Eye drops Allergoodil - an application for allergic conjunctivitis

Each year, according to statistical data, the number of patients with different types of allergic reactions significantly increases.

Nonspecific reaction of the body can affect any system of the human body, the eye, the most important for everyday as well as professional life, are not an exception.

Lachrymation, reddening of the sclera, edema, intense itching, mucus discharge are all the most likely, but not the only signs of an allergy in the eyes.

Allergic reaction often develops on pollen of plants, chemicals, drugs, cosmetics, food, it is difficult to predict the appearance of the disease, especially if such symptoms are fixed for the first time.

Unpleasant symptomatology of the disease requires the appointment of appropriate treatment, the main purpose of which is to remove the edema and eliminate the effect of the allergen on the eye mucosa. A similar mechanism of action has eye drops Allergodyl, which have a long therapeutic effect.

    • 1. Instructions for use
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    • 2. Contraindications to use
    • 3. Price
    • 4. Drugs with a similar mechanism of action
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Conclusion

Instructions for use

General indications

Eye drops Allergodyl are manufacturedon the basis of azelastine, which has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and membrane-stabilizing effect. Produced in Switzerland by the company MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co..To purchase this drug in pharmacies, a prescription is not required.

When instilled into a conjunctival sac, the therapeutic effect begins almost instantaneously, the drug inhibits the production and release of mediators involved in the formation of an allergic reaction.

The drug has a prolonged action and effectively eliminates allergy symptoms, such as itching, flushing of sclera, lacrimation, swelling. Components of Allergoodil are fully absorbed by the tissues of the eye, so their concentration in the blood is minimal even after several days of treatment.

The drug is prescribed for conditions such as:

  1. Seasonal allergic reactions to plant blooms.
  2. All-year-round allergies.
  3. With infectious and viral conjunctivitis as part of complex therapy.

Drops prescribed for infections contribute to the prompt elimination of edema and itching, and also reduce the likelihood of development of nonspecific reactions to treatment with antiviral and antibacterial agents.

The azelastine included in the drops is effective against animal hair proteins and home dust components. Read more - the price for eye drops Albucid. Price overview in the CIS.

In the news( more) analogues of Maxitrol.

Instruction for drops Teorodex!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / effektivnoe-sredstvo-tobradeks.html

Interaction with other drugs

Joint use of allergoodil and glucocorticosteroids leads to an increase in the effect of the latter. The interval between the use of Allergoodil and other ophthalmic drops should be at least half an hour.

Useful properties

After instillation of droplets into the eyes, the components of the preparation are removed by substances developing at the time of the allergic reaction. After about 10 to 15 minutes, the swelling of the eyes decreases, the sclera becomes normal, and the itching is eliminated.

The effect is preserved in full manifestation for 12 hours or slightly more, therefore it is recommended to instill drops into the eyes in the morning and evening hours.

Drops can also be used as a prophylactic agent by people who develop seasonal conjunctivitis. Approximately 2 weeks before the beginning of flowering of allergenic plants begin to use the drug, burying in the eyes at the age of dosage.

Preliminary use of drops prepares the body for the invasion of foreign protein, prevents the development of conjunctivitis.

The desired therapeutic effect when using drops can be achieved only with their professional use. Non-compliance with the instructions enclosed in the package with the drug may affect the decrease in the useful properties of the medicine for the eyes.

Tips for using

  • Before applying drops, the eyes are thoroughly washed, the make-up is removed from the eyelids and eyelashes.
  • The area around the eyes is wiped with a clean cloth.
  • The medicine is sold in a vial with a dispenser, it is necessary to make sure that the dropper itself is clean, and the expiration date of eye drops is suitable for use. The sealed bottle will retain the medicine for 3 years, but it must be taken into account that after opening, Allergodyl is not used for more than 4 weeks.
  • Drops are instilled in the middle of the lower eyelid, for this purpose it is drawn to the bottom before the pink mucosa appears. Do not touch the eye with a dispenser, drip one drop of medicine in the middle of the century, release it and press the inside of the corner of the eye with your finger. It is necessary to blink several times, and remove the surplus of the drug with a napkin.
  • For the other eye, the algorithm of action is similar.
  • After instillation Allergodyl burning, pain can increase, sometimes there is a fog before the eyes, intense itching. In a few minutes all these phenomena disappear, a similar symptomatology can manifest itself at the first use of drops and in the subsequent to a lesser degree, so it is not worth frightening.
  • If Allergodyl is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment with other eye drops, then approximately 15 minutes between using different medications should be observed.

