Biological clock is an internal system of the human body, which determines its rhythm of vital activity.
Many processes because: nutrition, growth, reproduction - are associated with certain external events, for example, to the dark or light time of the day, to the same times of the year.
Do you always dream to get enough sleep and feel good?
Then try to stick to this routine!
Your biological clock will tell you for it - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
So, man's watch are built in this way:
from 6am to 7am - biological clock of a person have a very useful "window".
What does this mean?
And this means that it is at this time that the person is best served by long-term memory, all the information you read, or look through - is digested very easily and firmly.
Note to students: teach the most difficult exam tickets just at this time, the memory will not fail you and man watch too 🙂
from 8am to 9am - biological man clock include logical thinking is the most favorabletime for any activity, which is simultaneously connected with analytics, as well as with memorization.
How to overcome laziness?
from 9 am to 10 am is the most optimal time when the biological clock is active with statistics and information.
from 11 am to 12 pm - man's watch dramatically reduces the intellectual functions, at this time it's hard to work, I want to get distracted a little!
Therefore, switch: listen to music, talk with your colleague for a cup of tea, let the body rest.
from 12 days to 14 days is the most suitable time for a full dinner!
These biological clock comes at its peak, in the East they say - "the fire of digestion", when the absorbed food is digested and digested in the best way.
from 12.00 until 19.00 is the ideal time for active work.
Remember: when you are working in a later person's watch , then you yourself are driving your brain to wear.
Then there is an overvoltage, which leads to difficulty falling asleep.
Who is a loser?
from 20.00 to 23.00 - at this time your mind and nervous system rests! Do not bother them, please!
from 11.00 to 1am - at this time you should already be sleeping!
It is in this period of time, there is an active restoration of your fine power.
In Chinese medicine, it is also called as "chi", and Indian yoga is called "prana", modern science calls it as a recovery of nervous and muscular strength!
So, pleasant dreams, recover 🙂
from 1 to 3 am - there is a complete restoration of the emotional energy of a person.
Well knowing the algorithm of your own organism's behavior, you can calmly regulate your behavior!
I suggest you to see a short video about a human biological clock, in it you will find for yourself many vital factors that I have not written in this article.
Happy viewing: