Anorexia is the consequence of a diet?

For people, it is normal to want to look better by changing yourself, including by losing weight. However, cases where the desire to be slimmer becomes painful and begins to influence habits, thinking and human life are not uncommon.

In such situations, experts say a disease that is expressed as an eating disorder. Many people who want to lose weight diagnose anorexia, when the struggle for a harmonious body becomes the meaning of life. Often, patients are not able to cope with the disease on their own.

Signs and consequences of anorexia

Anorexia is an eating disorder with the following symptoms and signs:

  • lack of desire or ability to maintain weight within the limits of the norm;
  • fear that the weight will increase;
  • incorrect perception of the physical state of the body.

Fear becomes the companion of every meal, a person begins to fear even drinking water, because of which it can gain weight. Another terrible consequence of anorexia is the rejection of one's own body, a person, regardless of real weight, constantly thinks that he is fat. And even when the disease makes itself felt, it is difficult to convince a person that he is excessively thin, the diet will still continue.

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Of course, anorexia is treatable, albeit with great difficulty, and most often the initiators of treatment are relatives of anorexic.

What should alert the relatives of

There is a certain list of signs of anorexia, which are intended for the native patient, but not for the anorexic, as he will deny the presence of his disease. Most often, a person with anorexia, hides his problem from relatives for a long time. And only when the disease takes over, it becomes possible to diagnose it. However, some signs should serve as a signal that the problem takes place be:

  • man continues a low-calorie diet, despite the fact that he has lost enough weight. The diet thus excludes the use of fats and sweet;
  • the patient has a pronounced obsession with caloric content of dishes, he follows the amount of fat in the products. Anorexics more often than others are interested in information on packages, the weight of products. They strictly fix everything that was eaten during the day;
  • there is an uncaused weight loss( no diseases that affect weight are diagnosed);
  • increased self-criticism. Often patients spend a lot of time in front of a mirror, studying their own body, try to find any deficiencies and, as a rule, find them;
  • patients deny their thinness and even try to disguise it with the help of wide clothing.

Anorexia is most affected by people that society is used to think of as perfectionists, they strive to achieve the ideal in everything, and in this case they need a perfect body from their point of view. Also at risk are those who engage in unloved business under the pressure of public opinion or family members. For example, they are engaged in ballet, where it is necessary to monitor the weight, including with the help of periodic fasting.

Anorexia in patients is deteriorating health, hair and teeth fall out, there is a sharp change in mood. At the first signs it is necessary to address to the expert, as in some cases the patient needs hospitalization. After the patient's condition is stabilized, he is sent to a nutritionist and a psychotherapist.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 24, 2018
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