Succulents are plants that have properties to retain a large supply of water in their tissues. Outwardly, the leaves of succulents seem to be filled with water. For the first time these plants appeared in countries with arid climate. Succulents, often very simple in care and unpretentious. It is not necessary to lose sight of succulents when choosing indoor plants, as there are a number of flowering leaf and stem succulents that bring their owners many positive emotions.
- Agave American
- Agave Queen Victoria
- Adenium
- Adromiskus spotted
- Aloe motley
- Aloe squat
- Anakampseros
- Apteniya
- Argiroderma
- Brigham
- Gaster
- Graptopetalum
- Dorsten
- Zamioculcas
- conophytums
- cotyledon
- lampranthus
- Molodilo
- Oskulyariya
- Portulakariya
- Sansevieria
- Sinadenium
- Stapelia
- Tolstianka
- Fockey
- Havortiya
- Cerochemlis
- Schlumbergerand
- aeonium
- Echeveria
Agave American
Years of leaf succulents. The plant consists of radical, green-motley or monophonic-green, thick, narrowed upward, solid, linear-lanceolate leaves. The leaves grow in a circle of one central leaf. The edge of the leaves is covered with small spines. Blooms seldom, green-yellow nondescript flowers on a high pedicel. Acceptable for the life of the plant, the temperature in the room should not be less than + 8 ° C.Watering and feeding once a month. Frequent transplantation is necessary in the specialized leafy-sod-sandy soil.
Queen Victoria's Agave
Perennial leaf succulent. The plant consists of radical, rigid, concave, triangular, matt dark green with white bordering of leaves. The leaves grow in a circle of one central leaf. On the ends of all leaves there is one long spine. The plant does not bloom. You can not put agave on the open sun and sunny windowsills. The temperature in the room should not exceed + 21 ° C.
to contents ^Adenium
Long-standing tree-like succulent. The stalk of the plant is dense in the basal zone, to the top is strongly branched. Leaves lanceolate, serrate, dissected, light green in color. The plant blooms rarely, but very abundantly. The flowers are crimson with a light zebra. Flowers are simple and terry. At home cultivation it is necessary to watch, that the temperature did not fall below + 12оС.The plant requires daily spraying and watering every three days.
to contents ^Adomyskus spotted
Perennial thick succulent. The plant consists of radical, green-spotted, thick, fleecy leaves. The edge of the leaves has a purple hue. The leaves grow from a dense small root root. The plant is very water-saturated. In house cultivation it is necessary to water a plant moderately every evening. You can not put a flower in the sun and sunny areas of the room. The temperature of normal growing conditions is not higher than + 21 ° C.
to contents ^Aloe variegated
Perennial grassy leaf succulent. The plant can not exceed 30 centimeters in height. It consists of the basal, green-variegated with light waves, thick, narrowed upward, solid, linear-lanceolate leaves. Leaves form a rose, grow in a circle. Blooms rarely, orange flowers in a cluster inflorescence. The plant is not fastidious to the conditions of growing, requires only constant watering.
to contents ^Aloe squat
Perennial herbaceous leaf succulent. The plant is 10 to 50 centimeters high. It consists of the radical, thin, firm, xiphoid, light-green, pointed petals. The leaves are covered with small rough thorns. The leaves grow in a circle of one central leaf. Young shoots appear along the perimeter of the old plant. The plant is famous for its medicinal properties. Special care at home does not require.
back to contents ^Anacamperos
A perennial bushy weaving succulent. The plant consists of dense dark purple shoots. Leaves are small, dense, watery.symmetrically arranged on branches. The flowers are regular, pink in color, on long, juicy stalks. The main branch goes to the naked pedicel. On one branch, up to 5 flowers can bloom. The plant requires constant watering, unlimited growth( for weaving), plenty of sunlight.
A perennial evergreen succulent plant. Stems are fleshy, spreading, creeping. The leaves are lanceolate, watery, light green, symmetrically located along the stem. The plant can curl. Flowers are or white. Flowers with small thin petals, located in the sinuses at the ends of branches. Requires a high degree of illumination, average air temperature and abundant watering.
to contents ^Argyroderma
Long-term succulent. It has the second name "living stones".The body of the plant looks like a pebble. The plant consists of a massive rosette, which consists of two very thick fleshy leaves. The body of the plant is painted in a matte gray-green color. The flowers of the plant appear in the center of the contact of the leaves. Flowers are regular, bright pink, petals are small and thin. It is necessary to provide the plant with a large stream of sunlight and abundant timely watering. Succulent plants grow in drainage ground from small stones.
