Self-control! How to learn to control yourself?

We all want to be healthy, successful, happy - for this we set goals, goals, draw an appropriate action plan in our imagination, but. ..

Very often we forget about everything, as we succumb to a momentary and unnecessary desire that does not correspondchosen by us road, but only to become an obstacle and a hindrance on the way to our goal, and here we can not do without laziness-mother!

Why do we go on about these unnecessary desires?

Why is it so hard for us to pull ourselves together and slow down, and then return again to the path to the long-awaited goal?

And all because we do not have enough self-control over ourselves!

I specifically opened several dictionaries to explain this magic word and that's what I found:

  1. self-control is the power of a person's character that helps to stifle unnecessary emotions, take control of different feelings and extract internal flaws.
  2. Self-monitoring of is the readiness of a person to act correctly and purposefully at any time, despite its internal state!
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Self-monitoring of is the ability of a person to master his emotions with the help of the mind;
  5. self-control is a will power that is simply necessary for any successful person( whether he engages in corn planting or coaches a football team - it does not matter);
  6. self-control is the ability of a person to take control of his behavior, take the situation into his own hands and direct it to the side he wants!

Without self-control - the emotional mill can easily take possession of a person and it will become unmanageable, his actions will be rash.

Often about those people who behave correctly( they know how to control themselves, do not succumb to provocations, know the extent, know what they need from life, refuse immediate pleasures and not useful meetings and people) - they say that theyjoyless and unhappy.

Of course, they can, in comparison with you, eat right, play sports, allocate time for self-development, get enough sleep and this all leads to professional success.

Researches of scientists have confirmed the fact that those people who from childhood parents disciplined - they almost do not face financial difficulties, can boast of good health, do not conflict.

"But those people who obey the voice of their reason and are at the party are drinking juice instead of champagne, because in 2 days they will have an important meeting( and there needs to be in full combat readiness) - they can not really rejoice,is not it?!- you ask!

"And they can rejoice, even twice as much as you!" - I answer 🙂

An interesting study was conducted by American psychologists commissioned by the periodical Journal of Personality.

Conclusion of the study: a person gets more pleasure from life and will experience much more positive emotions if he can control himself and hold in his hands!

The experiment involved about 400 people and they were supposed to tell the researchers over the phone for a week about how often they are taken up by various desires and temptations, how strong they are and how they fight with them.

Here it was about some human temptations that prevented a person from achieving the goals, and this: a hike with friends in a cafe, empty and unnecessary conversations, which simply kill time( and you could have done something useful during this time);viewing the series, etc.

And this is what this experiment showed: those people who overpowered themselves and still refused instant temptations, experienced twice as many pleasant and positive emotions, were proud and satisfied with themselves and their lives.

This leads to the conclusion that self-control makes people more happy, eliminating their problems.

Know, self-monitoring can be developed!

It is compared with a muscle, which every day becomes stronger through training.

Self-monitoring and its advantages!

  • Self-control gives respect! You begin to respect yourself and others too;
  • Self-control gives you freedom, you forget about various restrictions;
  • self-monitoring gives many opportunities! You learn to control both your emotions and your actions;
  • Self-control gives peace of mind! You are confident in your abilities.

Self-control and its manifestations in our life!

  • Sports.

    With the help of sports we observe a specific regime of the day, develop in ourselves willpower by special physical exercises. ..

    We have increased self-esteem, we become more confident in ourselves and naturally we have self-control - and this is what we need 😉

  • Material wealth.

    That person who knows how to limit his expenses in accordance with his material situation - enjoys self-control;

  • Life.

    The one who knows how to put out a quarrel - has self-control;

  • Those who are able to control their emotions and are looking for compromises in all and everywhere - have self-control;

We achieve self-control:

  1. Observe the mode!

    One who accustoms himself to the strict regime of the day( self-established) - develops a sense of self-control;

  2. Much depends on family education.

    When we show our children how to hold themselves back, how not to go to a conflict in communication - we bring up a sense of self-control in them, and we ourselves learn to keep everything in our hands;

  3. Develop punctuality in everything.

    Bring to the end those duties and the promise that you gave to a person - you will learn to self-control;

  4. Go for psychological trainings, seminars, group sessions.

    These exercises will teach a person to restrain the rush of their emotions, own their thoughts and reason.

I advise everyone to see a positive cartoon about self-control, starring Donald Duck 🙂

If you caught yourself thinking that your emotions have become uncontrollable lately, then you have given yourself a slack and made a mistake.

If you want to be always "on horseback" - every day, educate yourself in the will power, daily work on yourself.

To achieve what you want, you need to do every day even a little of what you yourself have planned, even if at the same moment you just want to lie on the couch - do not let yourself slack!

Let's finally become more responsible about our goals and exercise self-control!

  • Mar 24, 2018
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