Why there is an endometrial polyp

Misalignment of the uterine mucosa can lead to the appearance of polyps on it. They have the form of elevations with a wide or narrow base, in color are similar to healthy tissues. Neoplasm is not at all as safe as it seems in the absence of obvious signs. Therefore, women, especially at the age of 30, should know how the endometrial polyp is manifested, the causes of the onset and ways to avoid such a diagnosis.

Contents of

  • 1 What is an endometrial polyps
  • 2 Why does a polyp appear
  • 3 Specifics of the manifestation of the disease
  • 4 Diagnosis of endometrial polyps
  • 5 How to get rid of the polyp
  • 6 Preventing the appearance of polyps

What is the endometrial polyps

Mucous uterus develops, subject to the influence of sex hormones. Monthly its upper layer is updated, getting rid of old fabrics.

If a violation occurs in the hormone area, the process risks becoming a pathological condition. And then globular formations form on the endometrium. This is polyps.
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Stuffed with glandular or connective tissue contents. More often their composition is mixed, and the most dangerous of tumors contain atypical cells. The adolescents tend to increase. Then their manifestations become noticeable, worsen the state of health, threaten with more serious ailments.

That's why it's so important to know how the polyp is manifested, what is its development, in order to contact the doctor in a timely manner.

Why there is a polyp

The only answer to the question what promotes the growth of polyps does not exist. Obviously, it only happens when accompanied by a hormonal disorder. It has the character of hyperestrogenism on the background of a lack of progesterone. A similar is observed with a variety of diseases. And if an endometrial polyp is found in the uterus, the causes may be as follows:

  • Ovarian problems. They produce most of the necessary estrogen and progestogen. If the balance of substances is disturbed, the mucous membrane can not develop normally.
  • Injuries of the endometrium as a result of surgical interventions on the uterus, abortions, scraping. In an effort to recover from damage, the cells of the mucosa begin to be actively divided. If the updating process outstrips the removal of obsolete tissues, outgrowths are formed.
  • Prolonged prevention of pregnancy through the IUD.The spiral impedes the proper development of the endometrium. If this occurs for a long time, the body seeks to compensate for the suppression of functions by abnormal tissue growth.
  • Dysfunctional pregnancy, severe labor, due to which blood clots remain in the uterine cavity, foreign tissues. They are transformed into stromal cells, growing to the mucosa.
  • Endocrine diseases in which hormonal disorders are unavoidable. This is diabetes, obesity, dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Stresses, leading to failures in the production of hormones. The psychological factor prevents the work of not only the sex glands, but the pituitary and hypothalamus.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs in chronic form. Polyps can be found against the background of endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, the long existence of a latent venereal infection.

Features of the manifestation of the disease

The severity of the diagnosis of "endometrial polyps" causes and its symptoms does not always make it obvious. Sometimes education, if not yet reached a large size, may not give obvious signs. But with the growth of the polyp the symptoms become more specific:

  • the amount of whites increases;
  • there is a drawing pain in the abdomen, which increases during sex;
  • appears after a sexual intercourse;
  • increases the volume of menstrual flow;
  • reveals blood from the genital tract in addition to critical days;
  • with normal intimate life at a young age does not occur pregnancy.

Diagnosis of endometrial polyps

Even with obvious symptoms, it is possible to diagnose "endometrial polyps" only after additional examination, including:

  • Gynecological examination. With the localization of education on the neck specialist can see it with the naked eye.
  • ultrasound of the uterus. An expansion of the cavity of the organ and extraneous formation in it will be discovered.
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy. The method makes it possible to estimate the size of the polyp, to pinpoint the localization.
  • Taking a Pap smear. This is necessary for the differentiation of the polyp and malignant neoplasm.

Diagnosis is not limited to examination before treatment. After it the tissues of the build-up are subjected to a histological analysis.

How to get rid of the polyp

Polyps do not have the habit of resolving as a result of taking medications. And their tendency to growth, caused by the disease consequences dictate the need to remove the tumor. If it is single, it is sufficient to perform a hysteroscopic operation that will not affect the remaining mucosal tissues. After it, the polyp bed is cauterized to avoid relapse.

But surgery treatment is not limited, given what kind of endometrial polyps the cause has among the major ones. To restore the normal development of the mucous uterus requires a half-year reception of hormones:

  • Preparations "Yarin", "Regulona", "Zhanina", containing a combination of estrogens and gestagens. They normalize the cycle in young women.
  • Preparations "Dufaston", "Utrozhestan", which are analogues of progesterone. They are shown at the age of 45 years.

Other treatment is necessary when an adenomatous polyp is detected in a woman who has reached premenopause. In this case, because of the high risk of cancer, removal of the uterus is indicated, and with adverse heredity - and appendages.

We recommend reading the article on the monthly for polyp. You will learn about the nature of menstruation in case of illness, recovery of the cycle and monthly after treatment.

Preventing the appearance of polyps

Avoiding the wrong development of the endometrium and the appearance of polyps on it can, if you pay attention to health, adhere to a certain lifestyle:

  • at least once a year undergo examination by a gynecologist;
  • to control its weight;
  • monitor the balance of hormones in the body, adjust it if necessary;
  • in time and up to the end to treat inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • not allow unwanted pregnancy and abortion;
  • to avoid the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
  • monitor for secretions from the genital tract, and with problems immediately go to the doctor.

The reasons for the formation of polyps can not be called absolute. If desired, every woman is able to eliminate them from her life. But do not self-medicate. Only a doctor can solve the problem in time and in full.

  • Mar 24, 2018
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