back to contents ^Brigamy
Perennial leafy tree succulent. The stalk of the plant is dense, mostly in the basal zone. A stem in height about 20-50 centimeters. From the tip of the stem are formed small branches with a single leaf. Leaves lanceolate, oval-elongated. The leaves are shiny, covered with waxy coating. Blossoms succulent in small yellow flowers on separate long pedicels. The plant requires a lot of light and a moderate regular watering.
to contents ^Gasteria
Perennial leaf succulent. The plant consists of radical, green-spotted, thick, slightly flattened xiphid leaves. The edges of the leaves are smooth, the tip is sharp. The leaves are gathered in numerous thick rosettes. It flowers with small, tubular bloated flowers. Flowers, usually located, on a long pedicel in the terminal one-sided inflorescence. The plant is not whimsical about light and heat.requires only regular watering and transplant every two years. It is also necessary to plant the young sockets.
to contents ^Graptopetalum
Long-term herbaceous stemsless succulent. The plant consists of small ones.dense, watery, heart-shaped leaves collected in a rosette rosette. The leaves are dark green, matte, with a sharp tip. It flowers with large, pink, lily-like flowers on separate high peduncles. Requires sufficient light, moisture. It grows best in drainage ground from small stones.
to the table of contents ^Dorsteniya
Perennial leafy tree succulent. The stalk of the plant is dense, mostly in the basal zone. A stem in height about 20-50 centimeters. Single leaves form from the apex of the stem. Leaves lanceolate, oval-elongated. Flowers are green, in the form of a box with seeds, on a separate pedicel. The plant is not whimsical about light and heat. Requires only regular regular watering and spraying. Once a month, it is necessary to carry out feeding.
to the table of contents ^Zamiokulkas
Perennial leaf succulent. The plant consists of numerous stems with symmetrically located, dark green, oval, lanceolate, shiny leaves. The stems in the basal zone are thick and watery, thinning upward. The plant blooms rarely. Throws a small arrow at the base of the stems and opens with a simple cob. Zamiokulkas should be watered once in two days, to provide the plant with large amounts of light. Succulent does not tolerate low temperatures, the room should be no less than + 8 ° C.
to contents ^Conophytum
Long-term succulent. Each plant consists of rounded fused leaves. The leaves form a spherical, heart-shaped body of the plant. The stem of the plant is very short and is in the ground. The body color of the plant varies from the gray-gray-green to brown. The plant is very small not more than 5-10 centimeters. The flowers are small, regular, narrow-leaved, yellow in color. Flowers come out on short peduncles from the joint of the leaves. It is necessary to provide the plant with a large stream of sunlight and abundant timely watering. The succulent grows, exceptionally, in the soil of small stones.
to contents ^Cotyledon
Long-term semi-shrub succulent. The stalk is single, stiff. In the first year the stem is one, with the following years it is bushed. The height of the plant can reach 50-180 centimeters. Leaves are thick, watery, numerous, symmetrical, oval, dark green, shiny with a reddish fringing. Blossoms rarely in winter, light pink or white star-shaped flowers. The plant is well tolerated by cold. The succulent does not tolerate an excess of moisture in the soil and in the air.
to the table of contents ^Lampruit
Long-lasting weaving succulent. Young stems of the plant, initially, erect, then droop and strew. The plant reaches no more than 15 centimeters in height. Leaves are fleshy, trihedral, smooth, sizo-green or light green. The leaves are located symmetrically along the stem. It flowers in small pink flowers on long peduncles. You can plant it in a stocky pot( it will be patted on the bottom) or in a tall pot( it will be shipped ampely and can be hung).Succulent is thermophilic and hygrophilous.
to table of contents ^Molodilo
Perennial herbaceous stemsless succulent. The plant consists of small, dense, watery, oblong leaves collected in a rosette rosette. The leaves are dark green, matte, with a sharp brown tip. Sockets always a lot, quickly grows. It blooms in small, regular colors, white on separate high peduncles, which consist of the fused, elongated leaves of the plant. Requires sufficient light, moisture. It grows best in drainage ground from small stones.
to the table of contents ^Oscularia
Perennial shrubby succulent. Leaves are juicy, gray-gray-green, symmetrical-opposite, trihedral, fused at the base. The leaves are expanding upward. The edges of the leaves and the body of the plant are smooth. Flowers are correct, pink or red. Flowers come out of the cut of leaves on separate pedicels. Succulent thermophilic. It is necessary to provide the plant with sufficient sunlight and abundant watering.
to contents ^Portulakaria
Perennial shrub succulent. Stems single, stiff with a red-brown tinge. Leaves are small, juicy, symmetrical, dark green, lanceolate, oval. The leaves are collected in small rosettes of three or four leaves. Blooms rarely, with small regular pink flowers in spicate inflorescences. Requires a lot of sunlight, fertilizing once a month and abundant regular watering.
