If you are regularly abused by nausea, vomiting and flatulence, then perhaps you have problems with digestion. How to deal with them correctly, our article will tell.
Tablets and medications and enzyme preparations for digestion improvement
• Digestion is a process during which chemical and physical processing of food takes place in the gastrointestinal tract, in which all nutritional and energy properties of the products are preserved. But, unfortunately, it only happens if the human body works like a clock
• And if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, drinks, smokes, eat harmful food and moves little, then the process of food etching is not quite right. Most often this leads to not very pleasant consequences. People with abnormal digestion may experience nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.
• And if you do not try to adjust the digestion process, all of these symptoms can lead to the development of more serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, let's figure out what products and preparations will help in the fastest possible time to establish digestion and get rid of nausea and bloating
Tablets and medications and enzyme preparations for digestion improvement
Probably, every person knows a feeling of heaviness in the stomach thatarises after a hearty dinner. More often such unpleasant sensations appear because of the fact that in the human body the enzymes responsible for the digestion of food are not produced in the right amount. You can try to solve this problem with special enzyme preparations.
But remember, you do not need to get involved with taking such pills. They can be taken only as a last resort or during the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. It will still be better if you try to change your lifestyle and help your body to cope with the process of food poisoning.
Enzymes should be taken in the following cases:
• Causeless fatigue that does not disappear during the whole day
• Constantly want to sleep( especially this desire worsens after eating)
• Excessive dryness of skin and appearance of pigment spots
• Fingers nails and very strong
hair falls out • Fluttering flatulence
• Pain after eating
List of enzyme preparations:
• Mezim. Getting into the body, begins to stimulate the process of food etching
• Festal. Helps to break down complex compounds of sugars and improves intestinal function
• Immediately. Establishes the correct operation of the pancreas
• Creon. It stimulates the production of enzymes necessary for processing food
• Somilase. Promotes the gradual recovery of all natural functions of the pancreas
Folk remedies for digestion
• Everyone knows how important it is to eat properly. But to my great regret, not all and not always get to eat only useful food. There are so many different temptations around us that sometimes we, like small children, can not resist and buy ourselves some kind of yummy that does more harm than good
• And the more often we do, the more difficult it is for our stomach to cope with its direct tasks. In the end, this leads to the fact that we have problems with digestion. The most unpleasant thing is that such insignificant seemingly at first glance symptoms will eventually lead to the accumulation of slags and other harmful substances in the body, and those in turn will start to provoke the development of more serious diseases of
• Therefore it is very important to try to get rid of it at an early stagefrom all these problems. And if you do not have time to go to a specialist yet, then try to ease your condition with folk methods
• Burdock root. Decoction from this plant envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby contributing to the reduction of inflammatory processes. For greater efficiency, the root should be cooked not in water, but in low-fat milk
• Juice of sauerkraut. This product very well stimulates the production of gastric juice. But it can not be used by people with acidity
• Basil leaves. Help to get rid of nausea and vomiting, and also quickly suppress flatulence. Also fresh leaves of this plant fight against heartburn and burp
effectively enough. Teas and herbs for digestion.
. People know about medicinal properties of herbs for a long time. Our ancestors believed that with their help you can cure almost all diseases. Unfortunately, modern medicine believes that herbs can only be an auxiliary treatment and should be taken solely as an adjunct to basic therapy. But in the case of improper digestion, it is the herbs that can become the main method of treatment.
After all, no matter how effective the drugs are, the negative impact on the body they still have. Therefore, until a person has developed serious abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, then you can adjust digestion and herbal teas. If properly arranged herbs, they will help to establish metabolic processes, remove slags from the body, contribute to the proper production of gastric juice and increase the overall tone of the body.
Herbs that help to regain digestion:
• Alternate
• Wormwood
• Parsley( seeds)
• Salt
• Oregano
• Melisa
• Dandelion( root)
Vitamins for improving digestion
Anothervitamins are an important component of proper digestion. After all, if in the body there is a lack of some substance, it is on the acorn that affects the first turn. Therefore, it is very important that the human body receives every day all the trace elements necessary for it.
But do not confuse the usual vitamins for the concept of immunity and vitaminized drugs for the stomach. After all, in this case, you need a vitamin bomb that will stimulate the proper functioning of the digestive tract and the special priobiotics that make this body work. Therefore, buying vitamins in the pharmacy, be interested if in their composition lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, normalizing the work of the stomach and intestines.
Vitamins that improve digestion:
• Altera. Relieves inflammation in the stomach and normalizes intestinal motility
• Acidofilus. Discharges toxic products that are formed during the metabolic processes
• Gastrafermin .Promotes proper and better digestion of nutrients
• Regulin. Maximize the work of the small and large intestine, thereby contributing to the regular emptying of the stomach
Digestive products
We lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend almost the whole day near a TV or computer. And if you also add not very useful food to this, then the picture turns out to be very unhappy. Correct foods can help correct the situation, which includes useful vitamins and fiber.
