Food colorings

First of all, people appreciate the taste in cooked food. However, it is also undeniable that the appearance of the culinary masterpiece seriously affects the popularity of the dish, especially for cafes and restaurants. After all, a spectacularly decorated dish looks much more appetizing. You can decorate the dish with herbs or skillfully made flowers from vegetables, grated nuts, chocolate chips or cream - there are many ways. But sometimes this is not enough.

Before the emergence of modern food technology and related opportunities, people used mainly natural dyes - juices of vegetables and berries. Today, synthetic food colors are used by almost all famous food producers. After all, the use of dyes helps to make food more appetizing and attractive for customers.

A completely logical question arises: "Are dyed products dangerous for the human body?", As beauty is known to require sacrifice. Let's understand.

Natural dyes: nice and useful!

You can use natural dyes to prepare colorful dishes. Mixing these "colors", it will not be difficult to get almost any shades.

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  • Red color can be obtained with products such as tomatoes, pomegranate or cranberry juice or sweet pepper.
  • Bordeaux color will help to achieve the ordinary beet.
  • A pink shade can be obtained with the help of beet or cranberry juice of low concentration.
  • A saturated orange color will give food tomato paste and carrots.
  • As a yellow dye perfect saffron - for example, you can give an interesting color of rice, or sweet Bulgarian pepper.
  • Green colors will add green peas, greens and mashed spinach.
  • Blue shade will give a combination of egg whites or boiled rice and red cabbage juice.
  • Lilac color is obtained if the protein is colored with beet juice, and violet - with red cabbage juice.

With simple products, you got your own rainbow in the kitchen!

Are chemical dyes harmful?

Let's talk now about "chemistry".Food colors - this is the basis of the list of "yeshki" - dangerous food additives. During storage and heat treatment, conventional products lose their natural color, and color additives can not only restore the original color of the product, but also make it even brighter.

E-inks are widely used to impart a beautiful appearance to soft drinks, confectionery and even ice cream. Today, even with a strong desire, it is already impossible to completely abandon the dyes, and we use them every day, without knowing it ourselves.

Unlike natural dyes, synthetic dyes do not contain vitamins, in addition they have neither taste nor smell. But they can paint products in any very bright color.

It can not be said unequivocally that if the dye is unnatural, it will necessarily harm the human body. However, the usefulness of these substances, to put it mildly, is questionable. Of course, this is not a very weighty argument that will force you to abandon synthetic dyes. But in any case, it will be superfluous to know what can be replaced by useless( and perhaps, all the same, harmful) supplements. This will only benefit you and your loved ones.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 24, 2018
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