Today we will talk about money.
Someone treats them as a deity, someone calls contemptuously the pieces of paper, someone perceives them as a means to achieve goals, and someone - as a way to organize a decent life.
But, as people and bills do not belong to people, they will always think over how how to attract money .
I will not tell you the trivial truth about what you need to work and earn, so that your purse rustled bills - it goes without saying.
We will talk with you about the little secrets that will help attract money at the energy level.
"Attract money? Here's another! Let the hucksters soar! »
Money is something without which it is impossible to live a full life, what contributes to the realization of our desires, what acts as a guarantee of a quiet and prosperous life.
And let some argue that happiness is not in money, because with their help one can not acquire the most important things( love, health, happiness), I categorically disagree.
Usually such truths are pushed either by losers who, instead of striving for good incomes and providing themselves with a decent life, drop their hands and convince themselves that it is easy to live without money, or really highly spiritual persons, to whom everything worldly is alien.
The last group, by the way, is very small, and it's not worth to be equal to the lousy losers.
Do not listen to those who say that trying to attract money will not make you happy.
Having a large amount on the account, you can get very much:
- love - wealthy men have much more chances to meet their love and make their family life happy than those who earn a penny;
- health - just for the sake of interest, find out how much is the simplest operation and how much is the medicine in the pharmacy today?
- happiness - having money, you can decorate your life with traveling, shopping, visiting restaurants with exquisite cuisine and many others, which makes people happier.
Well, dear readers( by the way, why are not you subscribers yet?), I convinced you that the ability to attract money is very useful?
To attract money, you need to form the right attitude to them
I think some people who read the previous section, formed the view: "Here, mercenary stinker, I'm just thinking about the money and thinks, on their heads for them will go."
I will disappoint you: in my relations with money I have harmony and mutual understanding - which is what I wish for you.
I live here by such rules, which, by the way, help to attract money:
Money is not a goal. This is the way to achieve goals.
You can never turn into a greedy Scrooge and save, save, save.
- To money you need to form the right attitude: they can not be despised, but it's also not worth idolizing.
Charity is an important part of life.
You do not have to be rich to help people.
With every salary you need to save at least 10%.
The amount of your savings will grow, attracting more money.
- You can not talk about finances, which proceed in a negative direction: do not complain and do not listen to complaints in the spirit of "these accursed banks demand a loan repayment," "the rich are fattening, but we count every penny", "robbers tax the last" andetc.
- You can not complain about the lack of money.
- You can not brag about your earnings.
- Do not try to earn money by dishonest means and do not need to gamble.
Spends and revenues need to be balanced.
Planning in writing follows both.
- Thank you for what you have, but always strive for the best.
Popular signs how to attract money
I do not know how you feel about the people's signs: they believe in or believe in superstitions that are not the place in the 21st century, but I believe that when it comes to such an important topic as raising money, you need to use all possible ways.
Our ancestors believed that it would be possible to attract money if:
- If you receive a salary or any other profit, you can not spend it on the same day - the whole amount should be spent at home, so postpone any purchases the next day.
- By the New Year, you need to put in order all your financial affairs: all the debts are to be distributed, the debtors are to receive the full amount.
You can not start a week( Mon) with a loan, you should not lend even a small amount in Tues.
Do not give up on Fri.
It is not necessary to transfer money or a purse through the threshold of an apartment building or another building.
This advice, incidentally, is relevant in any situation, because my grandmother taught me from childhood that it is impossible to pass anything through the threshold.
- "Random" money( won or found) must be spent without rest in a short time and necessarily for something good not only for yourself, but for others.
Where can I get money if I do not have it?
There are other people's signs how to attract money, but I offer you those in which I believe and which I use myself.
Maybe you also know some sensible signs, so share them in the comments.
I'm very interested.
How to attract money to a wallet?
A wallet is an important tool in attracting money, because coins and bills spend most of the time there.
Here are some tips on how to choose a purse:
- It should be beautiful and please you personally, so do not order a purse for someone as a gift if you are not sure about the result.
The ideal color that attracts money - brown, red, burgundy, black, blue, orange, sand.
As you can see, the choice is great, the main thing is that between the wallet and its owner there was an energy link.
- It is better to buy a purse, made of genuine leather, with decorative gold-plated or silver-plated items.
- Purse should be quality and expensive - do not save on the house for your money.
You should not choose very miniature purses, in which the bills are stored folded several times.
Money in your house should feel comfortable.
How to manage money?
It is important not only to choose the right wallet, but also to store the money in it correctly in order to attract them to the new house as much as possible:
- You need to arrange banknotes face to face by sorting them at face value.
- The purse must contain a talisman: a lucky coin or a bill, which you can not spend in any case.
The wallet should never be left.
Let there be 2 hryvnia and 50 kopecks, but you can not spend them until you replenish the stocks.
- Regularly put things in order in a purse: throw out old checks, sort out bills, etc.
- Take the money from your wallet with your left hand, and give them - the right one.
And how to attract money according to the art of feng shui,
, see the video below. It will be interesting:
Tips of rich people how to attract money
Rich people became such not by a lucky coincidence of circumstances, but because they worked hard, were not afraid to take risks, try something new and knew how to attract money.
Here are 5 tips, subtracted and written out by me in a separate notebook, from the richest people of the planet:
You can not spend more than you earn.
If you are short on life - either cut costs, or increase income.
- Money should work, and not just lie in a meaningless load - constantly look for profitable sources for investment.
We need to invest in our development: educated, buying books, traveling, visiting museums, exhibitions, concerts, theatrical productions, etc.
This is an excellent investment in yourself and a way to attract money.
If you managed to earn a large sum of money one day, do not think that it will provide you for life.
It must be constantly multiplied.
- Do not live to earn, earn to live.
It is important to remember, how to attract money , because it will help you to financially secure your future.