Otitis is a pathological process that is accompanied by inflammation in the ear. Treatment necessarily includes taking antibiotics. And this or that drug the doctor appoints, taking into account the infection present in the ear. If the course is severe, then several antibacterial drugs can be prescribed. Drugs can be presented in the form of dragees, capsules and injections. Antibiotic therapy should be given cautiously to elderly people, as well as to women during pregnancy and lactation.
- 1 Preparations for acute inflammation
- 2 Drugs for chronic inflammation
- 3 Medications for otitis media
- 4 Preparations for purulent inflammation
- 5 Antibiotics for external otitis
- 6 Drops with antibiotic
Drugs for acute inflammation
Acute symptoms are associated with an increased course of the pathological process. Moreover, the patient deteriorates state of health due to the following clinical picture: earache, which affects teeth and head, a sharp rise in temperature to 39 degrees.
In the acute course of the drug can be used topically, in the form of drops and ointments. There are a number of situations when treatment requires the use of systemic medicines. Combined antibacterial drugs have a wide range of effects, has a high activity.
Very often in the treatment of acute otitis media, a combination of medications is used:
Neomycin and Bacitracin, Polymyxin and Hydrocortisone.
Such drugs, cooperating with each other, are highly effective.
For the treatment of acute otitis media, various antibiotics can be used that have a wide range of effects. Their task is reduced to having a bright bactericidal effect and restore the natural weakly acid environment of the auditory cavity. In the scheme of therapy, doctors introduce semi-synthetic antibiotics related to the penicillin group. They do not respond to the influence of beta-lactam deputy.
Diclosacillin is administered orally, and Oxacillin is given intravenously.
Drugs for Chronic Inflammation
Chronic otitis media is the result of untimely or incorrect treatment of acute inflammation. In the chronic course of pathology, a wide variety of pathogens, a combination of different bacterial species, is characteristic. This complicates the selection of suitable antibacterial drugs. To destroy the polymicrobial flora, it is necessary to use strong drugs, and sometimes their combination.
If chronic otitis is old and difficult to treat, then it is worth using drugs such as Sparflo.
The reception is administered orally 400 mg. Avlox. Every day, take a dosage of 400 mg at a time. The duration of therapy will be 10-14 days. At the same time, antifungal agents, vitamins and medicines for the normalization of the microflora Ciprofloxacin must be used without fail.
It is a fluoroquinolone drug with antibacterial effect. Its dignity is that it adversely affects active bacteria and immobile ones. Take the lead to an empty stomach 3 times a day. The limiting dosage will be 750 mg.
And here's how to determine the otitis in a baby and how to deal with this problem, is described in this article.
It will also be interesting to learn how to treat external otitis in the home.
What are the symptoms of purulent otitis and how can they be identified, described in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/ simptomy-u / priznaki-otita.html
But is it necessary to drink antibiotics in otitis or can you use other means, described in detail in this article.
Medications for otitis media
Otitis media is a pathological process that is diagnosed most often. It is an inflammation that affects the middle ear area. Antibiotics are prescribed only if complications develop, prolonged course and presence of fluid in the ear cavity. When choosing a medicine, you must take into account the sensitivity to allergies, age and condition of the patient. If you understand what kind of pathogen led to the development of inflammation, the doctor will prescribe a medicament for a wide range of effects.
When treating otitis media, doctors often use Amoxicillin .But how to drink amoxicillin with angina will help understand this article.
For adults, the dosage will be 3 g every day 3 times in knocking. Children are prescribed 85 mg per kg of body weight per day. If after a few days no improvement is observed, the doctor replaces the medicine with a stronger one. Here it is possible to carry Amoksiklav,( and here's how the treatment of angina Amoxiclav in children occurs, described in this article.) Cefuroxime.
Preparations for purulent inflammation
Purulent inflammation is characterized by breakthrough of the internal membrane and evacuation of purulent discharge to the outside. At this time it is worthwhile to rinse with an antimicrobial solution. It should exert an ototoxic effect in order not to depress the auditory function. An antibiotic solution is injected into the ear cavity. Such manipulations are carried out in a hospital.
General treatment for purulent otitis media does not differ from the traditional treatment of otitis media.
When prescribing antibiotics, they use a wide-ranging medicine:
- Erythromycin;
- Clarithromycin;
- Amoxiclav;(and here is how many days to take Amoxiclav with angina and what should be the dosage, will help to understand this article.)
- Ceftriaxone( and here's how to take ceftriaxone in genyantritis, see this article.)
If there is a development of complications or the inflammation lasts too long, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Olfen - are prescribed for antibacterial therapy, Ampicillin remains the most popular, although Ospamox and Flemoxin may be an excellent substitute. The
Antibiotics for external otitis
External otitis causes damage to the skin of the ear, externally to the auditory passage, the periosteum, which is concentrated immediately under the dermis. If it is impossible to assess the state of the tympanic membrane, thentreatment is prescribed with simultaneous administration of preparations for external and internal otitis.
The main drugs in the treatment of otitis remain antibiotics - Ofloxacin and Neomycin.
You can use cotton soaked in ointment with antibacterial effect. From it, form a tampon and insert into the auditory canal. Change the tampon every 2.5 hours during the day.
It is necessary to use auxiliary therapies, which include compresses with a warming effect, the intake of vitamins and preparations to support intestinal microflora.
As a rule, when treating external otitis media, there is no need to use antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed only if there is a risk of complications, as well as when the patient has critically weakened immunity.
Drops with antibiotic
In the treatment of inflammation occurring in the ear canal, drops with antibacterial effect are used. They need to enter directly into the focus of inflammation. There are the following drugs:
- Otinum and Otipax are hormone drops with anti-inflammatory effect;(but how much are the otinum ear drops, will help to understand the contents of this article.)
- Levomycitin, Normaks, Tsipromed and Fugenin are solutions of antibiotics;
- Sofraks, Polydex and Garazon are a solution that combine an antibiotic and a glucocorticoid.
Anauran drops can be used in the treatment of otitis of different forms. It is also allowed for adults and children. It is necessary 3 times a day to drip the ear cavity for 3-5 drops.
The drug Sofradex can be used for therapeutic purposes in otitis media and conjunctivitis. Has a strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic local effect. Drops have a wide range of influences. Use 4 drops 2 times a day in the inflamed ear. But the children need to drip 2 drops a day 3 times.
Ear drops, containing corticosteroids, are given with special care to small patients and pregnant women. If there is a risk of developing allergies, the administration of drops is canceled, and the doctor reviews the entire therapy regimen, prescribing other medicines.
Otitis is a pathological process that brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient. If the nature of the disease is bacterial, then treatment includes a number of antibiotics. Only the doctor prescribes them after examination and diagnosis. At the same time he takes into account the age of the patient, the type of otitis and the severity of his course.