The increased sensitivity of teeth is expressed in painful sensations with the intake of cold and hot food, as well as sweet and sour food products.
In dentistry, this phenomenon is called hypersensitivity of the teeth or hyperesthesia. The problem not only brings discomfort, it can be the first signal of serious dental abnormalities, so it is important to find out the cause of its occurrence and only then to figure out what to do and how to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.
- Causes of hyperesthesia
- Treatment with a dentist
- Remineralization and fluoridation
- Ionophoresis
- Films Diplen
- What can I do at home?
- Remineralizing gels
- Paste for sensitive teeth
- Folk remedies
- General recommendations
Causes of hyperesthesia
The main cause of hypersensitivity of teeth is damage to the enamel. The protective layer opens the dentin, which contains nerve endings. With a sharp change in temperature or acidity in the oral cavity, they begin to react, causing pain. Most often this is due to the following factors:
presence of carious defects;
- appearance on the enamel of demineralized areas, which appear as white spots;
- accelerated abnormal abrasion of the teeth;
- wedge-shaped defects in the neck of the teeth;
- exposure of the necks and roots of the teeth during periodontitis.
All the above-mentioned causes are associated with a change in the structure of the teeth, their appearance. These conditions are problematic and require specific treatment. There are situations when hyperesthesia occurs in the absence of visible causes. Then it can be due to:
using whitening toothpaste .Pastes with a high abrasive index when the instructions are not observed can damage the enamel. They contain substances that wash out calcium, as well as large particles that deplete the protective layer;
- with an incorrect supply of .The lack of minerals adversely affects the enamel, and many food products can adversely affect the surface layer. Citrus fruits, as well as juices prepared on their basis, and wines contain acids that wash out calcium from the enamel. Because of this, the surface of the teeth becomes porous and reacts faster to the presence of irritants. Carbonated drinks and sweet, also contribute to demineralization;
by the passage of of professional teeth cleaning .Under the calculus, the enamel is weakened, and there is a shortage of important minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus and fluorine. After the hard deposits are removed, the cervical teeth remain poorly protected, since the enamel is thin on them. It is important to immediately take a course of remineralization and follow all the advice of the dentist;
- bad habits of .In cigarette smoke contains a large number of toxic substances that destroy enamel. Even such habits as gnashing of teeth and the urge to gnaw nails can lead to the fact that the teeth will become very sensitive. With frequent contact on the enamel, microcracks are formed, which do not have time to recover.
Treatment at the dentist
If the first signs of increased sensitivity of teeth occur, it is better to consult a dentist who will identify the true cause of the problem and prescribe the right therapy. Before you treat, sometimes you have to eliminate the cause, and only then start to restore the enamel.
Remineralization and Fluorination
Remineralizing therapy involves saturation of enamel with calcium. For this, special drugs are used that are applied to the surface of the teeth. It is important to accompany this procedure with fluorination. So, the effect will be at times better. This is due to the fact that calcium when it enters the enamel turns into hydroxyapatite. The substance strengthens the protective layer, but it is quickly washed out under the influence of acids.
By resorting to fluoridation immediately after the remineralization procedure, hydroxyapatite is transformed into fluorine-hydroxyapatite, which has more stable properties with respect to acids. This method is ineffective in the presence of caries or wedge-shaped defects.
One of the most popular means for performing the procedure for increasing the sensitivity of enamel is " Enamel-sealing liquid Tiefenfluorid ".The German preparation consists of two ampoules: the first is applied a substance rich in calcium hydroxide, the second containing fluorine. After two procedures the enamel will be restored, why the hyperesthesia of hard tooth tissues will cease to disturb.
In severe cases, the dentist can prescribe iontophoresis. The method involves the use of drugs under the influence of galvanic current. Due to the momentum of the salt penetrate deeper into the surface tissue and form denser compounds. Most often during the procedure, the following medicines are used:
- calcium gluconate solution .For children, 5% solution is used, for adults - 10%.The course consists of 10-12 procedures, the duration of each is 15-20 minutes;
- solution Fluoxal .The active substance is sodium fluoride. Before its application, the surface of the teeth is dried, protected from ingress of saliva. Apply the cotton swabs to the affected areas and leave them for three minutes;
- Belaq-F .The agent is a fluoride-based lacquer with an analgesic property. The substances in the composition strengthen enamel and other tooth tissues, as well as reduce their permeability. This substance is more often prescribed for wedge-shaped defects and traumatic lesions.
