- Who is good for drinking barberry tea?
- Barberry tea. Contraindications
- Tea with barberry. Different recipes from fruits, leaves, roots of the plant
Who among us does not like to drink tea. We are so used to this traditional drink that we can not even imagine, but how would we live without it. People began to drink tea in ancient times. Whole tea ceremonies exist in different countries with a rich history and culture. Tea with barberry is one of the most delicious options that we can do without much difficulty. Such a drink not only has a pleasant aroma, looks aesthetically pleasing, causes appetite, but can also help cope with some ailments, which will be discussed later.
. To make medicinal berry tea, it does not take much effort, but still everything must be done according to the rules. Only so much use of berries, leaves will be maximum. Barberry is an amazing plant, which for us gives itself completely, because it has not only scarlet berries, but leaves, twigs and even root. At the same time, it is not difficult to get the parts and fruits of the bush. Barberry grows everywhere, and many people, unfortunately, never use the natural gift of plants. Perhaps they just do not know how to make tea with barberry. You will find here a lot of interesting information and excellent recipes.
An interesting fact! Such habitual for our country barberry is no longer surprising among the population, they say, grows and grows a bush. But here in ancient Mesopotamia was known as barberry itself, and drinks and other preparations from it. People of antiquity with a rich culture already knew in those days how useful the drink was, as well as the shrub itself. And in ancient Greece, barbaris was used as a means to purify and stop blood.
Agree, we can ignore many things, including what grows in nature around us. But when we learn that this or that plant, tree, medicinal herb were known thousands of years before our birth, moreover, they are also admirers, the attitude is changing. The habitual herb or berry is perceived differently, treated as something important. It is with this attitude that a positive result from treatment is always achieved. Not only the plant itself or its fruits act healthily, but you yourself restore your body, and as a consequence, the moral state and the physical are in balance.
Important! Whatever the healing of this or that herb, berries, leaves or root, to take as a medicine to cure ailments, you can begin vegetable raw materials only after consulting a doctor. Especially it is necessary to be cautious at chronic diseases in an acute stage.
Who is good for drinking barberry tea?
Of course, before you start to prepare a tasty and fragrant drink, you should know about the beneficial properties of tea with barberry, which are many.
- Drink is an excellent natural antioxidant. The plant is healthy from roots to fruits, and all these parts can be used to brew tea, and they will fight free radicals. Cells of the body after taking such a drink will have an increased resistance to malicious attacks. In particular, the composition of tea is an antioxidant berberine. He has long been known physicians, as a substance that saves the body from oncology. Berberine not only serves to prevent a serious and dangerous disease, but can also directly combat the tumor.
- Tea drink from barberry is excellent for our intestines. As a part of barberry, there are astringents which are transferred to tea when brewed. This astringent property will perfectly help those who suffer from various kinds of intestinal disorders, also removes symptoms, fights against the pathogenic environment and as a result, destroys the infection.
- A plant bark that is also curative can stop blood. And the fruits, brewed for tea, also help with all kinds of bleeding.
- Tea with barberry and those who suffer from pressure miraculously helps. All thanks to the vasodilating properties of the drink.
- Well a drink can also clean a slagged and tired body. Namely, tea has a beneficial effect on the liver, gall bladder and, in general, the entire gastrointestinal tract. The drink helps to normalize the outflow of bile. Also helps as prevention from stones, various diseases.
- Helps those who suffer from spleen diseases.
- The tea from the fruit of the bush and with the viruses and other pathogenic flora will cope. And this means that the drink not only serves to prevent various colds, infections, but also treats them. For example, you just have to drink such tea if you have problems with the nose and throat, because the outflow of mucus will be normalized and the inflammation will be removed.
- Assistant barberry and drinks from him and those who suffer from such a serious ailment, causing a lot of untidy sensations and complexes, like psoriasis.
- Relieves spasms and pain. It drives out excess fluid from the organs, therefore it is useful during the diet. It also has a diaphoretic property, which is important at a temperature.
