From what pimples on the cheeks? Acne on the cheeks of women, men, adolescents and children: the cause

What exactly can say the appearance of acne on the face, what can I do to get rid of such an impartial picture - read in the article.

Contents of

  • Acne in the cheeks of women: the causes of
  • Acne on the cheeks before the monthly: the causes of
  • Acne on the cheeks - causes in men
  • Acne in the cheeks of the adolescent: the causes of
  • Acne on the cheek in the baby infants: causes
  • Small red pimples on the cheeks:Causes of
  • Large subcutaneous internal pimple on cheek: causes of
  • White pimples on cheeks: causes of
  • Purulent pimple on cheek: causes of
  • Why do not acne pass on cheeks?
  • How to get rid of acne on the cheeks: treatment
  • Remedy for acne on the cheeks
  • Masks from acne on the cheeks
  • Masks from acne at home, video

Often acne is considered only a cosmetic problem and try to eliminate them with the help of strengthened facial skin care. This approach does not always bring results, because the treatment of symptoms does not remove the cause of acne. So, the most effective way is to identify and eliminate the problem, the symptom of which are acne.

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Acne on the cheeks

Acne on the cheeks in women: causes

Acne on the cheeks can display internal health problems. For example, in many cases they indicate problems with the respiratory system. In particular, the right cheek corresponds to the right lung, and the right cheek corresponds to the right cheek. Take a closer look - if you have a little imagination, you can notice that the shape of the cheeks even resembles a light one.

Another common cause of skin problems is a violation of the sebaceous glands, so women with oily skin often face such a problem.

addition to the above reasons trigger the appearance of acne on the cheeks are the following factors:

  • Violation in lipid metabolism
  • Stress and fatigue
  • weather
  • Unhealthy food
  • diseases of internal organs
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cosmetics
  • personal hygiene
  • Allergy
  • Bad habits
  • Heredity
  • Hormonal failure
  • Pregnancy and phases of the menstrual cycle
Causes of acne on the cheeks in women

Looking at the cheeks before the monthly: the causes of

According to statistics, about 80% of women sooner or later face the appearance of rashes on the cheeks before menstruation. Someone is a regular phenomenon, someone is more lucky, but regardless of the frequency of acne, this is a serious reason for the disorder.

  • The menstrual cycle is divided into phases, during which the level of certain hormones in a woman's body fluctuates. So, before the monthly rises the level of progesterone, which stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • In addition, the yellow body hormone provokes the skin reaction to allergens, external stimuli, nutrition or stressful stress.
  • It should be noted that in the premenstrual period, the growth of propionic bacteria that live on the skin may increase. This phenomenon leads to the appearance of acne.
  • On the 18-20th day of the menstrual cycle, androgens are synthesized in the woman's body, which can cause the growth of the sebaceous glands, and consequently - the appearance of a rash on the cheeks.
Acne on the cheeks before the monthly

Acne on the cheeks - causes in men

Despite the fact that the skin of men is considered to be coarser, and consequently less exposed to external stimuli, pimples on the cheeks of men - the phenomenon is not so rare.

The most common cause is frequent shaving or irritation after it, when a rash appears with the formation of a crust. However, there is still a lot of possible problems provoking the appearance of impartial rash:

  • Acne in the cheek area may serve as a symptom of violations in the endocrine system
  • . Heredity
  • . Neglect of regular hygiene( for example, wash in the morning once is not enough to keep the skin clean).
  • . Dysfunction of gastrointestinal tract, ulcer, dysbiosis
  • Gallstone disease
  • Excess ultraviolet, too long exposure to the sun)
  • Stresses
  • Overstrain
  • Subcutaneous mite
  • Taking steroids and anabolics also can trigger a rash
Acne on the nippleekes in men

Acne on the cheeks of a teenager: the causes of

The first place among the causes of acne in adolescents( acne or acne) takes a hormonal surge during puberty. The hormone androgen, especially under the influence of stress provokes rashes. Also, the amount of pimples in adolescents is affected by testosterone.

Among other reasons it is possible to single out:

  • Incorrect nutrition. Chocolate, an abundance of fatty foods, snacks, food additives to so-called fast food, "garbage food"( chips, crackers, nuts, etc.) - all this has a stressful effect on the fragile body.
  • Lack of vitamins A and B.
  • Insufficient hygiene, neglect of facial skin care, which leads to blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts.
  • Activating the activity of the demodex mite that lives on the skin.
Causes of acne in adolescents

Acne on the cheek in the infant: the causes of

The causes of acne in the baby can be mass, however, we can identify the main factors that cause a rash in infants and newborns:

  • Hormonal rash - a reaction to the maternal hormones
  • Allergic rash on foodsnutrition that is consumed by a child or breastfeeding mother
  • Allergy to external factors
  • Excessive activity of not completely formed sebaceous glands
  • Neglect of hygiene
  • Disorders of proper feeding
  • Activity of sweat glands during hot season( or because of indoor heat)
  • Irritation
  • Response to frost
  • Reaction to cosmetic products

Important: Acne on the face of the baby can be a symptom of the disease, so in any case notmake a diagnosis yourself, be sure to consult a doctor.

For various reasons, acne of different kinds may appear: milies, acne, rash. More information about the causes of acne in infants and newborns you can read here.

Causes of acne in infants

Small red pimples on cheeks: the causes of

Small red pimples on the cheeks may be a symptom of various problems in the body:

  • Slagging of the body
  • Problems with the
  • junk Allergic reaction
  • Irritation on cosmetic products
  • Hormonal problems
  • Diathesis
  • Inflammatoryprocess
  • Breaking the hormonal background

Important: If a rash occurs suddenly, consult your dermatologist for recommendations. If you comb the rash or infect the infection - small pimples can turn into purulent, which will initiate a serious inflammatory process.