After the procedure at the dentist, the remaining course can be carried out at home, using special kapy impregnated with medicinal product.
Films Diplomat
Not so long ago a wide range of films for teeth, normalizing the sensitivity of teeth by enriching and strengthening enamel, appeared. Thin strips on the inside are impregnated with a drug substance. They are very flexible and plastic, easy to attach to the teeth. Apply the film for half an hour and longer, it is almost imperceptible on the teeth. After the first procedure, a marked decrease in sensitivity is felt.
What can I do at home?
To reduce hyperesthesia it is possible and at home. For this, remineralizing gels and toothpastes for sensitive teeth are used. Traditional medicine also offers many recipes.
Remineralizing gels
In case of a problem with increased sensitivity of teeth it is recommended to remineralize at home in addition to dental procedures. To do this, there are gels saturated with calcium, which contribute to the accelerated recovery of enamel. The most popular home care products for sensitive teeth are the R.O.C.S.Medical Minerals and Elmex gel .
The agent is applied in small amount to the surface of the teeth and left on for 30-45 minutes .Some consumers complain that the gels are unstable due to increased salivation during their use. This problem can be solved with the help of cap. It is enough to apply a thin layer of gel on the inside and to do the necessary tasks. The effect of this procedure is noticeable, but with severe forms of hyperesthesia, this method must be resorted to daily.
Paste for sensitive teeth
A prerequisite for hypersensitivity of teeth is compliance with hygiene rules, and the choice should be given solely in favor of toothpastes for sensitive teeth. They are enriched with minerals, in particular, potassium, calcium, fluorine, strontium. The following pastes are very popular:
- Sensodin F;
- PRESIDENT Sensitive;
- Lakalut Extra sensitive.
There are also special hygiene products based on bischofite. Their main task is to block the emergence of cracks and tubules that denude the dentin. Often these pastes are used for periodontal disease.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine is not able to get rid of the problem, but it can help in reducing pain.
- The tea tree oil has excellent antimicrobial and analgesic properties. This means strengthens the enamel and gum, so it is recommended to use it for hyperesthesia.
The drug can be bought at a pharmacy. It is enough to dilute three drops on a glass of water and rinse the mouth cavity several times a day. Particularly good for preventing caries and periodontitis. - Decoction of the oak bark is considered no less effective in controlling hypersensitivity of teeth. For its preparation, a tablespoon of ground raw material is added to a glass of water and brought to a boil. After boiling, the product is removed from the fire, cooled and filtered. Rinse with decoction on the oak bark after each meal.
- Chamomile and sage help in the fight against the pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity, so infusion on their basis can be used for hyperesthesia. On a teaspoon of grass add to a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. The product will relieve pain and strengthen the protective layer of teeth.
Do not forget about the right food, rich in vitamins and trace elements. Special attention should be paid to products containing calcium: milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. The substance is well absorbed only in combination with vitamin D, so it is better to include it in the complex of medications taken. Of great importance are vitamins C and E, they are abundant in fruits, berries and vegetables.
General recommendations of
People with sensitive teeth should monitor the condition of the oral cavity and adhere to a number of rules. These include:
- rejection of hard toothbrushes and pastes with a high abrasiveness index;
- using toothpastes for sensitive teeth, as well as special mouthwashes saturated with fluoride;
- regular sanitation of the oral cavity;
- procedures for remineralization and fluoridation, if necessary, and the course of electrophoresis;
- use of protective ointments and gels for enamel;
- refusal of teeth whitening procedure;
- proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits.
Increased sensitivity of teeth can bring a lot of discomfort and become the beginning of dental problems caused by thinning of enamel. To avoid this, it is necessary to consult a specialist and identify the cause, as well as undergo a course of medical procedures. Preventive measures and the right way of life will preserve the integrity of the enamel for a long time.
Comments of the dentist about the problem of sensitivity can be seen below: