Candidiasis stomatitis: treatment and prevention

Candidiasis is a frequent phenomenon, to which children are more exposed. This is one of the most common types of disease, as it depends on the body's resistance.

Even the slightest failure of the immunity can trigger the activation of Candida fungi.

This form of the disease rarely flows into a complicated form in adults, but still you should not delay with treatment and try to take care of the body in every way so as not to get sick again.


  • Causes and factors that cause the development of the disease
  • Features of the clinical picture
    • Acute form of violation
    • Chronic course of the disease
  • What does medicine offer?
    • Topical treatment
    • Systemic drugs
    • Folk remedies
    • Special diet
  • Features of manifestation and treatment in infants
    • How to help the baby?
  • Prophylaxis

Causes and factors that cause the development of the disease

Species Candid

Candidiasis occurs in the case of active growth of

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fungi of the genus Candida .The most common type is Candida albicans, but thrush can develop from Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis.

This genus of fungi in its functioning resembles yeast. Candida is a part of the healthy microflora of the human mouth, but under certain conditions they begin to multiply intensively, resulting in a white coating. And the standard form of the disease is taking place.

The catalyst for fungal growth may be as follows:

  1. Weakening of the immune system .Strong immunity prevents active reproduction of the fungus, but as soon as it fails, the probability of occurrence of stomatitis of this species increases dramatically.
  2. Non-compliance with oral hygiene .Particular attention should be paid to people who wear dentures or braces. There are mandatory procedures for dental care, which must be done systematically.
  3. Xerostomia or dry mouth. Typically, such a problem arises from the abuse of tooth elixirs or the frequent use of toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate throughout the day. Also xerostomia is peculiar to people suffering from Sjogren's syndrome.
  4. Hormonal failures of .The change in the level of hormones and their quality affects the microflora of the oral cavity. This can provoke the growth of Candida fungi and cause thrush. Disease for this reason are susceptible to pregnant and lactating women, who often have hormonal bursts;
  5. Taking and antibiotics as a spray. The described drugs have a very strong effect, so they affect the microflora of the mouth, killing both harmful and beneficial bacteria. On this soil can develop candidal stomatitis, so doctors prescribing antibiotics also medication to restore the useful environment.
  6. The elderly .In the elderly, the immune system reacts worse to the appearance of reagents that cause the disease.
  7. Childhood period .In the first weeks of life the microflora in the mouth of the baby is not yet formed, the body is just beginning to adapt to new conditions. All this affects the mucous membrane of the mouth, so thrush is often a companion of babies. Often a child can get the disease from an infected mother during passage through the birth canal.
  8. The presence of HIV infection in the body. By itself, the disease blocks the work of immunity, which is a fertile breeding ground for fungi.
  9. Increased blood sugar level .People with diabetes often encounter systematic treatment of candidal stomatitis. The sugar level, exceeding the normal parameters, creates good conditions for the course of the disease.

The provoking factors also include:

  • is an allergic reaction to a product;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • oral diseases: parodontosis, caries, gingivitis and others;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • nerve disorders;
  • genetic predisposition.
Candidiasis can develop in both a baby and an adult. This kind of oral disease can be called one of the most common because of the many factors that can provoke it.

Features of the clinical picture

It was previously said that candidiasis occurs when the fungi multiply actively. In the initial stage of the disease appears white coating on the inner area of ​​the cheeks, on the gums, the sky, the tongue. It is rapidly increasing in volume, but it is easy to remove. In this case, under the whitish layer will remain inflamed patch.

General symptoms are common for stomatitis of this species, but there is a separation of candidiasis depending on the nature of the course.

Acute form of disorder

Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis occurs in infants, often occurs in premature infants. Reduced immunity and transferred infectious diseases, indigestion also contribute to the emergence of this form of stomatitis.

It is also called thrush because of its characteristic milky color. First, there are uneven spots on the tongue, which expand throughout the mouth and resemble the curd mass more consistently.

A child may get a thrush from the mother during labor or breastfeeding, and also because of contact with household items not disinfected properly. In adults, thrush may appear due to negligent attitude towards the disinfection of prostheses. Improper hygiene is an ideal condition for the growth of Candida fungi.

Chronic course of the disease

Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis( pictured left) develops in people with severe blood diseases or with tuberculosis, and also after prolonged use of antibiotics. Symptoms are similar to pseudomembranous candidiasis, but they are more pronounced.

The plaque is more dense, quickly merges into a single thick layer first white, then with a yellowish tinge. There is swelling and redness of the mucous membrane.

This kind of candidal stomatitis causes dryness in the oral cavity, because of which there is burning and painful sensations.

What does medicine offer?

Since the disease is provoked by the growth of fungi, the main task is to normalize the microflora by destroying candidiasis. Depending on the type of disease, different drugs are used. An integrated approach to treatment allows to achieve a positive effect in the shortest possible time.

Local treatment

When a diagnosis of fungal stomatitis is made the doctor first prescribes a local treatment. For him, use rinse liquids, ointments, gels, sprays, which have a direct effect on the mucosa of the oral cavity. There are two groups of topical drugs that have the most effective effect:

  • antimycotics;
  • antiseptics.