- Assistant to female health, as able to solve the problems of some genitourinary system.
- Helps with diseases of the oral cavity, namely with gum disease.
- Well, of course, like many herbal products, it serves as a tonic. Tea enhances the defenses of the body, so the diseases recede, the condition improves, cheerfulness appears, the skin becomes healthier, sleep normalizes, stress recedes. A person feels a surge of energy.
Here is a curative tea with barberry. But unfortunately, like most herbal remedies, a drink can not be extremely useful. There is a downside to the coin, namely, the speech goes on about who should not drink such a seemingly unique and useful tea for everyone.
Good to know! Not all plants, vegetables, berries, fruits retain their useful properties after heat treatment or after freezing. Barberry is one of the leaders who does not lose its components.
Barberry tea. Contraindications
First it is worth noting that the antioxidant, which was noted earlier, is not only useful, but also toxic. Therefore, if you abuse the drink, you can damage the liver, and not fly it. Who else can not drink tea with barberry?
It is strictly forbidden to use it for pregnant women, as, as mentioned above, tea raises the tone in the muscles, and this can lead to miscarriage or consequences of a negative plan for the child. Also, do not drink tea and while breastfeeding the baby, as tea drives the liquid out of the body, milk can vanish or decrease. Yes, and the child can become more active.
You can not drink tea and those people who drink soothing, as barberry is a natural medication with a sedative effect. The same applies to the use of other medicines from berry bushes. The side effect in this case is cramps, nausea, poor health, headaches and swirling, vomiting, nosebleeds with kidney problems.
You can not drink tea leaves of barberry or its fruits to those who suffer from diabetes, since the drink can dramatically reduce blood sugar. It is forbidden to drink or use only in small quantities for children under 12 years. Unformed organism can get intoxication, which will lead to diarrhea and vomiting. It is also strictly forbidden to drink tea for people with acute and chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, those who suffer from cirrhosis.
Important! To ensure that the berries are not harmful, since they can be toxic, only ripe fruits are needed for the drink. They should have a rich red or even maroon color.
Tea with barberry. Different recipes from fruits, leaves, roots of a plant
Drink from a berry
Everything is made simple. Two full spoons of ripe fruits are taken, and they are poured with half a liter of species. Then the infusion set on a slow fire for 20 minutes. Next, a drink is poured and the boiling water is added to the original volume. Such tea is drunk 50 grams three times a day.
Fruits can simply be steamed in boiling water. To do this, take a teaspoon of barberry and pour a glass of hot water. Then they drink. You can add a spoon of honey and lemon here. From this drink will become even more healing and fragrant.
Tea from barberry leaves
15 grams of raw material is poured with boiling water in a volume of 250 grams. Then boil for 10 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered and the boiling water is added again, so that there is a glass of the total volume of the drink. This tea is very saturated, because it takes only a spoonful of dining room 4-5 times a day.
Tea( decoction) from the root of barberry
A spoon of raw material in a crushed form is poured with 400 grams of water and boiled for 2-3 minutes. After that the drink is filtered. Drink with various unpleasant pains in the intestines, spasms in a spoon every 60 minutes.
Of course, traditional tea is still a recipe for fruit, because it is drunk as a simple tea, but decoctions of leaves and roots are also very healing, they should not be avoided.
Did you know? Tea can not only be drunk. The brewed fruit of barberry is an excellent face tonic that will help cope with acne and inflammation, as well as a hair conditioner.
Drinks from barberry for weight loss
Yes, barberry is really a unique natural product that will help those who suffer from excess weight. And for this you can drink tea with barberry, you can make from ripe fruits or from frozen compotes with lemon, mint. You can prepare and tincture of alcohol, but this is a more serious recipe, but we still talk about tea.
Here is such a wonderful barberry, which is not only beautiful on the site, unpretentious, but also healing for our health.