It is the last component that our GIT needs the most. Fiber helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, promotes proper digestion of food and prevents the formation of cholesterol in the vessels. Therefore, if you want your stomach to work like a clock, then include as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible in your daily diet.
List of useful products:
• Beet. Helps to digest food correctly. This product is useful in any form. It can be boiled, stewed, baked and eaten raw
• Honey. Establishes the proper functioning of the digestive system and helps to fight constipation and diarrhea. It is best to eat it an hour before the main meal
• Radish. Contains in its composition essential oils, which have a positive effect on digestion. Helps reduce cholesterol and blocks the growth of fat cells
• Lactic acid products. In curd, milk and yogurt in large quantities contain natural prebiotics that relax the walls of the stomach and intestines
• Green vegetables. Absorb excess fluid and do not give edema. In addition, they interfere with the absorption of stomach toxins and toxins
Diet and dishes for digestion: recipes
- If you are trying to eat properly, but stomach problems are only worsening, then be sure to consult with an expert
- It is likely your digestive system is not enoughregular food and you need to take more cardinal measures
- After all, if the gastrointestinal tract is exhausted strongly enough, in order to put it in order it will be necessarysit on a special diet
Basic rules for a digestive diet:
• Minimize the use of fast carbohydrates
• Try to thoroughly chew food
• Eat often, but in small portions
• Half an hour before a meal, drink a glass of still water
• One mealshould consist of only one dish
Recipe for salad from cooked beets:
• Boil two small beets and cut them with straw
• Grate on a large gratercarrots and chop the Chinese cabbage
• Transfer everything to a large bowl and season with sunflower oil
• Salt, pepper the dish and add walnuts
if desired • Salad can be either an independent dish or an addition to baked fish or meat
Recipedietary steam cutlets:
• Prepare minced meat from chicken or turkey
• Add salt, pepper and a large handful of greens
• Mix the minced meat and beat it a bit
• Form small balls and scrape outiterated their provarkoy
• After 10-15 minutes burgers are ready
• eat this meat dish is best with fresh vegetables
What do you need to improve digestion pregnant?
All nine months of pregnancy, the female body lives in constant stress. Because of the increase in the hormonal background, almost all internal organs begin to work incorrectly in a woman. This problem does not bypass the digestive system. Perhaps, it is one of the first to begin to feel the upcoming changes.
Of course, the main problem of the gastrointestinal tract is toxicosis, which prevents proper digestion of food. Therefore, it is very important to establish a diet in such a way as to minimize all negative phenomena.
Tips to help the digestion of a pregnant woman:
• Do not overeat
• Try to stick to the
food schedule • Use only healthy and freshly prepared
food • Eliminate macaroni, white bread and buns
from your diet • Eat seasonal vegetables onlyand fruit
• Discard the use of semi-finished products
How do children improve digestion?
The digestive system of a small person continues to form for some time after the birth of the crumbs. This is connected with a fairly frequent disorder of the child's gastrointestinal tract.
Since the pancreas is still unable to produce all the necessary enzymes, the baby's nutrition should be as regular and regular as possible. If you do not want the crumbs to get nausea or diarrhea, then make sure that he ate only useful food.
Recommendations that will help improve the digestion of a child:
• Introduce new products into the baby's diet gradually
• At the initial stage, you can give vegetables heat treatment( meaning carrots and cabbage)
• Give the baby as much clean water
• Keep babydid not eat too hot or cold food
• Give the child regularly dairy products
Exercises to improve digestion
Help the normalizationApart from proper nutrition and enzyme preparations, physical exercise can also be involved in digestion. If you do them regularly, then in addition to the ideal work of the gastrointestinal tract, you will still get a beautiful body.
Complex of exercises for improving digestion:
• Pineapple. Lie on your back, bend your knees and press them to your stomach. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds.
• Twist. Take the position lying down, lift your legs up and start alternately lowering them, then one way, then the other. Do 8-10 repetitions of
. • The position of the child .Sit on the floor, bending your legs under yourself. Head lean against the floor and start in this position to inflate the stomach. Fix in this position for 5-10 seconds
• Smooth sitting. Stand flat and place your feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms above your head and start squatting as if you are planning to sit on a chair. Delay on the semicircle, for 10-15 seconds
Massage for improving digestion
I want to say right away that a stomach massage is a rather complicated process that requires certain skills. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, then find a qualified specialist and undergo treatment therapy with him. After all, only a person who knows all the subtleties of this manipulation, can contribute to improving the work of the stomach and removing pain.
Components of therapeutic massage:
• Stroking. Assume light circular movements in the stomach and intestines. The circle that makes the hand should gradually increase and somewhere in the 3 minute reach the maximum dimensions of
• Circular pressure on the abdomen. One hand lies on the stomach, and the other on top begins to squeeze it down. Pressure on one point should not be painful and lasts more than 3 seconds.
• Movement on the sides. This manipulation maximizes blood circulation. To carry out this stage of massage, it is necessary to pinch the skin between the fingers, mimicking the kneading test of