Small pimples on cheeks

Large subcutaneous internal pimple on cheek: causes of

Subcutaneous pimples are a serious problem. This disease affects the sebaceous-hair apparatus. In the absence of properly selected treatment, these pimples threaten the appearance of a serious inflammatory process and visible to the naked eye lesions of the skin.

The causes of subcutaneous acne can serve as:

  • Hypothermia
  • colds and respiratory infections
  • immunity Deterioration
  • problems in the sebaceous glands and their blockage
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • depression and stress
  • Avitaminosis
  • problems in
  • endocrine Bad habits
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Impaired exchange
  • substances accelerated growth of hairfollicles
  • Pathogenic microflora on the skin
  • Cosmetic products of poor quality

According to the teachings of oriental medicine locateds acne points directly to those or other problems in the body. As for the cheeks, everything is not so unambiguous.

For example, acne on the top of the cheeks and on the cheekbones may be a sign that you are eating wrong, and a pimple in the middle indicates problems with the lungs. If the rash appears at the bottom of the cheeks, look for the cause in the mouth( for example, problems with the teeth and gums).

Hypodermic acne on cheeks

White pimples on cheeks: causes of

One of the varieties of acne is a mildew - expressed in the appearance of white subcutaneous acne. They are similar to pearls or millet grains( for this similarity and received in the people such a name).

Like all types of rashes, the millet signals the presence of a malfunction in this or that body system. In general, the causes of its appearance are identical to subcutaneous acne( see above).

White pimples

Purulent pimple on cheek: causes of

Purulent pimples are characterized by inflammation and painful sensations that pass as soon as the abscess exits. They come in different forms:

  • Papules - a distinctive feature - the small size of the formations.
  • Pustules - look like balls surrounded by red.
  • Nodules are an advanced or progressive stage of pustules development, when the inflammatory process goes under the skin.
  • Cystic formations - abscesses under the skin are combined into one large hypodermic ulcer.

Causes of purulent acne:

  • Excessive fat production by sebaceous glands
  • Overflow of sebaceous glands by bacteria due to compaction of the stratum corneum of the facial skin
  • Reception of antibiotics
  • Admission of steroids
  • Abuse of decorative cosmetics
  • Low-quality cosmetic products
  • Absence of proper personal hygiene
  • Stresses and nervous tension throughoutlong time
  • Breaking the hormonal background
Purulent pimple on the cheek

Why do not pass the pimples oncheeks?

  • The most important thing in the treatment of acne is to correctly determine the cause of their appearance. A big mistake is trying to eliminate the symptom, not the problem. So, in time detected, for example, the disease zhkt requires treatment.
  • If acne is a symptom of skin problems, cosmetic procedures may not produce the desired result due to improper application. For example, when using a steam bath, do not neglect the final stage of the procedure.
  • Consider the features and type of your skin to choose the right mask and makeup.
  • If you do not follow the basic rules of skin hygiene, neither treatment nor cosmetic procedures will solve the problem.
Why not get acne

How to get rid of acne on the cheeks: treatment

If you are confronted with the problem of the appearance of any types of acne, first visit a dermatologist for an adequate treatment or professional advice.

  • Maintain hygiene, wash necessarily in the morning and in the evening, do not leave make-up on your face for the night, use cleansing products for skin care.
  • Balance nutrition, avoid overly fatty and spicy food, fast food. Introduce in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Make steam baths.
  • You can apply herbal decoctions for washing, for example, the turn and chamomile remove inflammation well.
  • Hand over the tests.
  • If necessary, take a survey of internal organs.
  • Visit specialist doctors - gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, urologist.

Important: It is better and cheaper to find out the cause of the rash in time than to engage in self-medication, as a result of which, at best, do not harm yourself, and at worst you can aggravate the situation.

    For the treatment of acne visit the dermatologist

Remedy for acne on the cheeks

The main thing for the prevention and treatment of acne is to maintain the purity of the skin. Various means can help you in this:

  • Peelings with fruit acids
  • Nourishing masks
  • Moisturizing masks
  • Means with antibacterial effect
  • Cleansing foams and gels

There are also a number of modern techniques and cosmetic procedures:

  • Ozone therapy
  • Microcurrent treatment
  • Mesotherapy
  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser grinding

All of them are used according to the recommendations of a specialist.

The best agents for the treatment of acne are drugs containing a bactericidal component called benzene peroxide.

It can be in the composition of multicomponent agents, gels, creams and contained in various concentrations. It is recommended to start treatment with a concentration of 5%.

Ultrasonic cleaning for acne treatment

Masks from acne on the cheeks

A good adjuvant effect in the treatment of acne is given by folk remedies - lotions, decoctions, masks.

  • Shredded 20 tablets of streptocid mixed with aloe juice until pulp is obtained. Add a few drops of iodine. Apply on spots acupuncture, for several hours, then rinse with soap.
  • Make pure aloe juice. To do this, put the cut leaves in the refrigerator in a paper bag and leave for a week, then squeeze the juice. Wipe pimples twice a day.
  • 1 p.a. Powder of blue clay mixed with 1 ч.л.lemon juice and 1ch.l.tinctures of calendula. Add the boiled water to the creamy condition. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix the beaten egg whites with 2 teaspoons.oatmeal or ground oat flakes. Apply the mask on your face and keep until completely dry, then rinse with cool water.
  • Mix 1 tsp.honey with 1 tbsp.juice of onions or potatoes. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes daily.
Masks from acne

Masks from acne at home, video

  • Mar 24, 2018
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