Indian onion - medicinal properties, contraindications and use in folk medicine

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Scientific name of Indian onion Ptitselechnik tailed or Ornithogalum. In nature it is common only in warm countries. But thanks to the medicinal properties, the plant began to grow as an indoor plant. In folk medicine the bird-liver has been used for a long time as the main and auxiliary means for treating various diseases.

Usage: Usage
  • Chemical composition
  • Application
  • For joint diseases
  • For rheumatoid arthritis
  • With radiculitis
  • For muscle aches
  • For
  • headaches For
  • wounds With bruises and bites
  • Acne, acne and bruises
  • From herpes,spurs and callosities
  • From warts
  • From hemorrhoids and edema
  • From nail fungus
  • Contraindications
  • Procurement and storage
  • Useful properties

    Indian onions are actively used not only in folk medicinedicine, but also in pharmaceuticals.

    • Birdworm tincture treats mechanical skin lesions, abscesses, cuts, bruises, non-healing wounds, including stitches after surgery. The poultry farmer increases the flow of blood to the problem areas of the body, providing an anesthetic, disinfecting, wound-healing effect.
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    • Fresh juice of the plant is used for colds, flu and headaches. It acts quickly and efficiently.
    • Indian onion helps in the treatment of joint diseases, musculoskeletal system injuries, wounds, bruises and sprains.

    • Juice of Indian onion relieves inflammation and swelling after insect bites. With it, a rash on the face and herpes on the lips are treated.
    • Indian onions are used to make anti-inflammatory drugs.
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    Chemical Composition

    In the fresh juice of Indian onion, which in consistency resembles slime, contains the greatest value. It is extracted from leaves, stems, arrows with flowers, and also from bulbs.
    The juice contains the following substances that have a therapeutic effect on the human body:

    • organic acids;
    • slightly toxic poisons;
    • glycosides;
    • essential oils;
    • flavonoids;
    • vegetable alkaloids( colchicine, colchicoside, thiocolchicine, glycoalkaloid).
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    Application of

    Despite the widespread use of Indian onions in medicine, you should not self-medicate. Use of medicines based on this plant should be done with caution and preferably only after consultation with a specialist.

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    For joint diseases

    For the treatment of joint diseases it is recommended to make a tincture of crushed leaves of Indian onion on vodka, keeping the proportion 1:20.She should insist 2 weeks. This agent has a long anti-inflammatory effect. A ready infusion wipe the sore spots, and then wrap it with a woolen cloth.

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    For rheumatoid arthritis

    Use a needle, twigs and cones of pine to boil in 3 liters of water for 30 minutes and leave to stand for several hours. Then add 100 ml of alcoholic tincture of Indian onion to the resulting broth. Mix well and add the medicinal mixture in a bath of 1 liter.

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    With radiculite

    A slice of a sheet of Indian onion about 2 by 2 cm in size should be well rubbed on the waist area. After the juice is completely absorbed into the skin, the sore should be bandaged with a woolen shawl and wrapped in a blanket to keep warm. At first, there will be a burning sensation, but after 5-7 minutes relief should come. Osteochondrosis and arthritis are treated in the same way.

    Donnick honey - features, properties and prescriptions of application
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    For muscle aches

    In this case, an ointment based on Indian onion will help. It can be made from a plant tincture and from fresh leaf juice. The basis for the ointment can be goose, beef or pork fat. It should be melt on a steam bath. Fat with juice is best mixed immediately before use, in a ratio of 1: 2( juice is twice as large).Ointment, based on alcohol tincture can be stored for no more than a month.

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    For headaches

    It is necessary to rub the whiskey with a leaf of Indian onion for 2-3 minutes. If there is unbearable burning, you can lubricate the temporal zone with olive or sea-buckthorn oil.

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    For wounds

    For complex, poorly healing wounds, a therapeutic mixture of 1 teaspoon of finely chopped leaves of Indian onion, 1 tablespoon of fish oil and 1 tablespoon of honey will help. The resulting mixture must be applied to the wound and bandaged. Repeat the procedure should be no more than 2 times a day.

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    With bruises and bites

    In this case, rubbing the problem spot with fresh plant juice will help.

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    Acne, acne and bruises

    To combat acne, acne, bruises and bruises, you can compress from the ground leaves of the plant. Keep the compress for more than 5 minutes, with a strong burning immediately remove. In order not to get a burn, you need to lubricate the skin around the affected area with petroleum jelly or oil.

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    From herpes, spurs and callouses

    These problem areas can be lubricated with a piece of a bulb or a leaf of a plant.

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    From warts

    Alcohol tincture onion mixed in equal proportions with ammonia and grease warts 2-3 times a day.

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    From hemorrhoids and edema

    For compresses with edemas and rubbing with hemorrhoids, decoction from a bird chicken will help. Finely chopped leaves of Indian onions should be placed in an enamel pot and pour water, the level of which will be two fingers more than the prepared raw material, boil and cook for 15 minutes. The broth should be stored in a glass jar in a cool place. Rinse the affected area until complete recovery.

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    From nail fungus

    Affected nails or interdigital fungus should be cleaned with fresh plant juice. But it should be taken into account that the positive effect can only be manifested with prolonged use.

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    • Do not use plant juice inside. He is very poisonous.
    • Pregnant and children should be excluded from contact with drugs from Indian onions.
    • You can not rinse your mouth with products containing Indian onion with gum bleeding, they can increase bleeding.
    • The plant can cause an allergic reaction, so it is recommended to test for allergy before applying it.
    • Patients with hemophiliacs are strictly prohibited from using drugs with Indian onions. Poisonous juice contributes to the influx of blood, which can cause tumor development and vascular disruption.
    • Do not allow juice to penetrate the eye mucosa. If this could not be avoided, you need to rinse your eyes with warm water, drop 2 drops of "Taufon" and keep them closed for 10-15 minutes.
    • Preparations from Indian onions should be prepared with gloves. The intense effects of plant juice on the skin can cause burns.
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    Harvesting and storage

    As a medicinal raw material, choose a plant with old leaves and dry tips, which are then removed. The green portion of the leaf is cut from the plant as needed. To make the juice stand out better on the sheet, you can make serifs. The burning juice of Indian onion is colorless, it does not smell and does not stain things, so it is very convenient to use.

    • Mar 24, 2018
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