Drops are not addictive and change the structure of the mucosa, therefore can be used for a long time up to six months. After this period, the preparation, if necessary, is replaced for some time by another, then can be used again.


Usually, to achieve the desired effect, allergodyl is sufficient for two single use per day, with severe allergy phenomena, drops can be digested up to 4 times during the first days of therapy.

The drug is used in pediatric practice, for children it is prescribed for the treatment of seasonal conjunctivitis from the age of four, for the treatment of year-round allergic reactions from the age of twelve.

Contraindications to the use of

As a result of the use of the drug, no significant side effects and negative effects on the organs and system of blood supply have been revealed, therefore drops have no absolute contraindications.

They are forbidden to use by pregnant women because of the lack of data on the effect on the fetus and the use in the treatment of children under 4 years old.

During breastfeeding, when using Allergoodil, it is recommended to temporarily stop breastfeeding for the period of treatment.

The drug does not adversely affect the rate of reactions, so it can be used in the therapy of patients whose professions are associated with the management of complex instruments and transport.

instillation in the eye Allergodyl requires compliance with a single condition - the refusal to wear day and night lenses for the period of use of drops.


The cost of antiallergic drops Allergodil depends on the cheating pharmacy chain that sells them. The price for the drug starts from three hundred rubles , in some online stores and pharmacies it reaches up to four hundred and more. In Ukraine, the price for the drug starts from 110 hryvnia .

When buying a medicine, it is necessary to take into account the fact that after the opening and the beginning of use for medical purposes, Allergodyl is considered useful within a month. Then its anti-histamine action stops. Therefore, the price of the drop bottle will indicate how much money you need for a month to eliminate allergic conjunctivitis.

Drugs with a similar mechanism of action

To eye drops with antihistamine mechanism of action include Azelastine, Ketotifen, Opatanol, Olopatadine.

When selecting any drops, it is advisable to undergo an advanced examination with an ophthalmologist. In some cases, allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by a secondary infection, so without prescribing the necessary antibacterial drugs, the symptoms of inflammation may not go away. In many cases, conjunctivitis in children is both infectious and allergic at the same time.

Note - the instruction for eye drops is Sophradex. Prices and reviews.

In the article( tutochki) Orlova's table for vision testing.

Analogs of Half-Life!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / vse-o-poludan.html


Reviews about eye drops Allergoodil are highly controversial. Some patients argue that this drug quickly helps them to eliminate allergy symptoms and remove red eyes. They note the effectiveness of these eye drops as in the treatment of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, which is mainly associated with the flowering of ragweed and other plants, and to get rid of off-season allergic conjunctivitis, which occurs as a reaction of the body to animal hair and other allergens.

There are also several reviews in which patients complain about the high cost of Allergoodil. And a certain group of people claims that these eye drops did not help them get rid of allergy symptoms, but rather worsened the condition. Therefore, before using Allergoodil, a doctor's consultation is necessary.


In order for the drug to really bring the necessary benefits to the eyes, it is necessary to read the instructions completely before the first use, to properly instill drops into the eyes, and not to use other ophthalmic drugs without prescribing a doctor.

Drops will not help if you do not eliminate the effect of the allergen or at least not reduce its negative effect.

It is possible to reliably know the allergen that acts on the body, after carrying out special tests in specialized medical institutions. In some cases, a specific treatment prescribed by an allergist helps completely to get rid of allergies.

Using Allergodil to eliminate the phenomenon of allergies must be remembered and always follow the following tips:

  1. The drug has a prolonged action and therefore it is enough to use it twice a day.
  2. It is important to properly instill drops, and before using to clear eyes of makeup.
  3. When the drug is used with other eye drops, observe a fifteen minute interval.
  4. The drug can be used for up to 6 months.
  5. The opened vial is suitable for use only for four weeks.
  6. Prevents the emergence of seasonal conjunctivitis preventive instillation of Allergoodil about half a month before the alleged occurrence of an allergic reaction.
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