Let's start with the question: Have you ever seen children 2-3 years old who have no teeth? Probably, no one saw.
Naturally, there are some standards, the timing of cutting the first teeth, etc., but there are no standard children.
No one has ever seen them. And all parents on the planet have different children who have their own development program.
Each of them has its own genetic base, some individual features of intrauterine development. Finally, children are fed differently, each of them has his own regime of exposure to the sun, and so on.
Therefore, those parents who are alarmed because their child 6, 7 or more months have no teeth are wrong.
In this article we will try briefly, but comprehensively approach the issue of the appearance of milk teeth, especially drawing attention to why they can appear later than the coveted sixth month.
Contents of
- Why do you need milk teeth?
- Everything begins in the womb
- The first teeth are joy. ..
- . .. and the parents' responsibility
- The specificity of the baby teeth
- The sex of the year is not mandatory
- Deviations from the norm
- Contact the dentist
Why do you need milk teeth?
Few thought about the question: why do small children need small teeth? After all, it would seem, if grows constant at once, then you will not have to suffer. The answer to this question exists and it is quite simple.
The presence of baby teeth means that they have some sense. Their role, in fact, is very important.
In the first years of his life the child is still quite fragile. In his small mouth it is difficult to imagine the presence of 28 permanent huge teeth. This is virtually impossible. Because baby teeth are so small. In addition, they are all 20.
They, what is important, are not as solid as permanent, which is also very important for the still delicate head of the baby.
It all begins in the womb of the
The first formation of milk teeth( their bookmarking) is a process that begins as early as 7-13 weeks of pregnancy.
That is, the expectant mother is just beginning to gradually realize her position and future responsibility as a mother, and inside her the baby has a set of teeth.
As for the germs of the central teeth, they begin to mineralize by the end of the first half of pregnancy. Closer to the end of the second part of the pregnancy period, the coronal parts of the incisors are actually mineralized. Then the rest of the set of baby teeth awaits a similar process.
The first teeth are joy. ..
Our time is the time of acceleration, true, only physical. Therefore, rarely, but there are newborns with already incised central incisors.
As a rule, the first teeth appear in 6 months. Why is that? The fact is that the first six months is the period that nature has given to mother for breastfeeding.
. .. and the responsibility of the parents
Since the moment when the first tooth was cut, the parents should closely monitor the appearance of them. The fact is that teeth appear in pairs, simultaneously and mirror.
There is a certain sequence of their appearance. If everything is normal, then their appearance follows a strict sequence.
In cases where a child has certain teeth did not appear on time, and the next one erupted before the time, you will need to go to the dentist.
Verification is mandatory, because there is a risk that the bite will be broken. Also, the dentist can easily detect the absence of rudiments of specific teeth.
Naturally, if the appearance of the tooth lasted for a month, then you do not need to call for an ambulance. It is fully proved that there are no specific dates for the appearance of teeth. Here is a very strong variation.
Although, if you look at the statistics of recent years, it turns out that there is a tendency to early appearance of teeth.
Specificity of infant teeth
For optimal situation, the baby should use a full set of baby teeth in four years. It is believed that by this time the child must learn to brush his teeth by himself. And before that - it should be done by his parents.
Milky teeth after their appearance will begin to move around a little. The peak of the distance between the baby teeth will come in six to seven years. Sometimes parents are very worried about this. But in vain.
Milky teeth remain the same small, but the jaw of the child is growing, because soon there are permanent teeth.
Parents should be concerned if their baby's teeth are damaged. It is almost impossible to treat them, because their roots actually dissolve to ensure their loss. But still you can not start the inflammatory processes in your teeth.
The sex of the year is not compulsory.
It happens that the kids please their parents with teeth already on the 4th month. Parents never consider such a "deviation" from the norm than something negative.
However, sometimes premature appearance can be provoked, for example, by endocrine disorders. But if the child's teeth are late, and the baby is 7, 8, 9 or even 12 months old, then the parents begin to panic.
The experience of doctors says that the teeth may not be in 1.5 years, and even this situation is not a reason for panic and unnecessary concern for the health of the child. A particular kid has his own pace.
Deviations from the norm
If at the age of eight months the toddler is not yet visible, this may indicate some deviations in development.
Consideration should be given to heredity, individuality. True, the lack of teeth can sometimes be provoked and other factors.
If a child does not grow teeth, this can be caused by the following factors:
- Rickets .This ailment is typical for young children. He is associated with a lack of calcium;he, as we understand, is necessary for the of normal bone formation. From rickets, the retention of the baby tooth develops, in other words - the inability to erupt.
- Shortage of vitamins and microelements .Tooth growth requires fluoride, calcium, as well as vitamins D, B, A, E. If there is a deficit, the development of teeth may be delayed.
- Adentium .This is a pathology, which is that the jaws lack the rudiments of milk teeth. In most cases, this situation is triggered by impaired fetal development still inside the womb. If we refer to the observations of doctors, then we have all the evidence to talk about failures in the formation of hair and nails that accompany adentium.
Small children, as a rule, always stay under regular examination of the pediatrician and neurologist. In those cases when the doctor does not find any deviations from the norms in the development of the child, he is not worried because of the absence of teeth for 7, 8 or 9 months. It is necessary only to wait. They will appear, sooner or later.
We appeal to the dentist
If the parents can not calm down, and the arguments of the pediatrician and neurologist are insufficient, and there are no teeth, it is worth going to a children's dentist.
In his office, parents will receive a panoramic X-ray. This will be the main evidence that the baby's jaw contains the rudiments of baby teeth.
As for the above-mentioned adentia, it is very rare, and it is transmitted, as a rule, by inheritance.
In any case, child care is regular visits to doctors. It is the specialist who can correctly identify the problem that arose from the absence of teeth after a six-month term. Perhaps, there is no problem at all. But if it is present, the doctor will help to solve the problem by creating an integrated therapeutic course.
Finally, remember that baby teeth are also worth providing care. Since the disease of the teeth as a whole has a very negative effect on the state of the body.