They treat the oral cavity at least three times a day after each meal. Among the effective antimycotics are:

  1. The levorin acts through the adhesion of the drug to the cells of the fungi. It is assigned to an adult in a 1: 500 solution to rinse the mouth for three weeks.
  2. Amphotericin is similar in its principle of action to Levorin, only it has a different active substance.
  3. Nystatin has a direct effect on the introduction into the cell of the fungus and its destruction. The drug is not recommended to be used simultaneously with drugs containing clotrimazole.
  4. A good antiseptic is Candide .It includes clotrimazole, which kills mushroom cells. He is appointed not only for adults but also for children. The solution is applied with a cotton swab( 10-20 drops) to the previously cleaned white patches of affected areas 3-4 times a day. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms are completely eliminated. The drug is not intended for rinsing the mouth.
  5. Geksoral has an antiseptic effect, coping with strains of fungi and exerting an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane. The hexethidine incorporated into the composition adheres to the mucosa and prevents the reproduction of fungi. It is prescribed by the course, it is forbidden for admission to children under three years old.

Also for local treatment solutions are used from potassium permanganate, iodine water or boric acid.

Systemic preparations

Than to treat a candidiasis, if local treatment does not bring any results? The dentist or mycologist prescribes systemic treatment:

  1. Fluconazole is considered preferable against the background of others, as it is aimed at suppressing the reproduction of fungi, while maintaining the microflora necessary for the oral cavity.
  2. Ketonazole prevents the formation of bonds between fungi, due to which there is no multiplication of fungi, already existing cells quickly die off.
  3. Intraconazole has a similar effect. General treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, since all drugs have their limiting doses, most of them are not recommended in childhood.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of children, people often resort to folk methods, as they are natural and safe.

Often used decoctions based on anti-inflammatory and bactericidal plants, among which:

  • burdock root;
  • Oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • sage.

Breasts are not able to rinse their mouth by themselves, so they can be treated with mucous membranes with vegetable oils.

You need to choose hypoallergenic plants, usually use rose hips, sea buckthorn or olive. The oil is wetted with a cotton swab and damaged areas are treated.

Efficient baking soda, 2-3 tablespoons diluted in a glass of warm water, this solution rinse the mouth after each meal.

Tetraborate sodium is made on the basis of boric acid and also has antifungal and antiseptic effects.

Special diet

Correctly selected and balanced nutrition can help reduce the period of candidal stomatitis. Since in the course of the disease the mucous membrane is inflamed, it is recommended to eat porridges, pates, minced meat and mashed potatoes. This will significantly reduce pain.

In addition, doctors recommend refraining from sweet, spicy and too salty foods. It is better to cook in accordance with the children's menu or use ready-made baby food. Do not eat too hot food, as this will only increase the sensitivity of the tissues.

When candidal stomatitis is not recommended to use sour-milk products, as this helps to activate the reproduction of bacteria. It is obligatory after each meal to rinse, so as not to create a favorable environment for the growth of candidiasis.

The abundance of juices, compotes and fruit drinks is not only an opportunity to strengthen immunity, but also affect the positive dynamics of treatment.

Features of manifestation and treatment in infants

On the photo fungal stomatitis in infants

Breasts are especially prone to fungal stomatitis, while infants have a severe illness. According to statistics, premature babies fall ill twice as often as children born on time.

The rate of candidiasis increases at times. After the appearance of redness in the mouth, after a couple of hours they are covered with a white coating. It is formed everywhere: on the tongue, cheeks, gums, larynx, sky. Inflamed areas crack and bleed.

A child can not eat and sleep, stomatitis is accompanied by an increase in temperature. A critical situation will be intoxication and urgent hospitalization. Dangerous is the appearance of sores, which can infect not only the oral cavity, but the entire body.

How to help the baby?

Treating thrush in infants should be performed under the supervision of a doctor, most often at home.

Together with the child, the treatment course must be passed by the mother, since often the fungus is transmitted from it and is activated in the child's body because of the yet undeveloped immunity.

Local - soda solution, candida and systemic treatment - Nystatin is used. Nystatin tablet is grinded into a powder, moistened with water and half the dose is applied to the affected oral mucosa 3-4 times a day. You can not use the national means without prescribing a doctor.

Breastfeeders undergo a course of treatment for a month until the symptoms of stomatitis completely disappear. Mom should all this time and after recovery carefully monitor the hygiene of the nipples, the cleanliness of the dishes from which the baby is fed.

Preventative measures

The emergence of candidal stomatitis is an unpredictable circumstance that can be caused by a number of factors. But you can stick to a certain scenario of behavior, which at least partially protects against the disease.

With careful oral hygiene, the use of medications, as well as systematic visits to the dentist, caries or tartar can be avoided, creating favorable conditions for candida growth:

  1. Washing hands before meals and during the day is mandatory.
  2. After taking antibiotics, it is necessary to drink a course of restorative drugs in order to normalize the microflora of the oral cavity( Linex).
  3. The use of fruits and vegetables helps to strengthen immunity, saturates with useful vitamins. It is recommended to reduce the amount of sweet.
  4. Refusal of bad habits will have a beneficial effect on the health of the oral cavity and the whole body.
  5. Before giving birth, a woman should undergo preventive treatment so that the disease is not transmitted to the baby.
  6. Breast milk is rich in antibodies, which increase the resistance of the child's organism to all kinds of bacteria.
  7. Children's household items are recommended to be boiled before use for at least 20 minutes, and stored in the refrigerator, since bacteria reproduce poorly at low temperatures.
  8. The use of multivitamins will help to maintain immunity at the proper level in dangerous seasonal periods.

This disease is unpleasant, so no one wants to face it. Adherence to preventive measures and a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid this disease or reduce the manifestation of symptoms to a minimum.

When the first signs appear, it is better to consult a doctor and to approach the treatment in a complex way. This is especially important when it comes to young children, since they are at risk.

  • Mar 24, 2018
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