and smiling:

How to become a charismatic person?

Opinions of the researchers of charisma were divided.

Some believe that charismatics are born, while others think that the character traits characteristic of charismatic personalities can be fully developed in oneself.

The truth is known to be somewhere in the middle.

How to become a leader? Useful advice!

Those who are able to change the history are already born this way, but if your plans do not include starting another world war, then in order to become a charismatic person, it's enough:

  1. Learn how to get along with people.
  2. To develop self-reliance.
  3. Learn oratory and the ability to use symbols( some accessories that will give you, like, for example, a smoking pipe from Stalin).
  4. Keep the mystery of your person.
    Let everyone think that you have disappeared, because you have important business, you do not need to tell everyone about your plans.
  5. Educate tremendous performance.
  6. Develop a command tone( no, give orders, as in the army do not need, but people must obey you without question).
  7. Create your own unique style in clothes.
  8. Do good deeds: a lot and free of charge.
  9. Become the best in the field that you are engaged in.
    You should be spoken with envy: "Ask NN, he is a genius".
  10. To attract attention to yourself, to cause love and respect of others.

It is clear that to understand the science, how to become a charismatic person of , is quite difficult on its own.

You will be helped by trainings, psychologists, coaches, special literature and, of course, "Diary of Success".

  • Mar 24, 2018
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