Bad and good cholesterol in the blood test: the norm and elevated levels

The chemical composition of the blood should remain normal, otherwise the general state of health deteriorates sharply, worries with alarming complaints. Structural unit of steroids and lipids is considered to be cholesterol - a natural fatty alcohol of viscous structure. It is produced in high concentration by the liver and further enters the body with a meal.

Norm of blood cholesterol level

To maintain the general condition at a satisfactory level and ensure the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies, this parameter should be monitored. The total cholesterol index covers the limits of 3-6 mmol / l. The acceptable level for women and men is somewhat different, as evidenced by the data presented below. There are differences in the norm limits for the adult and the child, allowing to judge the specificity of each organism.

In women,

When talking about LDL, the interval for 1.92-4.5 mmol / L is considered the norm for the female body, whereas the criterion for estimating HDL is close to 0.86-2.28 mmol / l. These figures may differ, due to chronic illnesses, age-related changes or individual characteristics of the body. For example, the norm of HDL and LDL in the blood during pregnancy is abnormally low, and doctors do not pay much attention to such deviations from the results of clinical studies.

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For men

The cholesterol in the blood of representatives of the stronger sex also has its own characteristic differences. In the laboratory study of LDL, the limits of 2.25-4.82 mmol / L are allowed, whereas the normal HDL-C ratio corresponds to an interval of 0.7-1.73 mmol / L.Elevated HDL cholesterol pushes thoughts about problems with cardiac activity or vessels, development of atherosclerosis, ischemia of the heart is not ruled out.

Interpretation of the analysis for cholesterol

For the detection of cholesterol level, a special laboratory study is proposed. Biochemical blood analysis of "good" and "bad" cholesterol helps determine the ratio of these components, reveal hidden diseases, progressing pathological processes, and in a timely response save a patient's life. The decipherment received on hands, can confirm or deny medical guesses, accelerate statement of the final diagnosis.

Good cholesterol

High-density lipoproteins determine "good cholesterol" of blood, which has become a productive prevention of cardiovascular pathologies, atherosclerosis. This is an important structure of the protein complex, and its elevated blood count forms a lasting defense against an extensive heart attack. The acceptable value is no more than 1 mmol / l. Among other useful properties of good cholesterol, specialists distinguish the following points:

  • obtaining from plaques of atherosclerotic good cholesterol;
  • taking free HDL-P from the cell surface;
  • advance into the body filter of good cholesterol for further processing, conversion.

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

This indicator of extensive medical practice is known as "bad cholesterol".It is known that LDL carries the "building material" produced by the liver to the cells. If the indicator is above the permissible limit, the risk of recurrence of heart diseases increases. Vascular walls lose their habitual elasticity, they are unable to pass through the required portion of the systemic blood flow. If you do not reduce the bad LDL cholesterol, the health effects are adverse.

There are positive functions of natural fatty alcohol. Bad cholesterol helps cleanse blood from intoxication products, strengthens the immune system weakened by the underlying disease. Its presence is welcomed in the chemical composition of the biological fluid, but in strictly limited quantities, according to the norms. Lipoproteins of low density for a healthy organism correspond to an allowable concentration of 3-3.5 mmol / l.

Atherogenicity index

This is another important indicator of the chemical composition of blood, which is responsible for the patient's well-being and health. The index of atherogenity reflects the real clinical picture of the sick organism, as it determines the ratio between good and bad cholesterol. To understand its content in the blood, there is a medical formula that doctors use to prepare a transcript of the biochemical blood test. It looks like this:

Atherogenicity coefficient =( OK - HDL) / HDL, where OXC is the established general indicator within the norm.

The reason for the abnormal result is an increase in the level of bad cholesterol, accompanying its cardiovascular pathologies. The lowered value also raises certain doubts about your health, since it indicates the formation of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques. Both clinical pictures require immediate treatment, lifelong adherence to elementary prevention rules.

The ratio of bad and good cholesterol

First thing to remember is that this organic compound takes a direct part in the structure of cells, the process of systemic blood flow and the synthesis of sex hormones. To exclude the decrease in vital activity and endurance of the body, it is required to maintain the indicators of bad and good cholesterol at a stable level in accordance with the table of permissible values."Good" cholesterol shows:

  • for women 2.28 mmol / l;
  • in men - 1.63 mmol / l.

"Bad" cholesterol shows:

  • for the male body 4.8 mmol / l;
  • for women - 4.51 mmol / l.

The ratio of poor and good indicators can be obtained by mathematical division, and the finished result is the main criterion for assessing the real state of the organism. The ideal option is the coefficient of 6, which excludes the risk of atherosclerosis, other vascular diseases. If the value obtained is higher than this, it's time to see a doctor and already medically reduce the deviation from the norm. Otherwise, atherosclerotic plaques are formed in the vascular cavity.

How to pass the test for cholesterol correctly

It is not necessary to ask prematurely the global question of how to lower bad and good cholesterol. The first step is to take a blood test to study the chemical composition of the biological fluid, its specificity. The content of bad and good cholesterol depends on proper preparation for laboratory testing, compliance with all rules and medical prescriptions. It is important to know the following:

  1. The required portion of biological material is taken in the morning on an empty stomach to significantly reduce the sugar index.
  2. The use of "bad" foods is strictly prohibited 8 hours before the study.
  3. 2-3 days before taking the analysis from the daily diet, it is necessary to remove calorie and fatty foods, reduce portions of consumed sugar.
  4. The day before the survey, it is required to limit the consumption of any alcoholic beverages. This rule applies even to beer, low-alcohol cocktails.
  5. Smoking for an hour before taking blood for good and bad cholesterol is also strictly prohibited, otherwise the result will be unreliable.
  6. Menstruation is not considered a relative contraindication to the conduct of this study, does not affect a bad and good indicator.
  7. Apply for diagnostics better in the laboratory, where the fence was previously taken, otherwise the reaction of the body to chemical reagents may be the most unpredictable.
  8. Before taking the test, consult a doctor beforehand, temporarily removing individual medications from your daily routine.

These are simple rules, the observance of which on the eve of blood sampling for bad, good cholesterol guarantees a stable and maximally truthful result. Such preparatory measures exclude repeated laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis, which means: the patient is allowed to enter into intensive care strictly according to the indications. To ensure a low error rate, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Early in the morning the patient is in the laboratory to take the material on an empty stomach.
  2. The doctor uses a thin disposable syringe, receiving from the vein a 5 ml blood sample.
  3. Having performed a blood test for cholesterol, it is important to lie down for 10-15 minutes in a horizontal position, otherwise your head may become dizzy when walking.
  4. Do not return to bad habits for another 3-4 hours, confine yourself to a light snack.
  5. Doctors recommend after the analysis to eat a bar of chocolate.

Video: How to boost good cholesterol

  • Mar 24, 2018
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