Adenoiditis can be diagnosed in a chronic and acute form. The main difference between these pathologies is that the acute has a marked symptomatology, and the chronic can go unnoticed by remission. It is extremely important to treat the disease in time, as its chronic form can lead to the development of severe complications that have affected the middle ear and nasopharyngeal region.


  • 1 Treatment
    • 1 Treatment
      • 1 Treatment
        • 2.1 Local Therapy
        • 2.2 General Treatment
        • 2.3 Operational Methods
        • 2.4 Non-traditional Methods
      • 3 Viewpoint of Dr. Komarovsky

Symptoms of

Adenoiditis in chronic form is the result of a transferred acute disease. A characteristic feature of the disease remains an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil. If there is no exacerbation, then adenoiditis will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  1. Occasional lays the nose, the reception this stuffiness can take a permanent form.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. The child sleeps and is in the afternoon with a slightly opened mouth.
  4. Slime is released from the nasal cavity, which sometimes contains pus.
  5. Continuous subfebrile condition.
  6. The child feels fatigued, his academic performance is declining.
  7. Bad night's sleep.
    chronic adenoiditis in children

    On the photo-chronic adenoiditis in children

  8. Snoring during a night's sleep.(how the laser treatment of snoring occurs, will help to understand this content of the article)
  9. Poor appetite.
  10. Distracted attention, bad memory.
  11. Headaches.
  12. Cough at night, which occurs due to the fact that the mucus drips down the back wall of the pharynx.
  13. Persistent ARVI and lingering rhinitis.

In the chronic course of the disease there is a clinical picture with recurrent otitis and eustachia, since the infection always penetrates into the ear cavity through the Eustachian tube. Children complain of hearing loss, and when the auditory tube is blocked by adenoids, then a serious degree of deafness develops.

On video chronic adenoiditis in children:

Treatment of

Therapy for chronic adenoiditis is reduced to stopping the cause of the disease and to alleviate the general condition.

Local therapy

The peculiarity of this treatment is that the doctor prescribes antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. They can be presented in the form of drops and sprays.

Among the most effective are:

  • Halazoline( can children Halazolin, and how to use it correctly, is indicated in this article)

    On the photo-galazolin for the treatment of

  • Ephedrine,
  • Sanorin,
  • Naphthysin

Duration of admission will be 5-7 days. In combination with drops, a nose wash is used. For these purposes, use a solution of furacilin, Albucid and Protargol.

Innovative drugs worth mentioning Nazoneks. This medicine contains a group of components that the body produces. Their action is aimed at removing puffiness and pain. Spray Nazoneks is not able to penetrate the mucous membrane and do not get into the lymph. Due to this feature it is possible to exclude the development of side effects, due to which hormonal drugs are prescribed only in exceptional cases.

tonsilotrene in adenoids in children And here's how to use Tonzilotrenum in adenoids in children, and as far as this tool is effective, this article will help to understand.

What are the symptoms of chronic adenoiditis occur most often, and how can I help a patient at described in this article.

What is the most effective and effective treatment for acute adenoiditis in children is described in great detail in this article: http: // bolezni-n /adenoidit/ ostryj-2.html

And here's how the treatment of adenoids in children without surgery on the Komarovsky system, and how effective it is, you can find out by clicking on this link.

General treatment of

This variant of therapy is reduced to that children are prescribed fortified preparations. This can include suprastin, Fenkarol. Still not to do without immunomodulators, vitamins and microelements. The following physiotherapeutic procedures are used as auxiliary therapy:

  • UFO,
  • electrophoresis with dimedrol solutions,
    electrophoresis with solutions of diphenhydramine

    . On the photo-electrophoresis with dimedrol solutions

  • helium-neon laser,
  • UHF nose.

Operational methods

Surgical intervention to remove adenoids should be performed as soon as possible after the formations have been found. For today this variant of therapy is recognized as the most effective. This is due to the fact that the adenoids will be removed, and, consequently, the inflammatory process will be eliminated with them.

The operative method of therapy is used if there is no positive dynamics with conservative therapy, with difficulty breathing and the detection of complications. But the operation is contraindicated for certain pathologies of blood. In addition, the delay with the removal of adenoids is worth those patients who have recently suffered acute infectious or skin ailments. Before proceeding to the operation, it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process and sanitize the cavity. Duration of manipulation will be 20 minutes, and it is conducted under local anesthesia.

On video-surgical removal of chronic adenoiditis:

In addition to the classical removal of adenoids, there is a laser. It has a number of advantages:

  • the process of rehabilitation is reduced by 2 times;
  • insignificant blood loss;
  • the surgeon will perform the most accurate action;
  • reduces the area of ​​the affected area;
  • absolute sterility and reduced risk of consequences.

Laser removal of adenoids can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Coagulation .Assumes the use of a focused beam. Apply this method of treatment is to eliminate large formations.
  2. Valorization .The upper layers of the adenoids are treated with steam. During the manipulation, a carbon dioxide laser is used. Apply this method is useful in the treatment of diseases at the initial stage and with small sizes of tumors.

Nontraditional methods

To facilitate the course of chronic inflammation, you can use the following folk remedies:

  1. Combine propolis with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.Set on the oven and cook for 25 minutes. The resulting mixture to handle the nose, make tampons that keep in the nasal passages for about 30 minutes. But how is the treatment of pharyngitis with propolis, you can learn from this article.

    On the photo-propolis for the treatment of

  2. Based on propolis, alcoholic tincture can be obtained. It is necessary to take a glass of water, add 0.25 g of baking soda to get the maximum effect, if you mark 20 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis in the solution. Apply a means to wash the nasal cavity. And here's how inhalations with propolis are made in case of genyantritis with a nebulizer, you can learn from this article.
  3. Squeeze out the juice from aloe or calanchoe. Mix them in equal proportion with water. Use homemade drops to instill the nose 3 times a day. But how correctly to apply aloe in case of nasal congestion in a child, and what effect may come from use, point out here in the article.
    juice with aloe or calanchoe

    On the photo-juice with aloe or Kalanchoe

  4. You can drip your nose with fresh beet juice. In each nasal pass send 3 drops.
  5. Use carrot and spinach juice on an empty stomach( 10: 6).
  6. To strengthen the body's defenses, you can take 20 kidneys of pine, add 200 ml of water. Set on the stove and simmer for 20 minutes. Then hold steam baths.

The view of Dr. Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician Komarovsky claims that there is no clear method for the therapy of chronic adenoiditis in children. It is simply impossible to eliminate the disease completely without using an operation.

Still, you can take advantage of certain advice that the doctor gives:

  1. Any inflammation that arises from the penetration of viruses or infections must be cured to the end. If you properly treat a cold, you can not just bring down the temperature, but also improve the child's appetite. The problem is that the amazed tonsils are not able to normalize so quickly. As a result, there is an exacerbation, and this will require more serious treatment. Komarovsky advises parents in each such case to prolong therapy, even if the disease recedes.
  2. In the treatment and prevention of adenoiditis in small patients, the pediatrician pays much attention to the conditions in which the baby lives. In the room his air should be moistened, and every day the room needs to be ventilated. If the air humidity does not reach the desired level, then it is fashionable to achieve moistening of the nasopharynx by constant drinking. If you follow these recommendations, then Komarovsky sure that the risk of adenoid proliferation is reduced.
  3. It is necessary to pay due attention to the prevention of adenoiditis in small patients. This will avoid resorting to complex and unpleasant therapy. According to Komarovsky, the best treatment is the strengthening of the body's defenses. If the immunity is high, then this will not allow adenoiditis to form.

On video chronic adenoiditis in children from Komarovsky:

The chronic form of adenoiditis is much more dangerous than acute. And this is due to the fact that in acute course very quickly you can recognize the symptoms, therefore, start on time for treatment. If the process has been chronized, then the symptomatology has a hidden character, and is accompanied by complications. Before treatment, be sure to consult a doctor. Especially if your child is very small. Many drugs can be used no earlier than 3 years.