Attention - mushrooms!

Autumn forest beckons with its beauty. How pleasant it is to make long walks through the forest, watching the beauty of nature and collecting the forest gifts - mushrooms! But in order not to overshadow your rest and not to harm your health, you should follow certain rules.

To all mushroom lovers for a note

When picking mushrooms, take only those that you are 100% sure of. Everyone has long known that some poisonous and edible mushrooms can be very similar to each other.

In addition, most edible mushrooms have a double mushroom. For example, a white mushroom boletus can be confused with a bile fungus, nicknamed in the people "rabbit lip", bitter mushroom or a false white fungus. Of course, this fungus does not cause acute poisoning, however, even a single instance of its bitterness can spoil the taste of all cooked mushrooms.

Where it is possible and not possible to collect mushrooms

Mushrooms should be collected only in an environmentally safe area, at least 200 meters from busy thoroughfares and smoking factory pipes. You do not want to buy mushrooms at all, because you will never be completely sure which place they were assembled in.

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It is undesirable to collect mushrooms in the metropolis: in parks, in forest belts, squares. The fact is that fungi can actively accumulate toxins, heavy metal salts, pesticides, radionuclides and other chemical compounds dangerous to the body, present in the atmosphere of large cities.

Which mushrooms can not be taken

Older specimens of mushrooms are better not to take, as they can be toxic( due to the ability to absorb any substances from the surrounding nature).

If the fungus is wormy, slippery, dried up, wilted or having mechanical damages, then it should not be taken into the basket. In the event that the variety of the fungus causes you even the slightest hesitation, doubt, give up such a copy - health is not worth risking.

Rules for storage and preparation of mushrooms

Collected mushrooms can not be stored, even in the refrigerator. Not later than several hours after collection, they should be recycled: cleaned, sent to dry, welded or preserved.

To children of preschool age, any mushroom dishes are contraindicated.

It is undesirable to eat mushrooms at the same time as medicines and alcoholic beverages.

Mushrooms contain a sufficient amount of protein, they contain useful micronutrients and some vitamins, however, for the stomach mushroom dishes are heavy enough for processing food. Therefore, eat mushrooms no more than 2-3 times during the week.

If any poisoning occurs. ..

If the slightest symptoms of fungal poisoning( vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, thirst, pain in the stomach, darkening of the consciousness, darkening in the eyes, severe headache, dizziness, palpitations, redness of the skin)first aid. While waiting for doctors to come, it is advisable to wash the stomach with 1.5-2 liters of potassium permanganate solution or saline solution, drink as much warm liquid as possible, and make a cleansing enema if possible.

Do not throw away the mushrooms that caused the poisoning, because, by making their analysis, it will be easier for doctors to determine the type of poison and to prescribe more precise means for neutralization, greatly accelerating the treatment process.

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  • Mar 24, 2018
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