to contents ^Sansevieria
Perennial leaf succulent. The plant consists of radical, green-motley or monophonic-green, thick, narrowed upward, solid, linear-lanceolate leaves. The leaves grow chaotically along the permissible perimeter. The edge of the leaves is smooth with a golden-yellow edging. It blooms rarely, with greenish-yellow indistinct flowers on a high pedicel. Acceptable for the life of the plant, the temperature in the room should not be less than + 16 ° C.Watering and feeding once a month.
to contents ^Sinadenium
Perennial bush succulent. The stems are juicy, fleshy, covered with a light gray bark. Leaves ovate, regular, shiny, rich green with dark green veins, symmetrically arranged along the stem. Blossoms with an umbellate inflorescence. Peduncles small, short and thick. Flowers are bearing, small, closed, red in the form of inverted hats with feathers. The plant is thermophilic, the temperature should not be below + 10 ° C.Also, the plant requires a high degree of illumination. Watering the plant can be no more than once a month.
Long-term bushy short undersized succulent. The stems of the plant are numerous, tetrahedral, juicy, light green or blue. The stems branch in the basal zone. The edges of the stems are covered with teeth. The height of the plant can be 10-60 centimeters. Flowers are single, on bent pedicels. Flowers are covered with small soft villi, burgundy color in the form of a five-pointed star. The flowers are very beautiful, but they give off an unpleasant smell of rotten meat. The plant should be placed in shaded areas. The temperature of the normal growth of the staple should not be below + 10 ° C.You can water succulents more than once every two weeks.
to table of contents ^Tolstianka
Long-standing tree-like succulent. The trunk of the tree is dense, can be both squat and high( depends on the subspecies of the plant).Leaves are small, oval, juicy, dark green in color. The leaves are symmetrically arranged along the branches. According to Chinese beliefs, the leaves of the tree resemble coins, from here the second name is "money tree".The plant is not whimsical about light and heat. Requires only regular regular, but moderate watering.
to the table of contents ^Fockey
Long-standing tree-like succulent. At the foyer, the caudex trunk. The trunk can be elongated, round or oval, long, thin, branching stems grow from this stem. First, the stems need support, later they become rusty.leaves oval, shiny, dark green with a clearly marked central vein. The flowers are white, regular, small, unattractive, with a pleasant aroma. The plant is unpretentious to light and heat. Water should be plant only with complete drying of the soil, and then moderately.
to table of contents ^Havortiya
Perennial grassy dwarf succulent. The plant consists of basal fleshy leaves. Leaves are xiphiform, short, dark green in white stripes. Leaves form a circular rosette. They can grow up in a circle. The margin of the leaves is covered with small denticles. Flowers appear rarely and not in all white and small. In domestic growing succulent requires a shaded place of growth and abundant timely watering. It grows best in the soil of small stones.
to contents ^Cerochemlis
Long-term succulent. The plant consists of a massive rosette, which consists of very thick, faceted, fleshy leaves. The body of the plant is painted in a matte gray-green color. In height, the plant rarely exceeds 15 centimeters. The flowers of the plant appear in the center of the contact of the leaves. Flowers are regular, bright pink, petals are small and thin on a separate high pedicel. It is necessary to provide the plant with a large stream of sunlight and abundant timely watering. Succulent plants grow in drainage ground from small stones.
to contents ^Schlumberger
Long-term amp succulent. Abundant branching cactus shrub. The branches are flat, articulate, without spines, with jagged edges. Flowers zygomorphic, tubular, located at the ends of branches. Flowers can be crimson, pink, red and orange. At home cultivation it is necessary to put a succulent exclusively on a sunny side, to water once a day and to feed once every two weeks.
to contents ^Aionium
Long-standing grassy tree-like succulent. The plant consists of small, dense, watery, oblong, lanceolate leaves collected in a rosette rosette. The leaves are dark green, shiny. Sockets always a lot, quickly grows. All rosettes are placed on a branchy stem. Blooms in small, regular colors, yellow on separate tall peduncles, in the racemose inflorescence. Requires sufficient light, moisture. It grows best in drainage ground from small stones.
to contents ^Echeveria
Perennial herb succulent. It has the second name "stone rose".The plant consists of small, dense, watery, oval with a sharp end of leaves, collected in a rosewood rosette. Leaves are gray-green, matte. Sockets always a lot, quickly grows. Blooms in small, regular colors, similar to bells, red in separate high peduncles, which consist of the fused, elongated leaves of the plant. Rarely the plant can be weaving. Requires sufficient light, moisture. It grows best in drainage ground from small stones.