Microwave cooking

After the ancient people first received fire and found various uses for it, it became possible to make food tastier. At first it was a common fireplace with an open flame. Then came some kind of convenient designs( the main task of which is to keep the heat concentration): stone, clay or metal furnaces. For kindling they used natural materials: coal, peat, wood. But this person was not enough, and he extracted gas, which also burns well. A blue light ran through the pipes. .. So there were gas stoves( note that in parallel with them electric kitchen stoves were also used).Improvements in technology have facilitated the simplification of the cooking process.

Technological development of mankind does not stand still. Engineers tried to design mechanisms that facilitate the process of cooking, as well as increasing the flavor saturation of the prepared dish. One such device was the microwave oven( microwave oven).In it, with ease and in a short time, you can taste deliciously almost any dish in complexity.

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History of

The device that we all know as a microwave oven was invented by chance. His founding father was American engineer Percy Spencer. During one experiment, the scientist accidentally melted the chocolate in his own pocket, the radiation of the magnetron lamp affected the sweetness. And already in 1946 the developer registers a patent for the invention of a microwave oven. Only after more than 20 years the development went into mass production and flooded the whole world.

Principle of operation

A microwave oven can be rightly called a universal device, equally tasty in it dishes from meat or fish products, first courses and side dishes, second dishes and desserts are obtained. Cooking is carried out under the influence of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, which penetrates deep into the product and heats it quickly. Why time until the full preparation of food is reduced.

To boil beetroot on a gas stove, it was necessary to boil it for at least 50 minutes, in a microwave oven the same vegetable is cooked for 15. A piece of meat will be ready in 20-25 minutes, and the delicious charlotte will be baked for 10-12 minutes. Baking potatoes in a gas or electric oven is a fairly long process, the microwave can handle this in a maximum of 10 minutes. Cook pancakes in just 5-6 minutes!

Microwave - just an ideal device for cooking dishes from vegetables. Products very quickly reach the condition, while they retain most of the useful properties and qualities.

Learn how to use the device simply. A minimum set of programs can be mastered even by children. For example, the usual heating of food in a few moments - with it to cope with any schoolboy. Very quickly in microwave it is possible to prepare hot sandwiches, to preheat semi-finished products. Young mothers in the microwave warm up the next portion of feeding their baby. Older people, who already find it difficult to stand at the hot plate for a long time, happily switch to microwave ovens.

Any microwave oven is equipped with a time controller( timer).You do not burn a hundred percent of the pot, because once the time is up, the oven will shut down.

Special accessories

Have got a microwave oven, you need to think about the containers for cooking dishes. In any store of utensils you can find the right products. It is best to choose objects of round shape, they more evenly "fast" the dish.

Other accessories include plastic covers, waxed paper, special films and foil. These items are designed to increase the level of protection of foods during cooking from excessive drying, burning. The dish "under protection" will be juicier.


Do not place microwave, metal or wood utensils in the microwave oven or "golden monogram".Food plastic is also not suitable for everyone( basically, manufacturers of plastic dishes on the bottom place information about the maximum available heating temperature).

You can spoil your stove if:

  • wants to boil eggs in the shell;
  • cook condensed milk directly in the jar;
  • prepare cerebral bones with small pieces of meat on them.

The truth and fictions about microwave ovens

"Old Believers", who are always so difficult to accept something new, sin on fast furnaces in the fact that they are supposedly harmful because of active electromagnetic radiation. Repeated studies have shown that the microwave housing does not transmit radiation. In addition, electromagnetic waves( which affect the cooking process) disappear as soon as you open the device door: the oven is automatically turned off.

"Home" way to check the reliability of the microwave: take two mobile phones, one - put it in a disconnected from the electricity mains, from the second - make a call at first. If the operator told you that the subscriber is outside the coverage area of ​​the network, then the case of your microwave is just impenetrable.

Microwave dishes: useful properties

"Microwave" cooking takes place in the image and likeness of the process of extinguishing the products: the ingredients go in their own juice( without the addition of fats).Dishes do not require a lot of seasonings and spices, since the unique properties of the device contribute to "pulling" from products of natural flavors. The taste and color remain natural. Everything is prepared several times faster than the traditional way, during this time the food does not lose its useful qualities and properties.

Are dishes cooked in the microwave oven harmful?

In addition to the already mentioned ways of "killing" your microwave oven, you can also cause harm to your body. For example, it is not recommended to cook meat with streaks and connective tissue in the microwave. Simply in these organs there is a large amount of protein, with the denaturation of which can form a kind of paste( gelatin-like substance), the absorption of which negatively affects the work of the kidneys.

Electromagnetic radiation is also harmful to the human body. But we want to remind you that the final scientific conclusion of experts on the dangers of using microwave ovens has not yet appeared. So do not be afraid of its radiation.

Rules and Tricks of Cooking
  • Mar 24, 2018
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